Guest of Honor: Scott Frerichs, KaiserNeko!
Scott Frerichs, also known as KaiserNeko, voice actor
Born in California in 1987, Scott grew up with a direct line to the SoCal furry scene, and the internet hooked directly into his vains, from the age of 14! And he’s had the same tiger fursona from the start!
And though he’s not made much of a creative splash in his favorite subculture, he’s spent the last 15 years professionally voice acting (Gundam Tanaka in Danganronpa 3, Danny Fenton in 5 Years Later) and helped create TeamFourStar, as the showrunner for DragonBall Z Abridged! He also created Beastars in 8 Minutes!
Regularly visits Japan, loves his local furry conventions Texas Furry Sieta/Fiesta, and loves making terrible memes!
A many-time vendor at IndyFurCon, we are delighted to invite Talenshi to be our Artist of Honor for 2024!
Trio Menagerie
A string-instrument furry trio focused on sharing music from Nerd culture!