Matomo Mobile for iOS

Need your analytics on the go? Use our free Matomo Mobile app to check your stats from anywhere and show them to colleagues in meetings. Matomo Mobile offers all the same reports as the desktop interface, and displays your visitor data in real time!

Matomo Mobile is the official Matomo app for iOS. We’ve kept the Matomo Mobile App as close to the web version as possible, keeping the same look and feel while offering the same excellent functionality.

Just like the software, the app is open source, free and available in more than 50 languages!

For iPhone and iPad

Frequently Asked Questions

The app does not seem to work.

Please check the following steps to troubleshoot your Matomo Mobile app:

  • Is your internet connection active?
  • Is your Url to Matomo Server entered correctly?
  • Have you entered the correct login and password?
  • Is there any unwanted characters – spaces for example – in the Matomo Url, username or password?
  • Does your Matomo user have at least "View" permission for one website?
  • Do you use the LDAP plugin? Unfortunately, the LDAP plugin does currently not support to log in via API
  • Make sure your Matomo instance is not blocked by an “Ad blocker” app.

How to add ‘Basic Auth’ protection to a Matomo installation?

If you want to add a Matomo installation which is protected via basic access authentication (for example using a .htaccess file), you just have to add the username and password to the Matomo Server URL between the protocol and domain like this:
https://basicauth_username:[email protected]/directory
Example: https://myusername:[email protected]

Graphs in Matomo Mobile do not display characters in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.

You need to upload a unicode font to your Matomo server:

  • download the font unifont.ttf
  • unzip the archive on your computer
  • upload the file unifont.ttf in matomo/plugins/ImageGraph/fonts/unifont.ttf
Note: the unifont.ttf will only be used for a set of languages (Japanese, Chinese, etc.). If you wish to use the font for all languages, upload the file unifont.ttf to: matomo/plugins/ImageGraph/fonts/tahoma.ttf overwriting the existing tahoma.ttf

Why are there no graphs displayed on my device?

If you don’t see any graphs in Matomo Mobile ask your Administrator to open the Matomo “Plugins” page which can be found under Administration top menu link. Make sure the ImageGraph plugin is activated. Within the description of the plugin there is also a link to verify graphs are working. Just click the “Debug: All images” link. If graphs are not displayed there, the error is caused by your Matomo installation and not by Matomo Mobile. Make sure all required extensions are installed for example the GD extension.

How it full responsive design?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eveniet quaerat animi, dolores inventore quisquam. Dolorem, rem qui harum alias. Es un hecho establecido hace demasiado tiempo que un lector se distraerá con el contenido del texto de un sitio mientras que mira su diseño.

Why are there no “Visitor icons” displayed on my device?

There are two known issues:

  • A few icons are not displayed if you use a secure protocol (https) with a self signed or an invalid certificate.
  • Icons won’t be displayed if you have a permanent redirect from http to https with a self signed or an invalid certificate.

What if I lose my phone?

Matomo Mobile doesn’t store your password on the device but your “authToken”. The “authToken” is as secret as your login and password. Other users are able to get access to your Matomo installation with this token.The solution is to change your password within Matomo if you’ve lost your device. Matomo generates another “tokenAuth” for your account and the “tokenAuth” stored on your device is no longer valid. Make sure not to choose the same password as before.Though you can protect your installation by just changing your password, it is good practice to create a new account just for Matomo Mobile. This account only requires view access.

What is Matomo?

Matomo is a free open source analytics platform that you can install on your own server. Matomo is available in over 50 languages and used on over one million websites.

Why am I getting an error “HTTP 414 Request-URI Too Long”?

The URLs that Matomo Mobile requests are usually not longer than 500 characters and should not cause any troubles. In the past we noticed some troubles if a WordPress plugin like “iThemes Security” was used though. It should work if you disable this plugin. There might be better solutions than disabling it but we don’t know since we are not using it. If you know a better solution let us know!

In case you are not using plugins like iTheme Security you might want to have a look at "LimitRequestFieldSize" and "LimitRequestLine" for Apache or "large_client_header_buffers" for Nginx.

Can't find your question? Or want to report a bug?

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