

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

analytical. quantitative. tech.

Chi siamo

Imagine the power of more than 1,500 physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists working as part of a European company with over 20 years of service excellence focused on data science, technology and mathematical modelling – that’s d-fine. Our tasks, projects, clients and working models are diverse. We work as a team on-site at the customer, together at one of our offices or remotely in virtual project rooms. Depending on your d-fine entity, you have the choice between the working models "Blue", "Orange/ Orange Flex" and "Yellow". Find out more about our working models on our website: www.d-fine.com/karriere As a European company with a diverse team made up of analytical minds from over 30 nations, we recognize the importance of diversity for our company and its impact on our corporate success. We are committed to the advancement of women in management positions, actively support the LGBTQ community and stand for a diverse corporate culture without discrimination. In addition to organising presentations and discussions, we take part in trade fairs and other activities to continuously draw attention to these issues and foster a strong awareness of diversity. To expand our Consulting & Solutions teams, we are looking for students/graduates (m/f/d) of physics, mathematics, computer science or natural sciences, engineering and economics with quantitative or technological specializations. Collaboration and cooperation are part of our company philosophy and is reflected in our work structures, employee development and incentive schemes. Further informations about our services: www.d-fine.com Imprint: https://www.d-fine.com/en/service-navigation/imprint/

Sito Web
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza


Dipendenti presso d-fine


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    Welcome to d-fine: We are growing internationally and so are our followers! We want to provide you with the news that are most relevant to your location and interests, and in the language you prefer. In order to do so, we mark our content visually with stamps and organize it by hashtags.   You might like to follow: - #dfineInternational to only read d-fine posts in English - #dfineNordics to get regular updates from our Nordics office (also in Swedish) -The same goes for #dfineItaly, #dfineUK, #dfineAustria and #dfineSwitzerland.   To focus on specific areas of interest, we invite you to choose and follow: #dfineCompany #dfineImpact #dfineCareers   Just click on any d-fine hashtag on our posts to see similar content – and then click on ”follow” to see regular updates in your feed concerning those topics most relevant to you. You have a question or would like additional hashtags? Feel free to post in the comments!

    • company hashtags visualization
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    Wir freuen uns, bei der herCAREER dabei zu sein! 🚀 Besuchen Sie unseren Messestand P.14 in Halle 3. Die herCAREER ist nicht nur eine Messe – sie ist die zentrale Plattform für den Austausch über Karrierewege, Chancengleichheit und Female Empowerment. 🌟 Wir möchten Frauen in der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Beratung dazu ermutigen, ihre beruflichen Ziele zu verwirklichen und ihre Expertise in einem dynamischen Umfeld einzubringen. 📅 17. Oktober, 09:30 – 17:30 Uhr & 18. Oktober, 09:30 – 16:30 Uhr 📌 MOC Veranstaltungscenter München Dr. Ariane C. Boehm, Jennifer Lechner, Franziska Thamann, Christin Seraphin, Charlotte Lueb und Joline Oswald freuen sich auf Ihren Besuch! #dfine #dfineCompany #dfineCareers #JobsOfTheFuture #Events #herCAREER

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    Vi interessa tener d’occhio il panorama dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI), in particolare il campo dei Large Language Models (LLM)? Allora unitevi a noi per una coinvolgente colazione di networking nella splendida location di Copernico Isola, in via Sassetti 32 a Milano! 👋   L'AI e gli LLM sono fondamentali per le aziende in quanto aumentano l'efficienza, promuovono l'innovazione e migliorano i processi decisionali. In questo modo, tali tecnologie permettono alle aziende di rimanere competitive in un mondo sempre più data driven, consentendo servizi personalizzati e risposte più rapide ai cambiamenti del mercato.   L‘AI Breakfast offre l'opportunità di confrontarsi con leader del settore, professionisti e innovatori nel campo dell'AI. I partecipanti avranno la possibilità di scambiare opinioni, promuovere potenziali collaborazioni ed esplorare l'impatto dei LLM in vari settori:   🔷 "LLMs and regulatory science", Ermanno Cavalli, Senior Data Scientist (Autorità Europea per la Sicurezza Alimentare) 🔷 "Introduction to Squirro's AI Platform and Insights into the ECB-Athena Solution", @Dr. Dorian Selz (CEO e Co-Fondatore, Squirro), Jan Schwedhelm (d-fine)     Per la registrazione, rimandiamo al link nei commenti. ⬇️   Saremo lieti di salutarvi al d-fine AI Breakfast! ----- You are interested in the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in the field of Large Language Models (LLMs)? Then join us for an engaging networking breakfast at Copernico Isola, Via Sassetti 32 in Milan! 👋 AI and LLMs are crucial for the industry as they enhance efficiency, drive innovation, and improve decision-making. Thereby, these technologies empower businesses to remain competitive in an increasingly data-driven world, allowing for more personalized services and faster responses to market changes. This event presents an opportunity to engage with industry leaders, professionals, and innovators in the field of AI. Participants will have the chance to exchange insights, foster potential collaborations and explore the impact of LLMs across various sectors: 🔷 “LLMs and regulatory science”, Ermanno Cavalli, Senior Data Scientist (European Food Safety Authority) 🔷 “Introduction to Squirro's AI Platform and Insights into the ECB-Athena Solution”, Dr. Dorian Selz (CEO & Co-Founder, Squirro), Jan Schwedhelm (d-fine) You can register via the link in the comments. ⬇️ We look forward to your participation! #dfine #dfineItaly #dfineInternational #AI #LLMs #Networking #Consulting

    • Vi interessa tener d’occhio il panorama dell'Intelligenza Artificiale (AI), in particolare il campo dei Large Language Models (LLM)? Allora unitevi a noi per una coinvolgente colazione di networking!

You are interested in the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in the field of Large Language Models (LLMs)? Then join us for an engaging networking breakfast!
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    12.429 follower

    “MiCA regulation presents a dual impact: while challenging for smaller players, it provides the regulatory clarity needed for financial institutions to confidently enter the crypto market.” This is one of our key takeaways after participating in a panel and numerous discussions during the European Blockchain Convention in September. Do you agree? What are your insights and challenges pertaining to this topic? We invite you to share in the comments and to discuss your viewpoints with Dr. Matthias Hirtschulz, Head of Blockchain and Digital Assets at d-fine. #dfine #dfineImpact #dfineInternational #Blockchain #MiCa

    • Panel discussion at the European Blockchain Convention.
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    Vertreter von Banken aus ganz Deutschland kamen zusammen, um das Thema ESG Data Management bei unserem Roundtable in Frankfurt zu diskutieren. 💼 Die Vorträge der Teilnehmenden bildeten den perfekten Einstieg in spannende Gespräche zu den folgenden Schwerpunkten: 💡 Integration von ESG-Aspekten in den Kreditprozess – Praxisbeispiele von Dr. Matthias Schuppler, BayernLB 💡 Transparenz über ESG-Daten – Die Bedeutung eines Datenkatalogs 💡 ESG-Datenbereitstellung in der Praxis – Einblicke in die Architekturleitlinien von Dr. Michael Töpler, LBBW, und Marc Daniel Mildenberger, d-fine 💡 Operative Geschäftssteuerung nach ESG-Aspekten mithilfe von Dashboards – von Moritz von Medem, EMBA und Daniel Stepp, d-fine Die Veranstaltung endete mit einem gemeinsamen Abendessen, bei dem sich die Teilnehmenden in kleineren Gruppen weiter austauschten. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten für die offenen und interessanten Diskussionen. Wir freuen uns auf den nächsten gemeinsamen Austausch. #dfine #dfineImpact #DataManagement #ESG

    • Vertreter von Banken aus ganz Deutschland kamen zusammen, um das Thema ESG Data Management bei unserem Roundtable in Frankfurt zu diskutieren.
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    Den Abschluss in der Tasche? 🎓 Bei uns können Sie Ihre erlernten Denkweisen und Kenntnisse in Projekten unserer internationalen Kunden anwenden. Während unserer Veranstaltung erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke und Informationen aus dem Consultant-Alltag. 📅 17. Oktober ⏰ 12:30 – 18:30 Uhr 📌 Eurostars Grand Central München Freuen Sie sich auf interessante Projektvorstellungen, viel Zeit zum Networken und auf leckere Snacks und Getränke. Unsere Kolleginnen Bianca Bohmann, Franziska Thamann und unsere Kollegen Martin Dittgen, Marcel Pommer und Dr. Schneggenburger Christoph freuen sich auf einen gemeinsamen Nachmittag. Für weitere Informationen und zur Anmeldung geht es in den Kommentaren. ⬇️ #dfine #dfineCareers #JobsOfTheFuture #dfineEvents

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    Meet us at the World Aviation Festival! ✈️ Our experts Felix Mölders, Dr. Martin Buchli, Janina Erb, Oliver Wohak and Dr. Thorsten Sickenberger are excited to join the World Aviation Festival in Amsterdam to explore the future of digital and sustainable aviation together with aviation industry leaders! Here is how to connect: 🔹 Visit us at the d-fine booth 1.339 to chat with our expert team. 🔹 Don’t miss our insights on "Breaking data silos for improved airline operations": 📅 October 9 ⏰ 02:55 pm 📌 Digital & IT Track 1, Hall 1, RAI Amsterdam   Reach out and pass by at our booth for a coffee and to discuss airline and airport operations, data management, data analytics and AI, sustainable aviation and much more. See you in Amsterdam! #dfine #dfineImpact #WorldAviationFestival #DigitalAviation #Innovation #Networking

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    dinner, drinks & d-fine – lernen Sie unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen persönlich kennen! Erhalten Sie dabei wertvolle Einblicke und Informationen aus dem Consultant-Alltag. 📅 9. Oktober ⏰ 18:00 – 22:00 Uhr 📌 Restaurant Mediterrane, Karlsruhe Freuen Sie sich auf einen Kurzvortrag von Dr. Moritz Hackenjos zum Thema „Übertragung von Ideen aus den Naturwissenschaften in die Finanzwelt am Beispiel Data Lineage“ zu Beginn des Abends. Welche Fähigkeiten aus dem Studium sind für die tägliche Arbeit mit einem breiten und internationalen Kundenspektrum relevant? Was macht d-fine aus? Wie sieht der Bewerbungsprozess aus? … Bernd Will, Marie Sommermann und Christian Saulich beantworten gerne alle Ihre Fragen. Wir freuen uns auf einen entspannten Austausch bei leckerem Essen! Für weitere Informationen und zur Anmeldung geht es in den Kommentaren. ⬇️ #dfine #dfineCareers #JobsOfTheFuture #dfineEvents

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    Last week we had the opportunity to discuss Large Language models for shopfloor applications at the VDMA Interoperability Summit. 🤖 Our colleagues Florian Löber and Matteo Manek were on-site to present our openAI based Industrial Large-Language-Model Chatbot. The integration of live OPC UA machine data (a standard by the OPC Foundation) allows machine operators to be supported by an intelligent assistant, thereby increasing efficiency and saving costs. Furthermore, Eberhard Wahl (TRUMPF) and Moritz Kompenhans demonstrated how tracking data from a sheet metal production line (based on the omlox standard) can be monetized by using mathematical optimization methods. We thank the VDMA and Andreas Faath as well as his team for a great event and the organization. See you again next year! #dfine #dfineImpact #VDMA #OpenAI #LLM #OPCUA #Shopfloor #Interoperability

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    Spannende Aufgaben, ein großartiges Team, Benefits und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten – das erwartet Sie bei uns! Wir sind fortlaufend auf der Suche nach Verstärkung. 🕵️ Übersicht zu den offenen Positionen: 🚀 Werkstudent (m/w/d) Human Resources - Schwerpunkt Compensation & Benefits 🚀 Junior Controller (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt Reporting 🚀 Specialist (m/w/d) Corporate Tax / International Tax 🚀 Office Manager (m/w/d) für den Standort Zürich 🚀 HR Specialist (m/w/d) – Global Mobility (Social Security Focus) Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Sollte aktuell keine passende Stelle ausgeschrieben sein, können Sie uns Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen jederzeit initiativ zusenden. Unser Stellenportal erreichen Sie über den ersten Kommentar ⬇️ #dfine #dfineCareers #JobsOfTheFuture

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