

Community Services

Israel's Largest Online Community for English Speakers


Janglo is Israel's Anglo community's top information source for jobs, housing, sales, events, deals, news, service providers, professionals, businesses, and so much more. We help hundreds of thousands of visitors and Olim to connect, enjoy and thrive in Israel! Top entrepreneurs, businesses, professionals, and service providers use Janglo to hire qualified personnel, sell and rent real estate, attract new clients, with listings in our business directory, and advertising opportunities. Each Janglo Business Directory category gets 1st page Google results. See for yourself, look up Lawyer in Jerusalem, you will see Janglo on the top of the page. Contact us to learn more about what we can do for you. Are we having fun? We try to. We work with the community's municipalities, olim organizations, and just about everyone else who is doing great things around Israel. Janglo gets visitors from around Israel and abroad. Thousands of businesses depend on Janglo to reach their customers. Our weekly newsletter, which has been called the best email in the Jewish world, goes out to more than 50,000 emails. If you don't get it yet, subscribe here: janglo.net/content/view/136805/9999. What are we about? We're dedicated to delivering valuable information about life in Israel. We want to help you enjoy your travel and life here in the homeland. We're always looking for better ways to do so. Check us out: Janglo.net

אתר אינטרנט
Community Services
גודל החברה
11-50 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Ramat Beit Shemesh
בבעלות פרטית


עובדים ב- Janglo

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