1. Motivation

C represents numerical values with finite bounds and discrete steps, as do all commonly used programming languages and processors. This is not a problem as long as specific rules regarding overflow, underflow, and loss of precision are meticulously followed. There are a number of guidelines and standards published for functional safety and security that detail the rules for safe arithmetic operations as well as many other concerns:

These publications represent a large investment in the safe application of software, and for good reason. The consequences for such bugs can be catastrophic.

  • Therac-25 radiotherapy machine. An integer overflow caused the machine to bypass software safety checks and deliver deadly radiotherapy doses to patients.

  • Ariane rocket flight V88. An integer overflow was caught, but lead to an exception that was handled incorrectly, thus halting its inertial navigation system. This ultimately led to the catastrophic destruction of the rocket and its payload.

  • Boeing 787 computer crash. Two different integer overflows caused either misleading data to be displayed or systems crash.

There are countless other functional bugs and security vulnerabilities all due to unsafe arithmetic operations.

The Safe Arithmetic library is intended and designed to protect against unsafe arithmetic operations. It follows the "Valley of success" strategy; The natural state of a software project utilizing the Safe Arithmetic library contains clear boundaries between safe and unsafe arithmetic. Within the safe arithmetic environment the easiest and simplest thing to do is also the safest thing to do. In this context, arithmetic includes assignment and construction.

Specifically, the library protects against the following in the safe environment at compile-time:

  1. Use of uninitialized integral values

  2. Integer overflow and underflow

  3. Integer divide by zero

  4. Out of bounds array access through subscript operator

  5. Incompatible operation passed to safe algorithm. For example, attempting to use reduce over integers with a non-commutative operation like division or subtraction.

1.1. Numeric Type Support

The current version of the Safe Arithmetic library supports the following value types:

  • C 20 integer primitives

  • safe::big_integer<N> arbitrary precision integers

In the future, it is likely support for the following numeric types will be added:

  • Fixed point

  • Pointers

It is unlikely that other numeric types, like float and double will be supported in the near-term. They at least are not needed by the original author of the library. That being said, pull-requests are more than welcome and we greatly appreciate community involvement.

1.2. Library Inter-op

1.2.1. Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional analysis libraries in C++ typically use the language’s type system to enforce correct assignment of values with dimensions to variables or function arguments and forbid nonsensical operations like adding a length value to a temperature value. Multiplication and division operations of differing dimensions are allowed and the resulting type represents a new unit and dimension.

The Safe Arithmetic library also uses the C++ type system to enforce correct operations by encoding the set of possible values in a safe::var 's type. Operations on these safe::var s return new types with an updated set of possible values. The actual runtime value is guaranteed to be within this set.

The C++ type system essentially supports sophisticated static analysis through compilation of the code. It is additionally possible to leverage a dimensional analysis library like mp-units as well as the Safe Arithmetic library to further increase confidence in your code.

1.2.2. Messaging

Intel’s Compile-time Initialization and Build library’s messaging capabilities may also be used with great success with the Safe Arithmetic library. Message fields may be given safe types to enforce correct assignment to fields as well as provide field values that are already wrapped in safe types when read.

1.2.3. Register Access

Intel’s internal Config Register Operation Optimizer library may be used with the Safe Arithmetic library to ensure safe and correct access of registers. Without the Safe Arithmetic library, it is possible to write values too large to be represented by a register field’s bit width. With the Safe Arithmetic library, it is possible to ensure only values in range are written to fields and field read types will also be automatically wrapped in an appropriately constrained safe type.

1.3. Similar Libraries

Safe Arithmetic is not the only library that attempts to solve the problem of unsafe integer or numeric operations in programs. There are a number of other libraries with different strategies and tradeoffs that are worthwhile to look at.

  • Boost’s safe_numerics. A library by Robert Ramey included in Boost. It works on the C++14 standard rather than C++20 as required by Safe Arithmetic. It offers more customization points on how exceptional cases are handled: compile-time, runtime exceptions, or a custom error handler. It also allows customization for how integer promotion is handled. It has been around longer than Safe Arithmetic. It only supports intervals to specify value requirements, while Safe Arithmetic implements a DSL to allow more tightly-constrained requirements.

  • bounded::integer. A library by David Stone. Defines a bounded::integer<Min, Max> template type that tracks the set of potential values of operations using interval math. Implemented in C++20 as modules.

  • SafeInt. Provides both a C++11 and C library implementation. Appears to only support runtime checking.

  • PSsimplesafeint. "A C++20 implementation of safe (wrap around) integers following MISRA C++ rules."

2. Overview

2.1. Safe Arithmetic Environment

The Safe Arithmetic library uses the C type system to encode and enforce requirements on values. A special template type, safe::var is used to contain these values.

namespaced safe {
    template<typename ValueType, auto Requirements>
    struct var;

Arithmetic, bitwise, and shift operators on safe::var values results in the generation of a new safe::var with its requirements updated to represent the set of possible values the result may contain. Operations on safe::var values are guaranteed to be safe at compile-time. There is no runtime overhead incurred. Only the desired operations are performed.

Operations on instances of safe::var forms a hermetically sealed context in which overflows, underflows, and division-by-zero are proven impossible by the Safe Arithmetic library implementation. If such a condition were possible due to an arithmetic operation on a safe::var, then compilation would fail.

This leaves two important questions, how to get values in and out of this "Safe Arithmetic Environment".

2.2. Creating Safe Values

Safe literal values can be created using the _i user defined literal. It will create a safe::var with the necessary integer type to contain the value and a requirement that matches the value. Literal values larger than 64-bits are implemented using an arbitrary precision integer type built into the Safe Arithmetic library.

namespace safe::literals {
    template <char... chars>
    constexpr auto operator""_i();

Safe versions of the C primitive integer types are available for declaring runtime values. Each primitive integer type is wrapped in safe::var with a requirement describing the range of that primitive type.

namespace safe {
    // safe versions of C   primitive integer types
    using u8 = var<std::uint8_t, ...>;
    using s8 = var<std::int8_t, ...>;
    using u16 = var<std::uint16_t, ...>;
    using s16 = var<std::int16_t, ...>;
    using u32 = var<std::uint32_t, ...>;
    using s32 = var<std::int32_t, ...>;
    using u64 = var<std::uint64_t, ...>;
    using s64 = var<std::int64_t, ...>;

Because each safe primitive integer type requirement’s can contain all values that are representable by the underlying type, it is safe to directly assign primitive values to instances of these safe primitive types.

// SAFE: The signed literal value is gauranteed to fit in a std::int64_t.
safe::s64 foo = 0xc001bea7;

// COMPILE ERROR: On systems with 32- or 64-bit int types, the literal will be
// too large to fit and compilation will fail.
safe::s16 bar_1 = 0xba11;

// SAFE: The safe integer UDL encodes its requirements in its type, the value
// is known at compile-time to fit in bar_2.
safe::s16 bar_2 = 0x5a5_i;

// SAFE: A safe 64-bit int can represent all values in an unsigned safe 16-bit int.
foo = bar_1;

// SAFE: A safe 32-bit unsigned int can safely be assigned the value of a uint32_t
volatile std::uint32_t my_fav_reg;
safe::u32 safe_reg_val = my_fav_reg;

// SAFE: Masking safe_reg_val by an 8-bit value guarantees the result will fit
// in a safe::u8
safe::u8 safe_reg_field_val_1 = safe_reg_val & 0xFF_i;

// COMPILE ERROR: safe::u8 cannot represent all possible values of these rhs
// variables.
safe::u8 safe_reg_field_val_2 = safe_reg_val;
safe::u8 safe_reg_field_val_3 = my_fav_reg;

For integer values that cannot fit in the primitive types provided by C , the Safe Arithmetic library provides an arbitrary precision implementation, safe::integer.

namespace safe {
    // safe arbitrary precision signed integer type
    template<std::size_t NumBits>
    using integer = var<...>;

Safe Arithmetic’s integer promotion rules will automatically pick an integer type large enough to represent the possible values of an arithmetic operation. There is little need to explicitly use safe::integer.

auto big_int_value = 0xba5eball'd00d5a7e'a11f00d5'900d900b_i;

// SAFE: The result of the operation is known at compile time to fit.
safe::u64 small_1 = big_int_value >> 64_i;

// COMPILE ERROR: The result cannot be represented by a uint64_t.
safe::u64 small_2 = big_int_value >> 32_i;

volatile safe::u64 hw_reg_1;
volatile safe::u64 hw_reg_2;

// SAFE: The result type is automatically promoted to a safe::integer<66>. The
// 66th bit is the two's complement sign bit and the 65th bit is the carry from
// the 64-bit addition.
auto reg_result = hw_reg_1   hw_reg_2;

// COMPILE ERROR: The addition of these unchecked values could overflow a
// safe:u64.
safe::u64 reg_result_2 = hw_reg_1   hw_reg2;

// SAFE: The result is explicitly being masked to 64-bits.
safe::u64 reg_result_3 = (hw_reg_1   hw_reg2) & 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF_i;

safe::match is the only mechanism in the Safe Arithmetic library that will produce additional runtime overhead. It creates a callable object that may be called with safe::var or naked integer values. It uses compile-time checks if possible to match the given arguments with the matchable_funcs arguments. If compile-time checks are not possible for an argument, then the value is checked at runtime to determine if it satisfies the requirements for one of the matchable_funcs. It is analogous to a pattern matching switch statement where the matchable_funcs arguments safe::var requirements are the patterns to match the callable object’s input arguments against.

This is the recommended way of marshalling external integer values into a safe arithmetic environment when the valid values are a subset of the underlying integer type’s range. For example, an external value arrives in a full 16-bit unsigned integer, but the valid values are only 0 through 50,000. The full 16 bits are needed to represent the value, but only a subset of the 16-bit integer range is valid.

// Pseudo C  20 to illustrate safe::match API
template <typename F, typename Return, std::size_t NumArgs>
concept Callable = requires(F f, auto... args) {
    Return retval = f(args...);
    requires sizeof...(args) == NumArgs;

namespace safe {
    template<typename Return, std::size_t NumArgs>
    Callable<Return, NumArgs> auto match(
        Callable<Return, NumArgs> auto... matchable_funcs,
        Callable<Return, 0> auto default_func

The operation of safe::match is easier to understand with some examples.

// Hardware register reporting a count of some event type.
volatile std::uint32_t event_counter_hw_reg;

// Hardware register representing the event type being reported.
volatile std::uint32_t event_type_hw_reg;

// Firmware array keeping track of updated event counts.
safe::array<safe::u16, 17> event_counts{};

constexpr auto process_event_count = safe::match(
        safe::ival_u32<0, 1023> event_count,
        safe::ival_u32<0, 16> event_type
        auto const prev_count = event_counts[event_type];
        auto const new_count = prev_count   event_count;

        // this example is making the implementation choice of saturating the
        // event count to prevent overflow and rollover.
        event_counts[event_type] = max(new_count, std::numeric_limits<safe::u16>::max());

    // Multiple functions with different requirements for parameters may be
    // passed in. The first function whose argument requirements are satisified
    // by the runtime argument values is executed. The last function must be
    // the default handler and is only executed if no prior match is found.

        // default action, handle error condition as desired

// Hardware triggers this interrupt every time a new event count is ready to
// be processed.
void event_count_interrupt_handler() {
    process_event_count(event_counter_hw_reg, event_type_hw_reg);

safe::match is a powerful tool that is discussed in more detail in the reference section.

The final method of introducing values into the safe arithmetic environment is through unsafe_cast<T>(value). It bypasses all compile-time and runtime safety checks and depends on the value to be proven to satisfy the requirements of T using mechanisms outside the visibility and scope of the Safe Arithmetic library. Its use is highly discouraged. The name is chosen to cause an uneasy feeling in programmers and clearly signal a red flag for code reviewers.

template<typename T>
T unsafe_cast(auto value);

unsafe_cast<T>(value) is used within the Safe Arithmetic library to ferry values into instances of safe::var after proving it is safe to do so. It is necessary for the library’s construction.

As always, an example is useful to illustrate how to use a particular function.

std::uint16_t some_function();
void do_something_useful(safe::ival_u32<0, 1024> useful_value);

// VERY DANGEROUS: Don't do this!
auto dangerous_value = unsafe_cast<safe::ival_u32<0, 1024>>(some_function());

// SAFE: Use safe::match instead. This will only call 'do_something_useful'
// if the result of 'some_function' satisfies the requirements on
// 'useful_value'. If it doesn't match, the default callable will be invoked.
safe::match<void>(do_something_useful, [](){})(some_function());

// SAFE: Don't use unsafe_cast<T>(value), try almost everything else first.

If you find a case where you feel you must use unsafe_cast, then maybe there is a gap in the Safe Arithmetic API or an algorithm that is missing. Please let us know by filing an issue.

2.3. Extracting Safe Values

Extracting values out of the safe arithmetic environment is not dangerous or unsafe in itself, but it is important to be explicit when doing so. safe_cast<T>(value) is used to extract integer values out of safe::vars. It is an acknowledgement by the programmer they are leaving the safe environment and must now take on the burden of ensuring safe arithmetic operations manually. It is also a clear indication for code reviewers to take a more critical look at any following integer operations.

template<typename T>
T safe_cast(auto value);

safe::ival_s32<-1000, 1000> my_safe_value = 42_i;

// SAFE: It's OK to use safe_cast to assign to a wider primitive type
auto innocent_value = safe_cast<std::int32_t>(my_safe_value);

// COMPILE ERROR: A narrowing conversion is not allowed by safe_cast
auto another_innocent = safe_cast<std::int8_t>(my_safe_value);

2.4. Safe Arithmetic Requirements DSL

The Requirements Domain-Specific Language is used to define the set of valid values for a safe::var<T, Requirements> templated type. safe_numerics and bounded::integer both use interval arithmetic at compile time to track the set of valid values. The Safe Arithmetic library works with intervals, sets, tristate bitmasks, and set operators like union, intersection, and difference to define arbitrary requirements on values. Just like safe_numerics and bounded::integer, it will calculate the new set of possible values for any arithmetic, bitwise, or shift operation.

Since interval requirements are commonly used, there are convenience types for creating them:

safe::ival_s32<-100, 100> small_number{};

Which is equivalent to the following:

safe::var<std::int32_t, safe::ival<-100, 100>> small_number = 0_i;

If we want to exclude '0' from the range, the DSL allows us to do that:

using safe::ival;
safe::var<std::int32_t, ival<-100, -1> || ival<1, 100>> small_nonzero_number = 1_i;

This enables the library to protect against divide-by-zero at compile-time. The division operator function arguments require the divisor to be non-zero.

// COMPILE ERROR: small_number _might_ be zero
auto result_1 = 10_i / small_number;

// SAFE: small_nonzero_number is guaranteed to be non-zero.
auto result_2 = 10_i / small_nonzero_number;

The DSL can be used by itself, outside of safe::var. This can be helpful to illustrate the rules and capabilities of the DSL itself.

The assignment operator and constructors for safe::var<T, Req> that accept another safe::var<RhsT, RhsReq> use set inequality operators to determine whether it is safe or not. The right-hand-side argument’s requirements must be a subset of the left-hand-side target.

using safe::ival;

constexpr auto non_zero_req = ival<-100, -1> || ival<1, 100>;
constexpr auto small_num_req = ival<-100, 100>;

// The `<=` operator is used for 'is subset of'
static_assert(non_zero_req <= small_num_req);

safe::var<std:int32_t, non_zero_req> non_zero = 1_i;

// The `<=` operator ensures this assignment is safe at compile-time
safe::var<std::int32_t, small_num_req> small_num = non_zero;

When any operation is performed on a safe::var instance, the mirror operation is performed on the requirements.

using safe::ival;

constexpr auto one_to_ten_req = ival<1, 10>;
constexpr auto non_zero_req = ival<-100, -1> || ival<1, 100>;

safe::var<std:int32_t, non_zero_req> a = 42_i;
safe::var<std:int32_t, one_to_ten_req> b = 3_i;

auto c = a * b;

// runtime value is updated as expected
assert(c == 126_i);

// static requirements are also updated as expected
static_assert(c.requirement == ival<-1000, -1> || ival<1, 1000>);

2.4.1. Requirement DSL Primitives

Name Definition C++ Description


\$[a, b\$]

safe::ival<a, b>

A set of values from a to b, inclusive.


\${a, b, c, ...}\$

safe::set<a, b, c, …​>

A set of explicitly defined values.


\${x in NN | 0 <= x < 2^n ^^ (x\ \&\ ~V) = C))}\$

safe::mask<V, C>

V is the variable bits mask. C is the constant bits mask. safe::mask produces a set of integers where the binary digits match C if the corresponding digits of V are unset. The binary digit places that are set in V are unconstrained in the elements of the produced set.

2.4.2. Requirement DSL Operators

Name Definition C++ Operator Description


\$A subseteq B\$

A <= B

Test if A is a subset of B.


\$A supe B\$

A >= B

Test if A is a superset of B.

Set Equality

\$A = B\$

A == B

Test if A and B contain identical elements.

Set Inequality

\$A != B\$

A != B

Test if A and B do not contain identical elements.

Set Union

\$A uu B\$

A || B

Set of all elements in A and B.

Set Intersection

\$A nn B\$

A && B

Set of common elements in A and B.


\${a b | a in A, b in B}\$


Set of product pairs of A and B added.


\${a - b | a in A, b in B}\$

A - B

Set of product pairs of A and B subtracted.


\${a * b | a in A, b in B}\$

A * B

Set of product pairs of A and B multiplied.


\${a / b | a in A, b in B}\$

A / B

Set of product pairs of A and B divided.


\${a % b | a in A, b in B}\$

A % B

Set of product pairs of A and B modulo.

Absolute Value

\${|a| | a in A}\$


Set of the absolute value of all elements in A.

Minimum Value

\${min(a, b) | a in A, b in B}\$

min(A, B)

Set of the minimum of each product pair of A and B.

Maximum Value

\${max(a, b) | a in A, b in B}\$

max(A, B)

Set of the maximum of each product pair of A and B.

Bitwise AND

\${a\ &\ b | a in A, b in B}\$

A & B

Set of product pairs of A and B bitwise ANDed.

Bitwise OR

\${a | b \ |\ a in A, b in B}\$

A | B

Set of product pairs of A and B bitwise ORed.

Bitwise XOR

\${a\ o \ b | a in A, b in B}\$

A ^ B

Set of product pairs of A and B bitwise XORed.

Bitwise NOT

\${~a | a in A}\$


Bitwise NOT of all elements in A.

Bitwise Shift Left

\${a " << " b | a in A, b in B}\$

A << B

Set of product pairs of A and B bitwise shifted left.

Bitwise Shift Right

\${a " >> " b | a in A, b in B}\$

A >> B

Set of product pairs of A and B bitwise shifted right.

3. Arbitrary Precision Integers

3.1. Introduction to safe::big_integer

There are a couple uses for an arbitrary precision big_integer:

  1. They are convenient to use when calculating bounds at compile-time.

  2. They can be helpful to use at runtime for values exceeding standard C 20 integer widths.

While they are useful, both the API and design must be carefully considered in order to minimize compile-time and runtime performance impacts and arithmetic correctness with respect to overflow and underflow conditions.

In order to meet these basic requirements, the following design rules are selected:

  1. No dynamic memory allocation. Integer types will be represented by a type templated by its bit width.

  2. Specialized integer promotion rules. The return type of an operation should be wide enough to represent any result without overflow or underflow.

  3. No C exceptions. Exceptional conditions will not be handled by big_integer. For user code, big_integer should always be wrapped in a safe::var to provide protection from unsafe operations.

  4. big_integer shall be signed and there will be no unsigned version.

  5. Seamless interop with standard integral types.

3.2. Examples

3.3. Design

The big_integer type is implemented in two major components:

  1. detail::storage contains the low-level implementation of the integer representation and operations. Results are returned through reference parameters. This is done to decouple result bit-width from the operation implementation.

  2. interface::big_integer contains the outward-facing interface of big_integer. It has implementations for the integral operators and behaves much like a regular integral type.

Concepts are used to ensure the operator functions have at least one big_integer parameter while the other parameter could be a built-in integral type, std::integral_constant, or another big_integer.

Almost all operations return a big_integer wide enough for the result without overflow or underflow. The exception is operator<<, which may overflow when given a runtime value. If operator<< is given a std::integral_constant shift amount, then the resulting type will be widened by the size of the shift amount. In that case, no overflow or underflow is possible.

4. API Reference

4.1. safe::var

namespace safe {
    template<typename T, auto Requirement>
    struct var;

safe::var wraps a runtime value with an associated safe::dsl requirement describing the set of values it must be contained in. The requirement is used to check the value at runtime or prove at compile-time it is satisfied.

4.1.1. Member constants requirement

The safe::dsl requirement describing allowed values.

4.1.2. Member functions Constructor
constexpr var() requires(requirement >= set<0>);

Default constructor, only valid if the requirement allows a value of '0'.

constexpr var(Var auto const & rhs);

Construct a safe::var from another instance with potentially different, but compatible requirements. Assignment safety is checked at compile time. operator=
constexpr auto operator=(Var auto & rhs) -> var &;

Assign value from another instance with potentially different, but compatible requirements. Assignment safety is checked at compile time.

4.1.3. Non-member functions operator<=>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator<=>(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs) -> std::strong_ordering;

Apply operator<=> to lhs and rhs and return the result. operator==
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator==(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs) -> bool;

Apply operator== to lhs and rhs and return the result. operator
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator (Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Add the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

Value types are promoted to a wider type if the result would otherwise overflow or underflow. No wraparound for signed or unsigned types.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit. operator-
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator-(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Subtract the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

Value types are promoted to a wider type if the result would otherwise overflow or underflow. No wraparound for signed or unsigned types.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit.

[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator-(Var auto v);

Equivalent to 0_i - v. operator*
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator*(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Multiply the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

Value types are promoted to a wider type if the result would otherwise overflow or underflow. No wraparound for signed or unsigned types. operator/
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator/(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Divide the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit.


A compilation error will result if the rhs requirement doesn’t exclude '0'. operator%
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator%(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Modulo the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit.


A compilation error will result if the rhs requirement doesn’t exclude '0'. operator<<
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator<<(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Shift lhs left by rhs bit positions and return the result.

Value types are promoted to a wider type if the result would otherwise overflow or underflow. No wraparound for signed or unsigned types.


Unlike built in operator<<, shifting by greater than the width lhs is defined behavior. The resulting type will be promoted to an integer large enough to represent the value. operator>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator>>(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Shift lhs right by rhs bit positions and return the result.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit.


A compilation error will result if the rhs requirement doesn’t exclude all negative numbers or numbers larger than the bit width of lhs. operator|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator|(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Bitwise OR the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

The resulting value type is the wider type of lhs and rhs. operator&
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator&(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Bitwise AND the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

The resulting value type is the narrower type of lhs and rhs. operator^
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator^(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Bitwise XOR the underlying values of lhs and rhs and return the result.

The resulting value type is the wider type of lhs and rhs. abs
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto abs(Var auto v);

Calculate the absolute value of v and return the result. bit_width
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto bit_width(Var auto v);

Calculate the bit width of v and return the result.

Value types are demoted to a narrower type, down to the natural word size of the underlying architecture, if all possible results will fit. min
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto min(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Calculate the minimum of lhs and rhs and return the result.

The resulting value type is the narrower type of lhs and rhs. max
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto max(Var auto lhs, Var auto rhs);

Calculate the maximum of lhs and rhs and return the result.

The resulting value type is the wider type of lhs and rhs. clamp
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto clamp(
    Var auto value,
    Var auto min_val,
    Var auto max_val

Clamps value from min_val to max_val and return the result.

The resulting value type is the underlying type of max_val.

[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto clamp(
    auto unsafe_value,
    Var auto min_val,
    Var auto max_val

Clamps value from min_val to max_val and return the result.

The resulting value type is the underlying type of max_val.

4.2. safe::dsl

4.2.1. operator==
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator==(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A = B\$

Return true if the set of numbers represented by the requirements A and B contain exactly the same numbers.

4.2.2. operator!=
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator!=(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A != B\$

Return true if the set of numbers represented by the requirements A and B contain at least one different number.

4.2.3. operator<=
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator<=(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A subseteq B\$

Return true if the set of numbers represented by the requirement rhs contains all the numbers lhs does.

4.2.4. operator>=
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator>=(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A supe B\$

Return true if the set of numbers represented by the requirement lhs contains all the numbers rhs does.

4.2.5. operator||
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator||(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A uu B\$

4.2.6. operator&&
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator&&(auto A, auto B) -> bool;

\$A nn B\$

4.2.7. operator
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator (auto A, auto B);

\${a b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.8. operator-
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator-(auto A, auto B);

\${a - b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.9. operator*
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator*(auto A, auto B);

\${a * b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.10. operator/
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator/(auto A, auto B);

\${a / b \| a in A, b in B}\$


A compilation error will result if the rhs requirement doesn’t exclude '0'.

4.2.11. operator%
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator/(auto A, auto B);

\${a % b \| a in A, b in B}\$


A compilation error will result if the rhs requirement doesn’t exclude '0'.

4.2.12. abs
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto abs(auto A);

\${\|a\| \| a in A}\$

4.2.13. min
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto min(auto A, auto B);

\${min(a, b) \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.14. max
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto max(auto A, auto B);

\${max(a, b) \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.15. operator&
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator&(auto A, auto B);

\${a\ &\ b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.16. operator|
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator|(auto A, auto B);

\${a \| b \ \|\ a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.17. operator^
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator^(auto A, auto B);

\${a\ o \ b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.18. operator~
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator~(auto A);

\${~a \| a in A}\$

4.2.19. operator<<
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator<<(auto A, auto B);

\${a " << " b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.2.20. operator>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator>>(auto A, auto B);

\${a " >> " b \| a in A, b in B}\$

4.3. safe::array

namespace safe {
    template<typename T, std::size_t Size>
    struct array;

safe::array is a thin wrapper around std::array. It adds the ability to check operator[](pos) and at(pos) access at compile-time. It does not perform any checks at runtime and should otherwise be equivalent to std::array.

4.3.1. Member functions

Member functions are same as std::array with the following exceptions:

  1. No C exceptions will be thrown by any member function.

  2. data() is intentionally omitted.

  3. operator[](pos) and at(pos) have different signatures to support indexing by safe:var.

Only member functions significantly different from std::array are documented here. operator[]
constexpr auto operator[](var<size_type, ival<0, Size - 1>> pos) -> reference;
constexpr auto operator[](var<size_type, ival<0, Size - 1>> pos) const -> const_reference;

Access element at pos. The value of pos must be proven to be within the range of the array at compile-time. at
constexpr auto at(var<size_type, ival<0, Size - 1>> pos) -> reference;
constexpr auto at(var<size_type, ival<0, Size - 1>> pos) const -> const_reference;

Identical to operator[]. Access element at pos. The value of pos must be proven to be within the range of the array at compile-time.

4.4. safe::match

Use runtime checking to safely encapsulate values into safe::var`s. Automatically infer `safe::var return type from multiple possible return values.

4.4.1. Examples Interpreting ASCII character as hexadecimal

Without Safe Arithmetic, interpreting an ASCII character as hexadecimal may look something like the following code.

auto char_to_ord = [](auto digit){
    if ('0' <= digit && digit <= '9') {
        return digit - '0';

    } else if ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'f') {
        return digit - 'a' - 10;

    } else if ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'F') {
        return digit - 'A' - 10;

    } else {
        return 0;

Refactoring this code to use the Safe Arithmetic library is straight-forward using the safe::match function.

auto char_to_ord = safe::match(
    [](ival_s32<'0', '9'> dec_digit){
        return dec_digit - s32_<'0'>;
    [](ival_s32<'a', 'f'> lower_hex_digit){
        return lower_hex_digit - s32_<'a'>   10_s32;
    [](ival_s32<'A', 'F'> upper_hex_digit){
        return upper_hex_digit - s32_<'A'>   10_s32;
        return 0_s32;

This implementation ensures the return type of char_to_ord is ival_s32<0, 15>. This minimal interval was automatically calculated by safe::match. This is the power of safe::match: check runtime values are within a specified set of values, wrap the values in the corresponding safe::var type, and optionally return a value whose safe::var requirement is the union of the possible values from each branch.

4.5. Algorithms

4.5.1. safe::irange

namespace safe {
    template<typename BeginT, typename EndT>
    struct irange;

Similar to boost irange and Python’s range. An iterable range of safe::var integers. Discussion

A drawback of Safe Arithmetic’s compile-time checking strategy is apparent when attempting to increment a safe::var. Adding 1 to a value could risk overflow, and so it results in a compilation error.

There are some ways around this depending on the specific situation:

  1. Use safe::clamp to restrict the result.

  2. If wraparound is acceptable, use operator%.

  3. Use safe::match to conditionally assign the result.

For a simple for loop, these options are not useful. safe::irange should be used instead to iterate over a series of integers with a safe::var index value. Example
// can only be indexed with safe values
safe::array<safe::s32, 10> values{};

// A bare for-loop will not work. See above discussion for explanation.
// for (safe::ival_s32<0, 9> i = 0_s32; i < 10_s32; i = i   1_s32) {
//     :'(
// }

for (auto i : safe::irange(0_s32, 10_s32)) {
    // 'i' is proven to be one of 0 through 9...
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(i), safe::ival_s32<0, 9>>);

    // ...therefore it can be used to index a safe::array
    values[i] = 0;

4.5.2. safe::accumulate

namespace safe {
        size_t max_iter,
        typename IterType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::input_iterator<IterType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::iterator_traits<IterType>::value_type, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
    constexpr auto accumulate(
        IterType first,
        IterType last,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

        size_t max_iter,
        typename RangeType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::ranges::range<RangeType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::ranges::range_value_t<RangeType>, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
    constexpr auto accumulate(
        RangeType && range,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

Works like std::accumulate, with the following exceptions:

  1. Only works with ranges of `safe::var`s.

  2. Runtime execution of the function will stop when either the end of the range is reached, or max_iter is reached.

  3. The return type is a safe::var with the largest possible interval based on the type contained in the range and the max_iter value.

4.5.3. safe::reduce

Works like std::reduce, with the following exceptions:

  1. Only works with ranges of `safe::var`s.

  2. Runtime execution of the function will stop when either the end of the range is reached, or max_iter is reached.

  3. The return type is a safe::var with the largest possible interval based on the type contained in the range and the max_iter value.

  4. The operation over the value type must satisfy the safe::Associative and safe::Commutative concepts.

namespace safe {
        size_t max_iter,
        typename IterType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::input_iterator<IterType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::iterator_traits<IterType>::value_type, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
        Var<ValueType> &&
        Associative<Op, ValueType> &&
        Commutative<Op, ValueType>)
    constexpr auto reduce(
        IterType first,
        IterType last,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

        size_t max_iter,
        typename RangeType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::ranges::range<RangeType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::ranges::range_value_t<RangeType>, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
        Var<ValueType> &&
        Associative<Op, ValueType> &&
        Commutative<Op, ValueType>)
    constexpr auto reduce(
        RangeType && range,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

        size_t max_iter,
        typename ExecutionPolicy,
        typename IterType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::is_execution_policy_v<ExecutionPolicy> &&
        std::input_iterator<IterType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::iterator_traits<IterType>::value_type, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
        Var<ValueType> &&
        Associative<Op, ValueType> &&
        Commutative<Op, ValueType>)
    auto reduce(
        ExecutionPolicy && policy,
        IterType first,
        IterType last,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

        size_t max_iter,
        typename ExecutionPolicy,
        typename RangeType,
        typename ValueType,
        typename Op>
    requires (
        std::is_execution_policy_v<ExecutionPolicy> &&
        std::ranges::range<RangeType> &&
        std::is_same_v<std::ranges::range_value_t<RangeType>, ValueType> &&
        std::regular_invocable<Op, ValueType, ValueType> &&
        Var<ValueType> &&
        Associative<Op, ValueType> &&
        Commutative<Op, ValueType>)
    auto reduce(
        ExecutionPolicy && policy,
        RangeType && range,
        ValueType init = ValueType{},
        Op op = std::plus{});

5. Requirements DSL Theory of Operation

5.1. Subset is Left Distributive Over Union of Disjoint Intervals

For intervals A, B, and C, where B and C are disjoint, the following holds true:

\$A subseteq (B uu C) -= (A subseteq B) vee (A subseteq C)\$


Given \$A subseteq (B uu C)\$


\$x in A -> x in (B uu C)\$

Definition of subset


\$x in A -> (x in B vee x in C)\$

Definition of union


\$(x in A -> x in B) vee (x in A -> x in C)\$

Implication is left distributive over disjunction


\$(A subseteq B) vee (A subseteq C)\$

Definition of subset


\$therefore A subseteq (B uu C) -= (A subseteq B) vee (A subseteq C)\$

5.2. Subset is Right Anti-Distributive over Union of Disjoint Intervals

For intervals A, B, and C, where B and C are disjoint, the following holds true:

\$(A uu B) subseteq C -= (A subseteq C) wedge (B subseteq C)\$


Given \$(A uu B) subseteq C\$


\$x in (A uu B) -> x in C\$

Definition of subset


\$(x in A vee x in B) -> x in C\$

Definition of union


\$(x in A -> x in C) wedge (x in B -> x in C)\$

Implication is right anti-distributive over disjunction


\$(A subseteq C) wedge (B subseteq C)\$

Definition of subset


\$therefore (A uu B) subseteq C -= (A subseteq C) wedge (B subseteq C)\$

5.3. Subsets of Unions of Disjoint Intervals

For disjoint intervals A and B, and disjoint intervals C and D, the following holds true:

\$(A uu B) subseteq (C uu D) -= {(A subseteq C) vee (A subseteq D)} wedge {(B subseteq C) vee (B subseteq D)}\$


Given \$(A uu B) subseteq (C uu D)\$


\${A subseteq (C uu D)} wedge {B subseteq (C uu D)}\$

Subset is Right Anti-Distributive over Union of Disjoint Intervals


\${(A subseteq C) vee (A subseteq D)} wedge {(B subseteq C) vee (B subseteq D)}\$

Subset is Left Distributive Over Union of Disjoint Intervals


\$therefore (A uu B) subseteq (C uu D) -= {(A subseteq C) vee (A subseteq D)} wedge {(B subseteq C) vee (B subseteq D)}\$

5.4. Cartesian Product of Unions

\$(A uu B) xx (C uu D) -= (A xx C) uu (B xx D) uu (A xx D) uu (B xx C)\$

5.5. Cartesian Product is Distributive Over Union

\$A xx (B uu C) -= (A xx B) uu (A xx C)\$

\$(B uu C) xx A -= (B xx A) uu (C xx A)\$