m4ck4pp1e asked:
thebronyguardian answered:
Sorry for your lost.. May they find peace… Wait you’re in the army right.
Just asking. Like have you heard any war stories?
i have been in one
* salutes*
*salutes back* so your apart of the army too?
Yes. Mostly in the Lunar Army and The Crystal Resistance.
i seved them all
How long do your wars last?
sexy genre of making characters needlessly suffer for your enjoyment and yet its called "whump" the unsexiest name in the world
"im a whumper" grow a spine and call yourself a sadist
Anonymous asked:
currently rewatching buffy after like 10 years of my first watch so loving ur reactions to the show lol hope u like s5 xander does not get any better tbh ❤️
ilynpilled answered:
the thing is xander has simply not done enough shit recently for me to get mad at him even he needs to step it up he needs another ep focused on him or something im more annoyed w buffys new jakey rn
not him getting a substance episode
Delivery app discourse is back on Twitter! DEUS GRATIAS i have been praying for days like these! The treatlerites are now comparing doordash to smallpox vaccine