For my 28th birthday I decided to get something special, very special! A Bambi figure made By Enzo Arzenton in 1990 with Capodimonte porcelain, there are only other 499 pieces like this in the world, Michael Jackson used to collect the products of this great artist . Bambi is not part of my childhood, maybe I watched the movie two or three times, but now is a very important part of my life! Everything began in 2011, when my parents took at home the dvd of "Tangled" and there was the advertisement of the remastered version of "Bambi", at the beginning the character who captured my attenction was flower and since then I started to look for pics and news on the Internet about this movie. One night when I was looking for some pics, I coincidentially find a pic on Rule34, it was the 24th January 2011. Thanks to that I knew about the existence of "Bambi 2 and the Gtreat Prince of the Forest" and other movies like "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" from 1998 and many others. Since then Bambi has been becoming part of my life, maybe I would have never started drawing and posting on Inkbunny if it wasn't for SigmaX, who gave me the inspiration!