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Doing stuff with data



I’m an experienced data analyst, turning messy raw data into insight. I enjoy working with all kinds of data — quant and qual, big and small.

My main tool for data collection, cleaning and analysis is python, often in combination with SQL and Excel. I’m always keen to learn about new data science methods.


Throughout my professional life I have used data to help inform policy making, strategic decisions and product development.

I like to communicate about research and translate technical language into simple and engaging messages. My outputs are clear, concise and relevant to the main research questions.


I’ve always been interested in art and graphic design. In the past I have been drawing a lot and I know how to use Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.

To display data I use a range of charting libraries (plotly, highcharts, matplotlib) and other charting tools (datawrapper, tableau). One of my goals is to learn D3 for interactive visualisations.

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Where to get data on charities in the UK

When the pandemic hit and the charity sector struggled to predict its impact, it highlighted the need for better data. But what data does exist? And how do you get it? This blog outlines some of the most important data sources for anyone with an interest in the UK charity sector.

Where to get data on charities in the UK

When the pandemic hit and the charity sector struggled to predict its impact, it highlighted the need for better data. But what data does exist? And how do you get it? This blog outlines some of the most important data sources for anyone with an interest in the UK charity sector.

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