

Consulenza e servizi aziendali

An international development company working with entrepreneurs to find the best pathway to profitable growth globally

Chi siamo

Chatwin is an International Development Company that works with the best entrepreneurs, helping them finding the best path to profitable growth from sales and operations. Chatwin helps technology start-ups achieve great results by providing professional, experienced and relevant support, with the objective of expanding clients' businesses locally and internationally. In order to help our selected companies succeed, we go through the following steps: goal definition, identification of challenges, analysis of the status quo, design of an action plan to find the right resources, staff and financing needed, implementation of the action plan, and ongoing optimization of the plan. Chatwin operates in Europe and in the US. Our international team is comprised of successful entrepreneurs, experienced managers with an international background, and multinational business experts.

Sito Web
Consulenza e servizi aziendali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
International Development Services, Consulting & Business Services, Growth Hacking, Business Development, Go-to-Market Strategy e Proftiability


Dipendenti presso Chatwin


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    1.925 follower

    We are thrilled that our colleague Antonella La Carpia has been named in the list of women who are changing Italy through Innovation by StartupItalia. Chatwin is always at the forefront of supporting the development of the best innovative ventures in the market. Since January, Antonella has built a new market for FRAMEN from scratch, and we are proud of this achievement. #unstoppablewomen!

    Visualizza il profilo di Antonella La Carpia, immagine

    Digital Innovator, Investor, Country Project Lead @Framen | Passionate about AI & Media.

    #UnstoppableWomen 2024! Thrilled to receive this recognition and even more motivated to continue contributing to the MEDIA industry!  I'm particularly excited to dive into new frontiers in #DOOH, a rapidly growing sector with double-digit growth. In the coming days, I'll be sharing insights and lessons I've gathered over the past 9 months at FRAMEN. ABOUT Unstoppable Women 🌸 Every year, Startup Italia creates this list of top: creatives, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, managers, professionals, and startup founders, to highlight the innovative women driving change in Italy 🇮🇹 and looking towards the future. I am honored to be included in this list alongside such incredible profiles. Stay tuned—there’s a lot of exciting news ahead! Thanks StartupItalia e Chiara Trombetta Thanks Chatwin for giving me the opportunity to join FRAMEN on this wonderful new adventure. READ THE ARTICLE 🤌👇🤌

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    1.925 follower

    Visualizza il profilo di Enrico Quaroni, immagine

    CEO & Founder

    We're only a few weeks away from @DMEXCO with Audigent, and I'm excited to connect with industry partners, prospects, and friends! to request a meeting with Audigent or to RSVP to our happy hour click the link below. URL - Na ja, wir sehen uns in Deutschland! @Greg Williams @Jake Abraham @Dave Rosner @Chris Meredith @Walter Aerts @Oliver Hülse @Enrico Quaroni

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    Today is #WorldEntrepreneurDay 🎯 This day celebrates those who have founded a business or are planning to do so, with the aim of raising awareness of doing business in an innovative and sustainable way, exercising creativity and leadership. Chatwin was founded precisely to support all visionary entrepreneurs who want to turn their brilliant ideas into successful businesses, leaving an indelible mark on the market 💪

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    1.925 follower

    ROAR! Today is #WorldLionDay 🦁 A symbol of strength and courage, the lion is our brand because it fully represents our values: as an Innovation Partner for the market and a Growth Partner for clients, Chatwin wants to guide the most innovative entrepreneurs, scale-ups and companies to success with leadership and steadfastness💥

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    1.925 follower

    Are we really sure that the advertising ecosystem protects consumer privacy? The consumer data privacy is not just about data aggregation, but it’s as much about how data gets activated. The ad industry needs to follow 2 rules to ensure consumer protection and avoid the proliferation of unfair privacy practices: 1) All data must be aggregated in a privacy-compliant, consented fashion. This means fully permissioning at the point of collection and/or point of use, with universal opt-outs. 2) The industry needs to ensure security around what gets applied to the bidstream and who can access and read it so that insights cannot be siphoned off. Drew Stein, Founder and CEO at Audigent, gives an overview of the future of data privacy. Find all the details in his Advertising Week article 👉 Dave Rosner Jake Abraham Enrico Quaroni Marco Guglielmin Oliver Hülse Walter Aerts

    The Future of Data Privacy: It’s Not About the Method, It’s About the Activation.

    The Future of Data Privacy: It’s Not About the Method, It’s About the Activation.

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    1.925 follower

    Finally, the ad industry can deliver on purpose-driven media investment thanks to CURATION! Curation is the process of activating data and inventory packages on the supply side through PMPs. This provides buyers complete control over the inventory considered, the data applied and each option in the digital supply path; moreover, it gives brands the ability to assemble inventory partners that match their criteria, at scale, finally making exciting and ambitious purpose-driven pledges a reality. But what is a purpose-driven investment? We can define it with two key terms: - Underrepresented: refers to a marginalized group in at least one part of the advertising supply chain - Recognized: speaks to the need for external validation through auditing or third party validation of the specific purpose-led criteria This is an exciting moment in the advertising industry when the desire, ideas and capabilities required to move the industry forward are aligned! Read the entire ADWEEK article by Dave Rosner, CMO at Audigent, here 👉 Drew Stein Jake Abraham Enrico Quaroni Marco Guglielmin Oliver Hülse Walter Aerts

    The Ad Industry Can Finally Fulfill Purpose-Driven Pledges

    The Ad Industry Can Finally Fulfill Purpose-Driven Pledges

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    1.925 follower

    Creator Economy: pills from the future 💊 We have officially entered the second half of the year, and the #CreatorEconomy and #InfluencerMarketing sector is poised for major changes: 1️⃣ Authenticity 2️⃣ Long-term partnerships 3️⃣ Representation and Social Commitment 4️⃣ Increased use of TikTok 5️⃣ Exclusive content 6️⃣ Entrepreneurship 7️⃣ Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Influencers Read more about them all here 👇 Antonella D'Apolito The Influencer Marketing Factory - Influencer Marketing Agency

    Visualizza il profilo di Antonella D'Apolito, immagine

    Managing Innovation Director & Head of Project The Influencer Marketing Factory presso Chatwin

    💥 Creator Economy: direttamente dal futuro anche questo mese 💥 Qui non ci si annoia mai e la fine dell’anno promette importanti cambiamenti, ecco le tendenze chiave da tenere d’occhio 👇 📍 Autenticità: L'autenticità rimane cruciale. Gli influencer stanno collaborando con meno brand per garantire endorsement più genuini e costruire una fiducia maggiore con il proprio pubblico di riferimento. 📍 Partnership a lungo termine: I brand cercano collaborazioni durature piuttosto che progetti una tantum, permettendo una narrazione più coesa e una maggiore fiducia tra brand e influencer. 📍 Rappresentazione e Impegno Sociale: I consumatori moderni, soprattutto le generazioni più giovani, cercano brand che dimostrano un impegno concreto in diversità e inclusione. Collaborare con influencer di background diversi permette ai brand di supportare comunità storicamente sotto-rappresentate e di promuovere un messaggio di inclusività. 📍 Aumento dell'utilizzo di TikTok: TikTok continua a crescere in popolarità grazie al suo algoritmo che promuove contenuti autentici e coinvolgenti. Si prevede che il numero di utenti globali raggiungerà 1,8 miliardi entro la fine del 2024. 📍 Contenuti esclusivi: I creator stanno diversificando le loro strategie di monetizzazione attraverso contenuti premium, offrendo ai follower un accesso più intimo e privilegiato. Questo permette loro di avere un flusso di entrate più stabile e di costruire comunità più fedeli e coinvolte. 📍 Imprenditorialità: Il fenomeno degli influencer che si trasformano in imprenditori sta diventando sempre più rilevante, aprendo nuove opportunità di partnership per le aziende. Collaborazioni come quelle di GymShark con Whitney Simmons e Hogan con Mariano Di Vaio dimostrano l’enorme successo di queste iniziative. 📍 Intelligenza Artificiale e Influencer Virtuali: L'AI sta rivoluzionando l’influencer marketing, permettendo analisi più approfondite e ottimizzando le strategie in tempo reale. Gli influencer del futuro, generati con AI come Lil Miquela, stanno diventando sempre più popolari, offrendo ai brand un controllo completo sul messaggio e sulla personalità dell'influencer. Anche per questo mese dal futuro è tutto, abbiamo materiale su cui meditare a lungo, almeno fino al prossimo mese 💃 The Influencer Marketing Factory - Influencer Marketing Agency Chatwin

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    Audigent ensures future-proof monetisation of publishers through identity and addressability! In fact, Audigent's Hadron ID is now available to Amazon Publishing Services (APS) customers, a fully interoperable identification framework that links publishers' high-quality inventory to advertisers' demand today, as well as in future environments where cookies are not available. In addition, Hadron ID provides publishers with two other benefits: - seeing demand and addressability together - simplify interaction To find out how this new option will support publishers by delivering demand, monetization, addressability and DMP capabilities, read this Advertising Week article by Jake Abraham, CCO at Audigent: Drew Stein Dave Rosner Enrico Quaroni Marco Guglielmin Oliver Hülse Walter Aerts

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    1.925 follower

    📣 Exciting Partnership Announcement: Chatwin enters the #CyberSecurity market thanks to the strategic collaboration with SoSafe SoSafe, leader in innovative cybersecurity solutions, has chosen Chatwin 's extensive experience for its expansion into the Italian market. 💪 Together we will empower organisations across Italy to protect their digital assets from cyber threats! Jean-Baptiste ROUX Frank Piotraschke Enrico Quaroni Oliver Hülse Niklas Hellemann

    Visualizza il profilo di Enrico Quaroni, immagine

    CEO & Founder

    Exciting Collaboration Announcement!   We are thrilled to announce a strategic collaboration between Chatwin and SoSafe to support SoSafe's expansion into the Italian market!   This partnership brings together Chatwin's extensive market expertise and SoSafe's innovative cybersecurity solutions, aiming to provide Italian businesses with top-notch cybersecurity awareness and training. With cyber threats on the rise, our joint efforts will empower organizations across Italy to protect their digital assets and build a cyber-aware workforce.   Stay tuned for more updates and initiatives from this exciting partnership. Together, we're committed to making Italy a safer place to do business online!   #CyberSecurity #Collaboration #BusinessGrowth #Italy #SoSafe #Chatwin #DigitalSecurity #CyberAware   Visit SoSafe website to learn more about our solutions and how we can help protect your organization. Jean-Baptiste ROUX Frank Piotraschke Oliver Hülse Niklas Hellemann

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