Indigo, 40s, Photo by Marialaura Gionfriddo on Unsplash
Hello, I am Rania Youssef Abu, twenty-five years old from Gaza from the north of it. I dedicate to you this drawing that I drew, which expresses freedom. I hope that you will help me build my future and save my family. The campaign of the next young Hussein has been documented. I hope you donate through the link. Thank you all
My campaign number in the link published by the young man Hussein is (319)
(via gaza-evacuation-funds)
LISA JIANG x TIMOTHY A. BOLL “Moments in Motion” Kinetic dress
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(via note-a-bear)
The most stunning images from space in 2024
click ALT on pic for description l more at REUTERS
(via spacewonder19)
in the indigo,people way underestimate the needs of wheelchair users.
there’s a lot of what I’ll call walkism (bias towards pedestrians and against wheelchair users) among disabled pedestrians (people who primarily walk, assisted or not, as their means of mobility)
diminishing our needs is walkism.
people within the community see us as ableds minus legs. they see our disabilities as simple- just can’t walk, it’s that easy. they see us as having low accommodation needs and as having the accommodations that we do need met. they see our access barriers as being as simple as ramps and curb cuts.
I want to add that I have a few friends in wheelchairs, and one of them is high support needs. A friend of mine was dating him and was trying to help him get out to where she was living (he grew up there but lived in another state) and didn’t understand why he couldn’t travel. Although I am not a wheelchair user, I am disabled and familiar with how difficult travel is.
She is my best friend (and a wonderful, incredible human, who will always try to find a way when something isn’t working) and kept being like “but what about this” and I kept explaining why it won’t work. I walked her through why he can’t get a on a plane. One, he needed regular catheter changes (which is another piece of things, the cost of regularly having to replace an item that gets used frequently). There is no way he was gonna be able to do that. Two, airlines break chairs regularly. He could not afford the cost of a new chair if it was replaced. Three, it’s invasive and it hurts. Air travel is bad for most of us, particularly if you’re disabled. He was likely going to face invasive security measures. Many wheelchair users have had their body inappropriately groped by security, in addition to random people “helping” by moving you etc. I’m a non wheelchair user, but when I fly I use wheelchair assistance. At one point, sitting in the airport wheelchair, I was anxious and struggling to get my sweater out from under me and back onto my body. A woman CAME OVER AND GRABBED THE SWEATER AND TRIED TO PUT IT ON ME. I was angry and horrified. If necessary though, I could have grabbed my cane and hopped up. He is a paraplegic. He has no control over that. Which is another factor. Someone would have had to move him from his seat to a chair. That’s often a vulnerable and embarrassing experience when done by strangers. And to top it off, air travel hurts. For those of us with chronic pain/illness, air travel can be one of the most painful experiences we have to deal with. I often need a few days to fully recover from a flight.
She completely understood after I explained this stuff (and ultimately drove out to him) but she was just like “how is it possible a whole demographic of people can’t travel because it’s inaccessible??” Because they hate us lol. This whole system hates us.
And my “low support needs” friend? Still needs their partner to be a full time carer. Still can’t reach the laundry. Still can’t always get places even if disabled parking spots are available. Like literally every single piece of daily life has numerous obstacles that walking folks don’t think about that create huge challenges for wheelchair users.
It sucks. It fucking sucks.
(via saturnineaqua)
May your January be filled with love and healing.
(via saturnineaqua)
people with tooth decay aren’t bad people. they aren’t lazy either. neither are they unclean or irresponsible. tooth decay doesn’t make you a bad person. you don’t deserve mockery, judgement, or tooth pain for having any. the only thing people with tooth decay deserve is healthcare.
Reminder that a vaccine for the strain of bacteria that causes tooth decay has been shelved several times in the last 20 years for fears of its lack of economic viability.
Update: a crowd sourced project to recreate a vaccine that was tested in the year 2002 was funded last year and they are working on brining it to market. It’s currently available at a clinic they partnered with in Honduras.
(via saturnineaqua)
healthcare, dentistry,rimaalser asked: Hello my friend I am Rima from Gaza 🇵🇸 I came to you with all humility and extreme shyness to ask you for help 🥹 I need any donation from you, it will make a difference to me and save my family. It's unfortunate that you can do something and leave me struggling to survive the war and ignore my post🙏 I am pulling the human spirit in you and your living conscience. Do something, donate and share my page 🫂 I need medicine and painkillers for my father as he needs urgent surgery 🙏 I trust you because you are my only hope 👍 Please donate and share 🙏🙏🙏 🔗The link is on my personal page. ❤️🤍💚🖤 ‼️Promise me in achieving the goal and make my life change through your donation and participation 🇵🇸Don't make me lose hope in you, donations are going slowly, I need your support to reach the goal 🇵🇸 I wish you a happy day ‼️Share and donate‼️
najahmeq5 asked: Hello my friend, I am Najah from Gaza, a mother of four young children 🇵🇸 I need your help if I can 🙏 I am not well. I cannot get my baby supplies due to the high prices. I don't need a lot of money. I only need 25 euros to buy winter clothes, as it is too cold for them, and to buy vegetables for my family, as they have not eaten them for more than 30 days due to their scarcity in the markets and their high price. This affected our condition. health. Support us to survive.. I'm really sorry 😢😢💔
mosabfmly asked: Hello🤗❤️ I hope you are well🌹 Can you help me get my voice heard and share my family's story?🙏🏻 Can you Reblog my pinned post from my blog or donate 10$? By helping to reblog my story, you could save a family from death and war.🌹 Thank you very much🌸 🕊️❤️🌹🙏🏻