Irez a kontenajo


De Wikivortaro
(am determined) volar;
(am willing) (tr., intr.) voluntar, konsentar (intr.);
(order) imperar; komandar;
(act) volo;
(faculty) volado;
(desire) deziro;
(resolve) rezolvo;
(decree) dekreto;
(power to decide free) arbitrio;
make one's will - testamentar.
to have a will to - volar.
at will - segunvole; firing at will - segunvola pafado;
against the will of - kontre la volo di;
what is your will? - quan vu deziras?
I will - (determination) me volas (facar ol);
I will not - me ne volas.
to bear anyone good will - dezirar bonajo ad ulu;
to work with a will - laborar plen-vole, laboregar volunte;
ill-will - mala-velo, rankoro; despito;
to have one’s will - facar nur omna voli.
at the will of - (discretion of) segun l'arbitrio di.
at will - arbitrie.