Wings Group Indonesia (Sayap Mas Utama)

Wings Group Indonesia (Sayap Mas Utama)

Barang Konsumsi

Jakarta Timur, Jakarta 623.633 pengikut

WINGS Group, a fast growing FMCG companies in Indonesia, has been touching people's lives for more than 80 years.

Tentang kami

What is today a major corporation that exports its products around the world began life over 60 years ago in East Java. Over the years, Wings has grown to become one of Indonesia's well-known brands. The company's first products were soap and detergent, which proved a hit with customers. Soon other cleaning products were introduced and distribution channels were established across Indonesia. The next few decades saw Wings steadily expand its product lines and now produces and sell hundreds of SKUs of household, personal care and food products. Today, Wings is recognized as a leading local manufacturer and distributor of household and personal care products. Blending local knowledge and advanced manufacturing technologies, Wings is still dedicated to company's vision of providing quality products at affordable prices. Welcome to WINGS Group Indonesia Official Career Page! Now it's easier to get the latest information about our vacancies and recruitment events. Join us now ! 1. Send us your latest resume by : - Linkedin private message with subject : Position Applied - Email to [email protected] with subject : Linkedin_Position Applied 2. Only qualified candidates will be invited to the selection process. 3. Any qualified candidates for the closed positions will be kept for our talent pool. 4. We respect your politeness while commenting on our post. Any inappropriate can be deleted by our admin anytime. Thank you ! Now please explore more about us :)

Barang Konsumsi
Ukuran perusahaan
10.001 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Jakarta Timur, Jakarta
Perseroan Tertutup
Tahun Pendirian


Karyawan di Wings Group Indonesia (Sayap Mas Utama)


  • Sebagai perusahaan FMCG terkemuka di Indonesia, WINGS Group tak pernah berhenti menghadirkan inovasi produk berkualitas tinggi. Selama lebih dari 70 tahun, WINGS Group selalu berkomitmen menyediakan berbagai bentuk kebaikan yang dapat dijangkau oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat, dari generasi ke generasi. Melalui sumber daya dan produk berkualitas, WINGS Group percaya dapat berkontribusi menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik. Life keeps getting better, with WINGS. #WingsIndonesia

  • Wings Group has been known as the leading FMCG company in Indonesia. We achieved this through the excellent performance of our people who work together as a solid team. Are you eager to make a significant impact on both your personal and professional life? Join our dynamic team in diverse departments, including Supply Chain Management, Information Technology and Distribution. We are looking for qualified professionals and recent graduates to join our team. Register now or share this information with colleagues or family who might be interested. Come, create your future with us! #WingsGroup #WingsCareer #jobvacancy

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  • Om Swastiastu! Salam dari SoSoft Exclusive Gathering di Bali. Seiring dengan tren konsumen yang semakin selektif dalam memilih produk rumah tangga, banyak masyarakat kini menginginkan produk yang memiliki fungsi lebih dan nilai tambah dalam satu solusi. Termasuk ketika memilih produk detergen. Tidak hanya mampu membersihkan noda dan memberikan keharuman, tetapi juga memilih detergen yang mampu memberikan ekstra kelembutan pada pakaian. Menanggapi kebutuhan tersebut, SoSoft meluncurkan inovasi terbarunya, SoSoft 2 in 1 detergen tumbuhan plus softener. SoSoft 2in1 adalah detergen tumbuhan plus softener alami aloe vera pertama di Indonesia yang menggabungkan kebaikan dari bahan aktif tumbuhan dengan ekstra kelembutan softener alami aloe vera. SoSoft lembut di tangan, lembut di pakaian!

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  • Starting a new job can be an exciting yet challenging experience. Therefore, quickly adapting is essential for job success. At Wings, we are lucky to have team members who are willingly stepping up to welcome new hires. As Buddies, they play a crucial role in guiding new team members through our operational processes and culture. We deeply value each Buddy who positively influences their teams, especially our new hires. Today, we proudly announce three Buddies who have received the most positive feedback in the second quarter of 2024. Congratulations! #WingsGroup #WingsCareer #BestBuddy #BuddyAward

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  • Merayakan Hari Buah Sedunia yang jatuh setiap awal bulan Juli, Jasjus mengajak masyarakat Indonesia untuk menikmati kesegaran buah-buahan dengan cara seru melalui kegiatan Jasjus Keliling saat Car Free Day (CFD) di Bekasi (30/6). Jasjus dikenal dengan keunikan rasa yang terinspirasi dari buah dunia seperti Anggur Australia, Melon Thailand, Orange Amerika, Leci Cina, Stroberi Jepang, dan Mangga Indonesia. Yuk, rasakan langsung kesegaran rasa buah dunia bersama Jasjus! #OSemuaSukaJasjus #HariBuahSedunia

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  • Mengangkat lebih banyak sosok perempuan hebat dan inspiratif di Indonesia, Royale by SoKlin menyelenggarakan ajang Royale Inspiring Woman Awards 2024 dengan lima penghargaan yang dikurasi dari ratusan rekomendasi masyarakat. Lima kategori penghargaan yang diberikan Royale Parfum Series by SoKlin di antaranya yaitu, 1) Royale Lady of Education, 1) Royale Lady of Entrepreneurship, 3) Royale Lady of Cultural Preservation, 4) Royale Lady of Sports, dan 5) Royale Lady of Social Work. Dengan pakaian wangi parfum mewah yang terinspirasi dari selebriti dunia, setiap perempuan semakin percaya diri dan siap memenangkan dunianya! #KuMenangkanDuniaku #RoyaleParfumSeriesbySoKlin

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  • CALLING ALL SOBAT WINGS DI SALATIGA‼ Ada banyak pilihan menuju kesuksesan. Tapi sukses yang ada value lebih sih, ya cuma di Wings Group! Yes, kali ini Wings Group bakalan datang ke UKSW loh! Catat tanggalnya yah: 📍Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Balairung UKSW, Jalan Diponegoro No 52-60, Kota Salatiga. 📅 18-19 Juli 2024 ⏰ Jam 09.00 - 16.00 Kepakkan sayapmu dan suskes bareng Wings Group! #wings #wingsindonesia #spreadyourwings #UKSW

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  • At Wings, our interns are exposed to handle real projects and assignments. As part of competence development, they also experienced in levelling up other essential skills to enrich their capabilities. Recently, Wings conducted a special training programme focusing on presentation skills, led by our Corporate Design Team. This has turned some years of experience into practical tips and concepts that were engaging and inspiring. To ensure a dynamic learning experience, we included case studies to analyse. In the end, we are proud to declare that our interns participated enthusiastically, gaining valuable insights along the way. At Wings, the opportunities to learn are limitless! #Wingsgroup #Wingscareer #UpskillProgramme

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  • Wings Group kembali memborong penghargaan bergengsi di Kantar Brand Footprint 2024 dari Kantar Indonesia Divisi Worldpanel. Salah satu brand Wings Group yang menjadi sorotan adalah SoKlin, yang bertahan sebagai #1 Most Chosen Home Care Brand in Indonesia selama 8 tahun berturut-turut (2017-2024) serta #2 Most Chosen Brand in FMCG. Disusul Mie Sedaap di posisi #3 dan DAIA di posisi #9 Most Chosen Brand in FMCG pilihan konsumen Indonesia, serta MILKU sebagai Rising Star Brand in Indonesia. Prestasi ini memotivasi Wings Group untuk terus berinovasi menyediakan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi, yang dapat dijangkau oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini selaras dengan filosofi perusahaan ‘The Good Things in Life Should Be Accessible for All’. #WingsGroup #KantarBrandFootprint2024 #BrandAward #ConsumerPreference #FMCG

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