Confindustria Bari e BAT

Confindustria Bari e BAT

Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro

Chi siamo

Confindustria Bari - Association of industrial manufacturers of the Province of Bari represents and protects the concerns of all enterprises in manufacturing, services, third sector, extractive industry, energy supply, transportation, building, tourism and entertainment by means of continuing and constructive relationships with several public institutions. Among its aims, a particular attention receives internazionalization. A dedicate office provides information and technical assistance to give support for associated firms foreign trade approach. The mission is also to contribute in developing and enhancing firm’s attitude to conquer foreign markets. The Association has been and is engaged in many activities and projects to support the associated firms of the various sector to increase their competiveness in the international markets.

Sito Web
Organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Non profit
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Confindustria Bari e BAT


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