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I no longer recognize the country I served

After last night's results, I'll never watch television again.

We had a chance to get this right and we failed.

Eliminate the two-party system, they don't work for us.

Fuck America.
Viewed: 84 times
Added: 1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week ago
'Merica! Fuck, no!
1 month, 1 week ago
i feel the same way my friend .
1 month, 1 week ago
This place is becoming a fetid hellscape day by agonizing day... I'm not even sure what's next anymore
1 month, 1 week ago
I've been on board with eliminating the two party system since a long time ago.

They should all be independents who answer to the people.  Not political puppets who answer to party agendas.
1 month, 1 week ago
To eliminate the two-party system, we need to change the way we elect the POTUS.
Our constitution says the President must be elected by 50% 1 of the Electoral votes. This is referred to as a "first past the post" system.  In this system, politics will naturally gravitate to a two-party system, as a third party, if it gains any momentum, will only 'steal' support from the 'major party' it more closely aligns with.

One thing that might work better for a multi-party system would be if we did did not elect the President (in)directly like we do, but instead elected only our Congresspeople, and then the congresspeople would elect the President and Vice President from within their ranks. This way we would have multiple parties, all vying for a seat at Congress, and then the parties who could (mostly) agree with each other would select the President and VP.  That way, out votes would be for the parties and policies we want, and then a 'compromise' or 'coalition' of those policies would be the guiding factor for the POTUS, instead of us electing a POTUS and THEN finding out what policies they REALLY  stand for.
1 month, 1 week ago
The electoral college is old and useless. It was put in place for racist means.
1 month, 1 week ago
Never said it wasn't.
That's why I'm hoping that the orange shitgibbon lost the popular vote. There is a movement among the states, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, that would make the Electoral College effectively moot. The states that have signed on to the compact vow to cast their electoral votes to whoever wins the national popular vote. the compact only comes into effect once 270 Electoral votes worth of states have signed on. It's currently adopted by 17 states and DC, totaling 209 Electoral votes, with 4 more states, totaling 50 EV, pending. Requiring only 11 EV worth of states to sign on (assuming the pending states are signing on and not just jerking around).
1 month, 1 week ago
Also, one veteran to another, thank you for your service.
1 month, 1 week ago
Thank you.
1 month, 1 week ago
This is going to sound naïve, but the Democrats really had become competent and steady during the Biden years, and real progress, most particularly in job-creation, had been achieved. Our two-party system was not so horrible a system on this election cycle—people had a crystal-clear choice this time. That so many Americans made THIS choice says more about us than it does the system.
1 month, 1 week ago
P.S.: And I don't want to hear any more shit about "why bother, both sides are equally bad".
1 month, 1 week ago
this too shall pass :)
1 month, 1 week ago
He was right... darn! darn! darn! he was right!

"We will not have to do any thing to destroy America, they will do that to themselves"
Nikita Jrushchov

this is no longer the "United" states of America its just Murika from now on TwT
and I don't even live there, but there goes surely my hard ern money out the window, now for trying to get a visa to go to Disneyland. cause I wont get it for been from "the other mexicos" well I guess I can go to the china one then still? not the same thing. oh the japan one has a zootopia sector! that could be fun!
3 weeks, 5 days ago
I will say thank you for your service also yes i do agree but i dont think they ever served the people i realized that some time ago by the way im a libertarian
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