IRP News

2023 NIH Green Labs Program

Congratulations to the NIDA labs who participated and received awards in the 2023 NIH Green Labs Program! Molecular Neuropsychiatry Section, Adjei, Nasser – Gold Translational Analytical Core, Kryszak, Lindsay – Silver Neuronal Circuits and Behavior Section, Sarsfield, Sarah  – Silver Integrative Neuroscience Research Branch, Neuronal Networks Section, Barbano, Flavia – Bronze Molecular Targets and Medications… [Read More]

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Reviews To Read

Relapse after electric barrier-induced voluntary abstinence: A review

Reviews To Read – April 2024. Published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology by Kenichiro Negishi and Yavin Shaham of the NIDA IRP Neurobiology of Relapse Section. In this review we introduce the electric barrier conflict model of drug relapse and review studies on behavioral and neuropharmacological mechanisms of cue-induced relapse and incubation of drug seeking (time-dependent… [Read More]

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