Aretè Cocchi Technology

Aretè Cocchi Technology

Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali

Bologna, Italy 6.287 follower

We grow our businesses to help them achieve leading positions worldwide in niche fields of advanced technology.

Chi siamo

Aretè Cocchi Technology, based in Bologna, Italy, is an industrial group devoted to innovation, technology and growth. Established in the 90s by Gino Cocchi, it brings managerial competence and financial resources to industrial high-tech companies undergoing periods of transition, development or re-launch. Today ACT consists of 14 businesses that employ more than 850 people, with manufacturing in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, the U.S. and China; commercial and technical centers in 12 countries; and sales in 100 countries. Its employees represent 30 nationalities. This international culture and presence allows the group to form strong relationships with global markets and customers, as it continues to pursue investments and acquisitions that complement its portfolio in terms of geography, product, technology and expertise. ACT companies are active in the following industries: integrated packaging and automation technology, airfield ground lighting and control and monitoring systems, power electronics for Big Science and advanced industries, energy distribution in restricted environments, industrial digital printing technology, cooling systems and thermal management.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Bologna, Italy
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Mechanical, Electronics, Energy Transportation e Automation


  • Principale

    Via della Solidarietà 2/1

    Località Crespellano (Valsamoggia)

    Bologna, Italy 40056, IT

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