BBA Ecotech

BBA Ecotech


Melzo, Milano 533 follower

Humanizing Biotechnology.

Chi siamo

Biotechnology meets human relationships. Each microorganism we propose simplifies the complexity of your daily challenges, each of our services meets your every need We transfer our technical and relational expertise to every solution, always focusing on quality safety and sustainable innovation.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Melzo, Milano
Società di persone
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Formulazione e applicazione microrganismi, Depurazione industriale, Biodegradazione sostanze organiche, Neutralizzazione odori, Trattamento Rifiuti e Biorimediazione e Decontaminazione


Dipendenti presso BBA Ecotech


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    🌊 Are you aware of the global impact of wastewater on our environment and health? 🌍 It's time to dive deeper into this critical issue and explore innovative solutions! 💧 In our article, we uncover the challenges and complexities of wastewater treatment, shedding light on its significant role in global greenhouse gas emissions and environmental damage. With 42% of wastewater untreated, urgent action is needed to safeguard ecosystems and public health. Discover the multi-step wastewater treatment process, the obstacles hindering its efficiency and BBA Ecotech’s solutions. Read more at 👉

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    At BBA Ecotech, we're all about using natural innovations for a sustainable future. 🌱So say hello to Bacillus subtilis – nature's tiny powerhouse! 💪 🔍 What is it? Bacillus subtilis is a rod-shaped, spore-forming bacterium that thrives in soil. It's renowned for its resilience and beneficial properties. 🌱 Why do we love it? Because this bacterium plays a crucial role in our eco-friendly products, aiding in organic waste breakdown and promoting a healthier environment. 🌍 Why does it matter? Because with an ally like the tiny but powerful Bacillus subtilis, paving the way for sustainable living and producing cleaner, greener solutions is possible. Let's work with nature, not against it! 🌿 #BBAEcotech #BacillusSubtilis #Sustainability #GreenLiving #Biotechnology #CleanerGreenerFuture

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    🌿 H-Probios® is a groundbreaking solution in surface cleaning! 🚀 Our multipurpose probiotic detergent revolutionizes how you clean hard surfaces, offering a natural and effective solution for a cleaner environment. 🍃 🔍 H-Probios® harnesses the power of selected beneficial microorganisms, akin to probiotics, in combination with surfactants for a deep and thorough clean. Designed to penetrate and remove dirt from microporous surfaces, H-Probios® positively colonizes surfaces, creating a balanced microbial environment. 💡 Ever wondered how H-Probios® works its magic? It's all about breaking through the invisible biofilm barrier on surfaces, where harmful bacteria thrive. By leveraging biological competition, H-Probios® displaces pathogens, fostering a natural balance and a cleaner, healthier space. 🔄 Let’s talk about the life cycle! Even after use, H-Probios® continues its degradative action in sewages, actively combating encrustations and organic deposits in pipes and septic tanks. Plus, it plays a vital role in wastewater treatment, contributing to a more sustainable drainage system. 🌊 Experience the power of H-Probios® and join the eco-friendly cleaning revolution today! 🌟 More at 👉 #BBAEcotech #CleaningInnovation #ProbioticCleaning #Sustainability #HProbios

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    🧦Are you tired of battling bad smells in closed environments with poor air circulation? BBA Ecotech's professional products are the answer to your odor woes, and they are trusted and utilized in various settings, including hotels, barracks, sports centers, schools, and more. 🏨🏢🏫 Gyms, nursing homes, kitchens, sewage systems: our solutions target various odor sources, ensuring a fresh and pleasant environment for everyone. Discover what to use and where to use it in our carousel or by checking out this link 👉 #BBAEcotech #OdorSolutions #CleanAir #FreshEnvironment #Sustainability

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    Are you looking for suitable air treatment solutions? 🌞🍃Let's start by properly eliminating odours with effective and safe products! The warmer months of the year increase the perception of unwanted odours especially in the vicinity of industrial complexes, but not with MasterDeo AR TECH on your side! This new eco- friendly neutraliser from BBA Ecotech blends natural essential oils and plant extracts from industrial biosynthesis to neutralise bad odours that develop from solid and liquid waste decomposition processes, industrial processes - not hide! - in indoor and outdoor environments. 🌬️ #InnovativeSolutions #BBAEcotech #Sustainability #MasterDeo #NeutralizingOdors

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    Have you ever wondered what "probiotic" really means? 🤔 At BBA Ecotech, we're all about harnessing the power of nature to create innovative solutions, and probiotics are no exception! 💡 🌱 What are they? Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. However, our probiotic solutions go beyond this application and straight into cleaning and hygiene products. 🫧 ✨ Why probiotics? Because unlike traditional cleaning agents, probiotic cleaners work with nature, not against it. By promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms, they create a healthier and more balanced environment, whether within a home, workplace or beyond. 🌊 Probiotics in action: from deep-cleaning detergents to odor-neutralizing solutions, our probiotic products are changing the very concept of cleaning. Plus, they're safe for humans, animals and the environment, making them a win-win for everyone. 🌍 As you can see, probiotics go way beyond the yogurt aisle and help us envision a cleaner, greener future 💚 #BBAEcotech #Probiotic #CleanerGreenerFuture #Sustainability #Biotechnology

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    We are proud of this new collaboration! Our partnership with Biesterfeld Group is a tangible sign of our commitment to innovation and excellence. We are confident that this partnership will help create new opportunities and successes for both companies. #innovation #BBAEcotech #partnership

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Biesterfeld Group, immagine

    13.415 follower

    ℹ️ We are pleased to announce that Biesterfeld and BBA Ecotech , a manufacturer of innovative bio-based solutions and technologies in the fields of biotechnology and environmental protection, announce their new distribution partnership. Effective immediately, Biesterfeld will distribute probiotic bacterial mixtures for household, industrial and institutional cleaning in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The latest partnership is an important step towards expansion for both companies and offers exciting prospects for environmentally friendly cleaning solutions on the market. ➡For more information follow the Link to our press release: #Biesterfeld #biesterfeldnewsroom #expansion #europe #BBAEcotech

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    🌱We officially are an EcoVadis Gold Medal Winner! 🥇 📣 We did it! BBA Ecotech has earned the EcoVadis Gold Medal, an honor given to the top 5% of companies for outstanding sustainability and corporate responsibility efforts. This milestone reinforces our commitment to a better planet and reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainability, ethical practices and positive social impact. Join us in celebrating this prestigious achievement! 🌟🌿 #EcoVadisGold #CorporateResponsibility #Sustainability #InnovativeSolutions #BBAEcotech #Sustainability

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di BBA Ecotech, immagine

    533 follower

    🚀 Say hello to the new face of BBA Ecotech! 🚀 Our new logo and positioning underscore our mission like never before: 🔬 biotechnology meets human relationships.🤝 We simplify complexities with microorganisms and services tailored to your needs, ensuring quality, safety and sustainable innovation in every solution. Join us in this exciting new chapter as we continue to lead with expertise and care! #NewLogo #Biotechnology #HumanCentered #InnovativeSolutions #BBAEcotech #Sustainability

  • BBA Ecotech ha diffuso questo post

    Visualizza il profilo di Katarzyna Koperska, immagine

    Business Development Manager w Bart Sp. z o.o. I Surowce do produkcji chemii gospodarczej oraz kosmetyków I Doradztwo techniczne I Sprzedaż

    Drodzy Klienci! ❤️ Wraz z Clara Pochetti z zapraszamy do udziału w Międzynarodowej Konferencji Przemysłu Chemii Gospodarczej, która odbędzie się w dniu 11.06.24 w Warszawie. Naszym tematem prelekcji będą "Mikroorganizmy stosowane w detergentach- bezpieczne i skuteczne czyszczenie". EPS Media Bart wyłączny dystrybutor BBA Ecotech #probiotic #detergents #homecare #safecleaning

    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Bart, immagine

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    Z wielką przyjemnością zapraszamy do udziału w XIII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Przemysłu Chemii Gospodarczej, która odbędzie się w dniu 11 czerwca 2024 w Warszawie. To wyjątkowe wydarzenie stanowi doskonałą okazję do spotkania liderów branży, wymiany doświadczeń oraz nawiązania nowych kontaktów biznesowych. Nasz zespół będzie obecny na konferencji i chętnie podzielimy się naszymi najnowszymi osiągnięciami, produktami oraz rozwiązaniami, które rewolucjonizują przemysł chemii gospodarczej. Do zobaczenia!

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