Talpro - Leaders in Technology Hiring

Talpro - Leaders in Technology Hiring

Human Resources Services

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We build a Great Team for Great Companies. Talpro is your partner in building exceptional teams that drive innovation. We understand the unique challenges of technology hiring and deliver tailored solutions that find the perfect fit for your company's culture and goals. Let our expertise transform your workforce, propelling your business towards success. We post useful, funny, and informative things here. Follow us today for more.

Human Resources Services
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51-200 employees
Bangalore, Karnataka
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HR Recruitment, HR Outsourcing, Leadership Hiring, Talent Acquisition, Executive Search, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Global Sourcing, Permanent Staffing, Temporary Staffing, Contract Staffing, Tech Hiring, Startup Hiring, and Bulk Hiring


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Employees at Talpro - Leaders in Technology Hiring


  • 9 SaaS Hospitality Apps To Streamline Business Operations I recall a time when software for the hospitality industry was almost non-existent, mostly consisting of Excel spreadsheets and Word documents to track revenues and maintain customer records. Utilizing Excel to maintain customer accounts and ensure opportunities for future marketing campaigns was extremely inefficient and cumbersome at best. Driven by the lack of a comprehensive events management program available at the time, or the costs to purchase what was available on the market were prohibitive or inadequate at best, led me to develop a software application of my own. Utilization of relational databases to track client contracts, determine pricing models, ensure operational efficiencies, and ensure revenue capture took years of toiling to create a system that would automate the process of maintaining sound client relationships and ensuring operational efficiencies. Today, the hospitality industry has grown to such levels where projections for current revenues in the United States have surpassed the hundreds of billions of dollars and increasing exponentially by roughly 7% yearly to 2028. The hospitality software industry’s revenue projections in the United States are slated to be in the t…

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  • How To Explain A Job Gap On Your Resume If there's a noticeable employment gap on your resume, you may be concerned that it's impacting your chances of landing interviews and moving forward in the hiring process. Explaining a job gap on your resume can feel tricky, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Here's how you can successfully explain a job gap on your resume. DO NOT: Use An Objective Statement Don't mention your employment gap in an objective statement. Objective statements don't belong on a resume anyway. They show what you want, but it's what the employer wants that matters. An experience summary should replace your objective statement. This is a list of any skills you possess that are required for the position you're applying for. So, not only should you not mention your job gap at the very top of your resume in an objective statement, but you shouldn't be writing an objective statement at all. Instead: List Your Job Gap Under Experience If there's a big employment gap on your resume, you have to list something to fill it. Companies might discriminate against you for having nothing to show for that period. Even if they don't, they will still ask you about the gap. You're better off explaining it yourself first. Be careful, …

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  • Why Job Interviews Are Out Of Control In 2024 Is your job search driving you crazy? You're not alone. A recent survey from The Hustle found that 58% of job seekers believe job interviewing is out of control. And they're right: interviewing is grueling right now. If you're looking for a job, you know what I'm talking about—hiring managers being disrespectful, getting ghosted after multiple rounds of interviews, and so many more horror stories. We know job interviews are out of control. Now, let's unpack why... It's A Buyer's Market First of all, it's a buyer market. When there are so many qualified candidates in the job market, companies feel obligated to see what's available and consider every option. Think about what you do when you're making a really expensive purchase because, essentially, that's what's happening with employers. They're investing thousands of dollars in you, so they need to make sure they're getting the right person for the job. They're not just going to pick the first person who comes along. They draw out the hiring process in order to compare and contrast people and, hopefully, hire the best candidate.  Recruiting Confusion The second reason interviews are out of control is that AI has sped up the death of the resume, and it…

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  • 5 Red Flags Employers Watch For In Job Interviews Getting through to the job interview stage in the hiring process means the employer believes you have the right experience and skills for the job on paper. But now comes the real deal-breaker: whether you can communicate those skills effectively in person and come off as the right fit for the company's workplace culture. There are typical red flags employers watch for in job interviews. Any red flag can reduce your chances of getting a job offer, so here's what you need to avoid in your next job interview... 1. Poor Communication This includes everything from talking too little, talking too much, or simply having poor nonverbal behavior like a lack of eye contact or making the situation uncomfortable with poor body language. When it comes to questions and answers, a job candidate who can't provide effective responses to questions that are necessary to assess their experience and skills is always a problem. Be prepared to address every point you have on your resume. And when an employer presents a follow-up question like "Tell me more about..." they are trying to dig deeper either because they're curious, or you provided an insufficient response. An inability to communicate well in a job interview wil…

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  • Why You Need A Work Buddy While it's good to have regular friends, everyone needs a best friend. You know, that person you can go to whenever you need help, a confidence boost, or just a laugh. The same concept applies to the workplace. While it's great to have trusted colleagues, it's especially nice to have one person in particular to confide in—a work buddy. How To Make Friends At Work Sometimes if you're a new employee just starting with a company, you'll be assigned a work buddy to familiarize yourself with the job and work environment. There's nothing wrong with this. It could be that your supervisor has a particular person they want you paired with based on job responsibilities who could help you ease into and adapt to your new role. If you're assigned a work buddy, that's one less thing you have to worry about. But if you're not assigned a buddy, look at it as an opportunity. Some of the best friendships are the ones that are formed organically. Be open to getting to know all of your co-workers. Be friendly. Ask questions about their jobs and lives. Try to make a connection. The Benefits Of Having A Work Buddy Having a work buddy is a great way to help you assimilate into the company culture and quickly fit in with other co-workers. An off…

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  • 6 Tips For Staying Healthy With A Desk Job Millions of Americans struggle to work at desk jobs, often unaware they're jeopardizing their health. Sitting down all day long can be a pain—literally. The sedentary lifestyle associated with sitting for prolonged periods can lead to a variety of physical ailments and chronic pain. Whether it’s back pain, neck strain, or increased risk of cardiovascular issues, the act of being seated for the majority of the day can have severe consequences on your well-being. However, with a few alterations to your daily routine, you can significantly decrease the negative impact that a sedentary 9-to-5 job could have on your health. Here are six tips for staying healthy with a desk job. 1. Focus On Proper Sight Lines Maintaining proper sight lines means keeping your eyes at screen level so that your neck does not have to contort. Adjust your monitor and chair to put your neck and head in a comfortable position. 2. Know The Ergonomics Of Hand And Wrist Placement Staying ergonomically pure with your hands and wrists prevents serious joint and ligament injuries. Consider a cushioned wrist mouse pad to keep your mouse hand comfortable. Pads are also available for keyboards, while ergonomic keyboards enable hand placement th…

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  • 3 Easy Ways To Be Happier At Work It's no secret that many people wish they could be happier at work. So, what's the solution, if any? Money is often thought to be the biggest predictor of job satisfaction, but a survey from the BBC that ranked nearly 300 jobs from most to least satisfying shows that although money does play a role, it's not the only motivator. For instance, internet technology and telecommunications professionals ranked at number 147 on the list, while farm workers were rated as the 23rd most satisfied workers, despite earning only about half as much as IT people. Arnold B. Bakker, professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, has found that job resources can have a hugely positive effect on work engagement and, more importantly, there are practical changes that employees can make to increase their job satisfaction. "Job resources, such as opportunities for development and growth, social support, skill variety, and performance feedback, are the most important predictors of both job satisfaction and employee work engagement," says Bakker. "Our research clearly shows that employees can 'craft' their own jobs so that they become more satisfied and engaged. Job crafting refers to changes employees c…

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  • Gen X vs. Gen Y In The Workplace: Who's Better? The workplace is no longer confined to cubicle spaces, hauling morning commutes, and conference rooms. Now, working is shifting from a physical place to a lifestyle. Technology has made this transition possible because we can access people, tools, and live streams globally with the click of our mouse regardless of being at an Italian coffee shop or corporate office. The biggest shift? We've stopped believing that productive work can only be done at work. Yet this opinion may only align well with Gen Y, also infamously known as "the millennials," a term that has been circulating in our social culture for decades now. So, what are the key differences between Gen Y and Gen X, and how does this impact your individual workplace experience? Let's dive into the basics first... Gen Y | Millennials | Born 1981-1996 Gen X  | Born 1965-1980 Millennial Stereotypes You can see the key attributes that set these two generations apart. But before you say, "Agh, millennials!" let's look at the statistics—especially important for those that stereotype millennials as lazy or entitled: There are 73 million millennials in America and they make up the largest segment in the workplace. Millennial population statisti…

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  • What Can You Do If Your Employer Is In Breach Of Contract? "Always read the fine print." Isn't that what they say? It's a vicious, dog-eat-dog business world and, more often than not, it's the underdog who suffers. However, if that underdog is properly prepared and has a few tricks up their sleeve, the tables could be turned. If you feel as though you've been mistreated by your employer and they are in breach of your employment contract, you can take action. With the right knowledge and proper foresight, you should never need to worry about being swindled by your boss or company. It's a sad fact, but most workers are simply not aware of their contractual rights. They very rarely take the time to read through their employment contracts. This is a dramatic oversight that is easily rectified by employees simply taking the time to read what they are agreeing to. What Is Classified As A Breach Of Contract? As with any formal contracts, contracts of employment are legally binding documents with the express purpose of establishing a written agreement between you and your employer. If any of the terms of that contract are broken, then it's considered a breach of contract. The problems arise, however, when the breaches are against terms that were not written…

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