

Energia rinnovabile e ambiente

Massafra, Puglia 431 follower

Better batteries for the future.

Chi siamo

Batteries are the heart of the industrial revolution of the new millennium. The Innovative Startup BETTERY intends to bring new solutions in the field of batteries to the market. Its flagship technology is Nessox: patented lithium-oxygen flow battery, with low environmental impact and with the highest specific energy ever reported. The macro sectors of application are industrial, electric mobility, stationary and sensors. Bettery has a heterogeneous and complete team, different in macro and micro-business functions, a strategic feature to stimulate the creation of synergies between the different parts that make up the organization. Our highlights? - 7 team members - 1 patent extended in Europe, USA, Japan - 500 Wh / Kg of energy density - € 370,000 raised until 2023 - 80 expressions of interest - 20 signed NDAs - 1 TedxTalk - 11 awards We are working to make the transition to a society that values human health and the environment possible, because we believe in a better future also for the new generations. We are already building this future and we would like to do all this together with you.

Sito Web
Energia rinnovabile e ambiente
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Massafra, Puglia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Batterie e RFBs


Dipendenti presso Bettery


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