ALTA - Ricerca e Sviluppo in Biotecnologie S.r.l.

ALTA - Ricerca e Sviluppo in Biotecnologie S.r.l.

Servizi di ricerca

Siena, Italia 5.116 follower

Service-provider company specialized in developing and managing scientific research projects

Chi siamo

ALTA Ricerca e Sviluppo in Biotecnologie is a service-provider company specialized in developing and managing scientific research projects financed by the European Commission and Italian Public Authorities. Advanced training programs are also a strength of ALTA. ALTA provides support and consultancy services for scientists and researchers at universities, in businesses and research institutes from the idea to project implementation finding the proper strategy, building the Project Consortia and putting science in the most appropriate administrative and management framework. ALTA is the only company for construction and management of research and development projects completely devoted to Life Sciences. Our team is a perfect blend of project managers with great knowledge of public funding rules, scientists with expertise in immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and chemistry and experts in administration, communication and events organization.

Sito Web
Servizi di ricerca
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Siena, Italia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
EU fund raising e Research


Dipendenti presso ALTA - Ricerca e Sviluppo in Biotecnologie S.r.l.


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