B.Ethical srl SB

B.Ethical srl SB

Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale

Parma, PR 41 follower

Benefit Corp and Spin-off of University of Parma. Natural ingredients and ethical bioprospecting for cosmo/nutra/pharma

Chi siamo

B.Ethical srl SB is a benefit company and spin-off of University of Parma committed to deliver, through a B2B business model, active ingredients from natural sources to cosmetics, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals industry. B.Ethical owes a proprietary and customizable portfolio of ingredients, thoroughly characterized chemically and biologically, and obtained by a transparent, ethical and sustainable value chain. B.Ethical grows upon a fertile and vibrant academic environment and capitalizes the long experience of their members in linking natural products to still unexploited biological pathways to offer innovative ingredients to valorize health, wellness and beauty-care products As a benefit company, B.Ethical promotes equity, fairness, sustainability, and happiness. B.Ethical promotes the conservation of the environment, their cultural roots and the ability to regenerate soil and water

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di prodotti per la cura personale
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Parma, PR
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
natural ingredients, cosmoceutics, nutraceutica, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, bioprospecting, regeneration, sustainability e ethical


Dipendenti presso B.Ethical srl SB

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