Chi siamo

CA Auto Bank is the digital bank specializing in sustainable mobility. With operations in 19 countries, it combines a wide range of financing, rental and mobility services with innovative and flexible banking products. We bring together a century of solid growth and the driving vision of the Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance group, sole shareholder. A mix of tradition and innovation that allows us to focus on important objectives, such as extending our reach in every sector, from automotive to motor vehicles, to leisure, to marine, to agriculture, to light and heavy commercial vehicles. All this while paying great attention to green mobility. CA Auto Bank, is a digital bank that pursues the two avenues of innovation and sustainability, to improve both the present and the future.

Sito Web
Servizi finanziari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata


Dipendenti presso CA Auto Bank


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    Mitte Juni überreichten Heike Simon, Wiebke Wortmann und Dr. Helmut Schweiker vom Team „Soziales Engagement“ der CA Auto Bank eine Kleiderspende der Mitarbeiter an die Stiftung Lichtenstern, die Menschen mit geistiger oder mehrfacher Behinderung und ihre Familien in der Region Heilbronn und Hohenlohe unterstützt. In der Stern Boutique, einem Second-Hand-Laden der Stiftung, werden die gespendeten Kleidungsstücke neben anderen gebrauchten, aber hochwertigen Artikeln wie Bücher, Spielsachen, Accessoires oder Dekoartikel von einem Team von Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung zu fairen Preisen verkauft. Die Spenden werden immer wieder gerne angenommen und geschätzt. ******************************************************************************* In mid-June, Heike Simon, Wiebke Wortmann and Helmut Schweiker from CA Auto Bank Germany “Social Engagement" team delivered the second-hand clothes collected by employees to Stiftung Lichtenstern, a foundation which supports people with mental or multiple disabilities and their families in the Heilbronn and Hohenlohe area. In the „Stern Boutique“, a second-hand shop of the foundation, the collected clothes as well as other used but high-quality items such as books, toys, accessories and decorative items are sold at fair prices by a team of people with and without disability. Donations are always much appreciated.

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    🎾🏆 Celebrando el Espíritu Deportivo y la Solidaridad 🏆🎾 Estamos emocionados de compartir el resultado de nuestra 1ª edición del Torneo de Pádel Solidario de CA Auto Bank y Drivalia entre empleados, una jornada llena de competencia amistosa, trabajo en equipo y, sobre todo, ¡diversión! Felicidades a los ganadores Andres Bao Patiño y Sergio Ureña. Los campeones no solo demostraron habilidades excepcionales en la pista, sino también un gran corazón. Los ganadores han tenido el honor de elegir la organización benéfica que recibirá el premio, Cáritas Madrid, una entidad social que promueve, orienta y coordina la acción caritativa y social en la Diócesis. Acoge, acompaña y trabaja con las personas en situación de riesgo o exclusión social, acompañando e interviniendo de forma integral, para que éstas sean protagonistas de su propio desarrollo. Queremos agradecer a todos los participantes por su entusiasmo y espíritu deportivo. ¡Sigamos impulsando la vida activa, el trabajo en equipo y la solidaridad! ••• #CAAutoBankEspaña #DrivaliaEspaña #TorneoDePádel #Solidaridad #TrabajoEnEquipo #CáritasMadrid #RSC ******************************************************************************* 🎾🏆 Celebrating Sportsmanship and Solidarity 🏆🎾 We are excited to share the results of our 1st edition of the CA Auto Bank and Drivalia Solidarity Padel Tournament, which saw our employees engaged in a day full of friendly competition, teamwork and, above all, fun! Congratulations to the winners Andres Bao Patiño and Sergio Ureña. They not only demonstrated exceptional skills on the court, but also a big heart. Both had the honor of choosing the charity that will receive the prize, Cáritas Madrid, a non-profit organization that promotes, guides and coordinates charitable and socially-oriented activities in the Diocese. It welcomes, accompanies and works with people at risk of social exclusion, statying by their side and intervening in an integrated way, so that they can take responsibility for their own development. We would like to thank all the participants for their enthusiasm and sportmanship. Let's continue promoting an active life, teamwork and solidarity! ••• #CAAutoBankSpain #DrivaliaSpain #PadelTournament #Solidarity #TeamWork #CáritasMadrid #CSR

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    Un team di 150 colleghe e colleghi del Gruppo Crédit Agricole Italia, tra cui CA Auto Bank, ha preso parte con entusiasmo alla nuova edizione di BeACTION, la giornata dedicata al confronto su temi chiave e allo sviluppo di networking tra gli over 35 del Gruppo. L'evento si è svolto presso il Green Life di Parma, location suggestiva che ha favorito un clima di condivisione e collaborazione. Oltre ai momenti di confronto formale, la giornata ha previsto anche un'attività di team building che ha permesso ai partecipanti di conoscersi meglio e di rafforzare lo spirito di squadra. BeACTION si conferma un'iniziativa di grande valore per il Gruppo Crédit Agricole Italia, che investe con costanza nella formazione e nello sviluppo dei propri dipendenti. CA Auto Bank, in linea con i valori del Gruppo Crédit Agricole Italia, crede fermamente nell'importanza della crescita e dello sviluppo continuo dei propri collaboratori.

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    CA Auto Bank and Drivalia's new Sustainability Plan also focuses on Innovation and Digitization, areas that are essential to improving both the Bank's internal processes and the use of services offered to customers. Prominent among the goals to be achieved by 2026 is a 75% increase in partnerships with start-ups that share the same values of commitment to sustainable mobility and responsible growth. This is why we created the Digital Factory, an open innovation project aimed at start-ups and SMEs that present innovative solutions in the banking, digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, mobility and sustainability sectors.

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    CA Auto Bank UK had the third and final summer event this week hosting both Royal Enfield and KGM UK at our Slough HQ. This event was a great way to demonstrate the wide variety of vehicle types we provide finance for. The models on display gave staff the opportunity to see the range of vehicles from 2 wheels to 4 wheels, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed exploring and learning about. We extend our thanks to Royal Enfield and KGM UK for their support and partnership.

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    Voyah Italia, il brand automobilistico del Gruppo Dongfeng Motor Corporation Technical Center, partecipa come Automotive Sponsor al prestigioso Macerata Opera Festival 2024, in programma dal 19 luglio all'11 agosto presso l'Arena Sferisterio. Un'occasione unica per presentare al pubblico italiano, in anteprima assoluta, il rivoluzionario SUV elettrico Voyah Free. Il lancio di Voyah in Italia è reso ancora più solido dalla preziosa partnership con CA Auto Bank, partner finanziario del brand, e con Drivalia, la sua società di noleggio e mobilità. CA Auto Bank metterà a disposizione soluzioni di finanziamento personalizzate per concessionari e clienti finali, facilitando l'accesso alla gamma Voyah Italia. Drivalia, invece, proporrà formule di noleggio a breve e lungo termine e gli abbonamenti mensili per provare la Voyah Free in completa flessibilità e supportare ulteriormente la diffusione dei veicoli sul mercato italiano.

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    Gazeta Finansowa po raz kolejny zaprezentowała wyniki finansowe firm z sektora MŚP oraz wyróżniła firmy, które dostarczają im najlepsze rozwiązania i narzędzia ułatwiające prowadzenie ich biznesu. Pośród wyróżnionych firm znalazł się również CA Auto Bank S.p.A. S.A. Oddział w Polsce, którego produkt Mazda Drive Flex Credit został wyróżniony w rankingu „Najlepszych Produktów dla MŚP”. Mazda Polska Drive Flex Credit to produkt dla klientów, którzy poszukują oferty z niską miesięczną ratą, która dzięki zastosowaniu bardzo atrakcyjnego oprocentowania i wysokiej wartości raty balonowej, nie obciąża miesięcznych wydatków klienta i pozwala już na początku zapewnić przewidywalność swoich wydatków. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z elektroniczną wersją rankingu ******************************************************************************** Gazeta Finansowa recently presented the financial results of companies in the SME sector, highlighting those that provide the best solutions and tools for business facilitation. Among the distinguished companies was CA Auto Bank Poland, whose Mazda Polska Drive Flex Credit was recognized in the “Best Products for SMEs" ranking. This product is designed for customers seeking a low monthly installment. With a very attractive interest rate and a high balloon installment, this product minimizes the customer's monthly expenses while ensuring predictability from the start. We encourage you to read the electronic version of the ranking.

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    CA Auto Bank y Drivalia España se complacen en anunciar que, a partir de ahora, tenemos un compañero nuevo en la oficina: Xantar, un adorable cachorro. Alberto Marcos, empleado de CA Auto Bank España, forma parte del programa de acogida de cachorros de la Fundación ONCE / Inserta, con el objetivo de socializar y adiestrar a Xantar para que se convierta en un perro guía para personas ciegas. A lo largo del próximo año, Xantar pasará algunos días en la oficina aprendiendo a comportarse adecuadamente en diferentes entornos. Esto refleja no sólo la dedicación personal de nuestro compañero, sino también el compromiso de la compañía con la Responsabilidad Social. CA Auto Bank y Drivalia España se enorgullecen de apoyar la formación de futuros perros guía, contribuyendo así a la movilidad e independencia de las personas ciegas y con movilidad reducida. Además, creemos que la presencia de Xantar aportará un toque alegre y creará un ambiente más relajado y positivo en nuestra oficina. Nos encanta poder ser parte de esta iniciativa y estamos seguros de que Xantar se ganará el corazón de todos. ¡Bienvenido, Xantar!  ••• #RSC #PerroGuía #FundaciónONCE #TrabajoEnEquipo #AmbientePositivo ******************************************************************************* CA Auto Bank and Drivalia Spain are pleased to announce that from now on there is an extra colleague in the office: Xantar, an adorable puppy. Alberto Marcos, an employee of CA Auto Bank Spain, is part of the Fundación ONCE / Inserta's puppy foster program, with the goal of socializing and training Xantar to become a guide dog for the blind. Over the course of the next year, Xantar will spend some days in the office learning how to behave appropriately in different environments. This commitment reflects not only our colleague's personal dedication, but also the Company's commitment to social responsibility. CA Auto Bank and Drivalia Spain are proud to support the training of future guide dogs, thus contributing to the mobility and independence of blind and mobility impaired people. They also believe that Xantar's presence will bring a cheerful touch and create a more relaxed and positive atmosphere in our office. We are happy to be a part of this initiative and are confident that Xantar will win everyone's heart. Welcome, Xantar! ••• #RSC #PerroGuía #FundaciónONCE #TrabajoEnEquipo #AmbientePositivo

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    To make Sustainable Mobility accessible to all, we deploy countless solutions every day. We forge partnerships with leading e-mobility brands, offer a customized service to our customers and invest in our Drivalia Mobility Stores. We will also increase the number of our charging stations across Europe by 45% by 2026: this is also how we aim to democratize access to the most innovative vehicles. Learn more about CA Auto Bank and Drivalia's Sustainability Plan:

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