ABR - Active Botanicals Research

ABR - Active Botanicals Research

Ricerca biotecnologica

Brendola, Vicenza 582 follower

Inspired by nature… driven by biotechnology! Our mission is Preserving Natural Resources by means of Biotechnologies

Chi siamo

ABR | Active Botanical Research is a biotech company, one of the rare manufacturers in the world with expertise in the production and commercialization of active ingredients from plant suspension cell cultures in the Nutraceutical Industry. Thanks to the collaboration with top Research Centers and accredited Laboratories, ABResearch provides its Customers the highest quality of raw materials and innovative solutions.

Sito Web
Ricerca biotecnologica
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Brendola, Vicenza
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Nutraceuticals, Human Recombinant Proteins, Diagnostics e Food Supplement


Dipendenti presso ABR - Active Botanicals Research


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