Lumina (YC W22)

Lumina (YC W22)

Jasa Sumber Daya Manusia

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Lumina is a fast-growing, first-of-its-kind job community platform for the working class. With its highly engaged community, Lumina helps tens of thousands of SMEs recruit suitable workers. Amassing hundreds of thousands of engaged job seekers, Lumina aims to revolutionize the blue and grey collar recruitment space where business owners can tap into suitable talents, fast and easy. The platform’s name “Lumina” comes from the word “light” – a testament to the co-founders’ wish to “be the light for underserved workers when all other lights go out”.

Jasa Sumber Daya Manusia
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Perseroan Tertutup
Tahun Pendirian


Karyawan di Lumina (YC W22)


  • Lihat halaman organisasi Lumina (YC W22), grafis

    5.151 pengikut

    Free to share & forward these documents: It is hard to see the positive side of being laid-off. We know that. Lots of layoff stories from Warga Lumina made us feel it. Respect for you who's trying strong to change the situation. Our love for those who take action to help lay off victims. If you want to contribute to helping those affected by the layoff storm, here are all the helpful doc and references we have found so far:  Free 1-on-1 (mentoring)  - By Cerdas Kolektif - By Erin Dwi Rejeki  - By Fadel Muhammad 🇵🇸   - By Gurun Nevada Dharan   - By Pramudono K. - By Yosua Ida Bagus Kurnianto  CV review - By Antonia Inri  Layoff form  - By Ecommurz & Designrant   List of job vacancies - General position (Nov 2022)  - UX Research position Q4 2022   - Software Engineers & Engineering Manager by Gergely Orosz   - Job opening at Lumina (updated regularly)  For recruiters, here is the list of impacted workers: - GoTo Alumni Have other similar documents or references? Let us know in the comment section. Good luck! #layoffs #hiring #lumina #startups #GoToAlumni #OpenToWork #talentready #tech #recruitment

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Lumina (YC W22), grafis

    5.151 pengikut

    𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐨𝐛 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 💡 Before diving into recruitment, here's the secret sauce: craft a catchy and clear job description, proofread it like a pro, and share it across social networks. Say goodbye to hiring headaches and hello to top talent 🌟 But wait, there's more! Want to simplify your job posting process? Try Lumina AI-powered job description writer and get a FREE trial of Lumina's ATS dashboard! 🔗 Get started now: #recruitment #tech #hiring #startups #job #humanresource #hr

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  • Lumina (YC W22) membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Tri Ahmad Irfan, grafis
    Tri Ahmad Irfan Tri Ahmad Irfan adalah seorang Influencer

    Co-founder & CTO at Lumina (YC W22) | Forbes 30 under 30

    💭 When interviewing candidates, we are also being interviewed. We may think that an interview process is all about assessing whether we should hire the candidate. Yet it's only half the story. While we assess candidates, the candidates also assess us. They will look for and pay attention to: 1. The company's vision and mission 2. The impact they will be making 3. The growth opportunity 4. The coworkers they will be spending a third of their day with 5. How the company treats its employees As an interviewer, it matters a lot how we present ourselves and how we conduct the interview. Here are several things to keep in mind: 1) Be on time 2) Introduce yourself and the company well 3) Stay engaged & be energetic 4) Leave time for questions 5) Be respectful of the candidates' time. Don't extend the interview unless they want to The candidate's interaction with your company will be a major factor in their decision to join. The interview process will provide many data points. Closing the candidate is not the final part of the hiring process. It should happen during the whole time. So, we should leave the candidates with a good experience regardless of whether they receive an offer. The people we interview will be the sounding board of how we treat them. They will tell their friends about the experience, and it may impact your company's branding among their friends and groups.

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Lumina (YC W22), grafis

    5.151 pengikut

    𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐏 𝐓𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝟑% 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬 🤔🏠 On 20th May 2024, President Jokowi stipulate Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 21 Tahun 2024. The recent implementation of the BP Tapera program, which mandates a 3% salary deduction for employee housing funds, has stirred significant discussion. This deduction includes a 2.5% contribution from employees and a 0.5% contribution from employers. For self-employed or freelance participants, the deduction of 3% is paid entirely by themselves. While aimed at facilitating homeownership for workers, some argue it adds to the already numerous deductions from salaries, such as BPJS Kesehatan, Jaminan Hari Tua, and PPh 21. BP Tapera’s chairman has addressed these concerns, explaining that the program is designed to provide long-term housing benefits, making it easier for employees to own their first home. He emphasized that the fund will support housing loans, construction, and renovations, potentially easing the financial burden for many. Despite the debates, it's crucial for employees and employers to understand the implications and benefits of Tapera. What do you think about this new policy? 💭 #recruitment #tech #hiring #startups Source:

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Lumina (YC W22), grafis

    5.151 pengikut

    🌟 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 🌟 Have you ever wondered how to cultivate an amazing company culture when everyone's miles apart? Well, here's the scoop, straight from the research! 🚀 According to a study by Harvard Business Review (published in 2020), creating a killer remote company culture starts with these ingredients: 1. Communication is Queen (or King!) 👑: Keep those virtual channels buzzing! Regular check-ins, team meetings, and water cooler chats (even virtual ones) are key. Make sure your team feels connected and in the loop. 2. Transparency 👓: Don't keep secrets! Be open about company goals, decisions, and even the tough stuff. Then, your team will appreciate it or find a way to solve a problem 3. Flexibility FTW! 🌟: Remote work is all about freedom. Let your team choose their adventure – whether it's setting their hours or working in their PJs (no judgment here). 4. Show Some Love ❤️: Don’t forget to sprinkle a little appreciation magic! Shoutouts, virtual high-fives, or even surprise care packages can greatly make your team feel valued. 5. Bonding Time! 🎉: Virtual doesn’t have to mean distant! Host virtual coffee breaks, game nights, or even a friendly Slack meme war – find creative ways to bring your team together and build those all-important bonds. 6. Flexibility and Trust 🛡: Trust your team to get the job done, and give them the flexibility they need to thrive. It’s all about mutual trust and respect. So, there you have it – By following these research-backed tips, you can create a remote company culture that's vibrant, inclusive, and downright awesome! Good Luck! 🌟💻 #recruitment #tech #hiring #startups #remote #company #culture #remoteworking

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  • Lumina (YC W22) membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Tri Ahmad Irfan, grafis
    Tri Ahmad Irfan Tri Ahmad Irfan adalah seorang Influencer

    Co-founder & CTO at Lumina (YC W22) | Forbes 30 under 30

    🚨 Hiring Alert: Software & Quality Engineering Intern 🚨 I learned more in my internships than in my 4 years of college classes. In college, you learn the importance of theories and foundations. But it's not enough unless you are exposed to real-world challenges in the industry. Currently, my team is hiring for interns. Please apply if you'd like to accelerate your career! Benefits: 1) This is a paid internship 2) We are remote-first (1x/month WFO in Jakarta) 3) You'll get a regular 1on1 mentoring session with me 4) You'll work on real-world projects with the guidance of our fulltimers Apply here: - Quality Engineering Intern 🔗 - Software Engineering Intern 🔗

  • Lumina (YC W22) membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Tri Ahmad Irfan, grafis
    Tri Ahmad Irfan Tri Ahmad Irfan adalah seorang Influencer

    Co-founder & CTO at Lumina (YC W22) | Forbes 30 under 30

    Mau share playbook gw buat rekrut engineer ah~ Kemarin post ini di Twitter ternyata rame. Dalam waktu 3 bulan, me & recruiting partner screened 1000 engineers, interviewed 100, and finally hired 10 very high performing peeps. Platform: 1) LinkedIn (Jobs & InMail reachouts) 2) SmartRecruiter 3) (cc Timothy) 4) Tech in Asia 5) Campus Hiring 6) Referral Schools: 1) Poin plus kalau dari Top Schools (UI/ITB/ITS/Binus/IPB/UMN) 2) Ini sinyal relevan karena tes kampusnya udah lumayan susah, dan program CS-nya cukup rigorous. 3) Bukan requirement, melainkan poin plus. Jurusan: 1) Computer Science/Informatics 2) Information System 3) Computer Engineering 4) Kalau kandidatnya udah senior, jurusan ga terlalu penting Preferred current/past companies: 1) Big companies: Traveloka, Gojek, GDP Labs, Shopee Indonesia 2) Startups: Cermati, Xendit, Moka, Ruangguru, HappyFresh, Kargo, Bibit, Sayurbox 3) Ini pengalaman personal. Extrapolated dari kandidat-kandidat yg pernah gw interview, biasanya mereka lebih perform. Culture kerja di tempat tersebut bagus & proses rekrutmennya technically rigorous. 4) Bukan berarti company yang ga masuk list ini ga bagus, tapi company yang masuk ini hit rate cukup tinggi (chance buat lolos interview cocok pas kerja). 5) Ada beberapa tempat yg gw personally blacklist karena hit-rate sangat rendah (wont share lol) Other good signals yang bisa dilihat di profil/CV: 1) Portfolio banyak & kompleks (selain tugas kuliah). Poin plus kalau produknya/kodenya live atau dipublikasikan. Jadi gw bisa sambil kepoin dan assess. 2) Sering menang or at least ikut lomba competitive programming, hackathon, atau CTF (capture-the-flag). Ini nunjukin kalau dia punya very strong logics and analytical skills. 3) For me, GPA/IPK doesn't matter much. Sering liat IPK close to 4.0 tapi ga bisa kerja, whereas IPK 2 koma tp sakti bgt. 4) CV rapi, concise, achievement oriented (ga cuma tulis jobdesc), dan ga ada typo. Nunjukin kalau orangnya komunikatif & punya attention to detail. BE vs FE vs Mobile vs Full-stack Gw ga terlalu membeda-bedakan role antar stack (unless perlu senior yang expert bgt). Jadi playbook di atas itu works well buat stack apapun. Ngaruhnya paling di seberapa cepet orangnya bisa dionboard & produktif ke project. Kalau stacknya sama => langsung bisa digas kerja Kalau stacknya beda => perlu waktu buat belajar & penyesuaian. Tapi jangan dipaksa juga, kalau anak BE benci CSS ya jangan dipaksa ngerjain frontend. Nanti malah ribet. Kalau anak frontend yang suka desain & ngerjain UI, ya jangan dipaksa buat ngerjain infra. Unless anaknya mau. Gitu teman-teman... Semoga berguna buat para technical rekruter & manajer yang lagi hiring. Dan semoga berguna buat para engineer biar tau apa aja yang biasa dilihat sama company.

  • Lihat halaman organisasi Lumina (YC W22), grafis

    5.151 pengikut

    Start your meetings with these simple questions to foster connection and well-being. Let's make remote work more human! 💙 #recruitment #tech #hiring #startups #remoteworking

    Lihat halaman organisasi Hacking HR, grafis

    757.018 pengikut

    Improving mental health and well-being at work starts with every day, small actions. Things that anyone from the CEO to everyone else can do. For example, your work meetings. You can take some time at the beginning of each meeting to intentionally check-in with people. Checking-in with everyone is not a futile, check-the-box, HR-told-me-to-do-so exercise. Checking-in with mindful and thoughtful questions create the possibility for people to express themselves and for everyone to get information about things that need improvement or change. Don't underestimate the power of asking the right questions at the beginning of each meeting, not just to set the tone of the meeting, but the day and the culture. These are some questions that you can use or personalize to your own style and that of your team. You can add more, or use less. But, ultimately, what matters is to check in at the beginning of each meeting.

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