Digital Credentialing Solutions for Product Certification Providers

    Discover digital credentialing solutions for product certification providers to drive visibility and demand for your certification programs.
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    Your Product Sets the Standard. Your Certifications Prove It.

    As a product certification provider, your certification programs can help individuals prove their knowledge and grow their careers. But in a crowded marketplace, it’s important that you increase visibility for the certifications you provide and set your brand apart from the competition.

    Join the credentialing network trusted by the most recognizable hosting providers, development platforms, SaaS products, and technology companies to drive demand for your products while protecting your brand.


    Feel Confident With Enterprise-Class Flexibility and Security

    Whether you issue 1,000 or 1,000,000 credentials, Credly digital credentials offer the flexibility you need to implement a robust credentialing program. Ensure your certification earners receive digital credentials immediately with automated issuing via bulk upload, integrations, or building a custom integration using our REST API. Enterprise-class hosting, disaster recovery, and data security takes the burden off of your organization to manage the technology.

    Add Value to Your Product Certifications

    Sharing options in Credly help earners promote their achievements. Labor market insights, credential recommendations, and endorsements help them understand their value and uncover opportunities. And your organization’s talent directory can help your earners connect with highly-relevant advancement opportunities from organizations across our network.

    Drive Demand for Your Products

    Every time an earner shares their profile or digital credential—which happens more than 650,000 times a month on Credly—there’s a measurable, organic impression for your brand, products, and certifications. This digital credential sharing adds up to a lot of free marketing for your program to engage new and existing customers. Autodesk, Esri, IBM, and Oracle are just a few organizations in our network who have experienced amazing results incorporating digital badging into their product certification programs.

    Protect Your Brand

    Making your brand the industry standard is hard work, and digital credentials can help ensure it stays that way. Reduce fraud while making it easy for third-parties to securely verify an earner's digital credential.

    Build for Success

    Working with Credly by Pearson and our customer success team is the best way to make sure your program meets your goals. We’ll help you design and issue your badges, as well as create recommended badges, collections, and stackable credentials to drive earner engagement. When it comes time to analyze results and benchmark your program, we’ll be right there with you.

    “One of the big selling points for Credly’s platform versus other badging platforms is that there’s a lot of great support. Our Customer Success Manager from Credly was incredibly helpful in getting us launched and supported us after we launched. There’s also a great marketing channel team that helped us with messaging, what to put on our website, and how and when to communicate information. Having those support resources is hugely impactful to the overall success we’ve seen.”

    Jessi Mielke, Certification Program Manager

    Embark on a journey of transformation

    Whether you're initiating a digital credentialing program or refining your existing traditional credentialing program, utilize our Credentialing Mastery Assessment to assess, transform and master your credentialing journey seamlessly.

    Featured Resources



    The Power of Digital Credentials for Product Certification Providers

    Whether you're issuing product certifications for software savviness, IT skills, or technical...
    Learn more
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    Transform Earners Into Advocates: How Product Certification Providers Can Build an Engaged Community of Badge Earners

    A great product is only half the battle in creating a leading product certification program.
    Learn more

    Case Study

    CompTIA Develops a Highly-Skilled Tech Workforce

    How CompTIA digital badges generate brand awareness and engagement with tech professionals.
    Read Case Study

    White Paper

    How Digital Credentials Help Product Certification Providers Stay Ahead of the Curve

    As a product certification provider, how can you create or maintain your position as a market...
    Read White Paper

    Case Study

    ForgeRock Builds Community of 13K Credentialed Experts

    Learn how ForgeRock turned its credentials into a must-have career booster for partners,...
    Read Case Study


    Are Your Credentials Secure? A 4-Point Checklist

    Digital credentials translate training into career success for earners, driving demand and...
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    Let's Talk About Your Certification Program

    Talk to a sales representative to get a custom quote for your organization.