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ICFP 2018
Sun 23 - Sat 29 September 2018 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

ICFP 2018 will be held at Peabody Opera House on Monday through Wednesday and St Louis Union Station Hotel on Sunday and Thursday through Saturday.

The St Louis Union Station Hotel is a 6 minute walk to Peabody Opera House.

Hotel Reservation

We have arranged for a room rate of $160 per room. The conference rate applies from September 20th to September 30th. If booking outside of those dates you will have to make a separate booking.

To book a room, please click here to book at the Union Station Hotel. Alternatively, contact the reservations department of the hotel by phone: 1-855-271-3617, including your date requirements, personal details and credit card. Please mention the code “ACM”.

We also have a few rooms on reserve at the Pear Tree Inn for Sep 22-27 (staying there on the nights of Sep 22, 23, 24, 25, or 26) at $99/night plus tax; please contact us for details on how to reserve a room.

If you would like to share a room with another attendee you do not already know (at the conference hotel or an outside property), please register your interest with ConferenceShare.

Travel from the St. Louis (STL) airport to the venues

Go Best Express has offered us an ICFP-specific discounted rate for an airport shuttle. Their cars all have car seats for children and cars that support wheel chairs are available; please request a car that supports wheel-chair at the time of booking.

St. Louis has a public rail transit option, Metro Link, that operates between the airport and the venues. Take it to the Union Station stop. When you climb the stairs to street level, you will be in the Union Station parking lot. Go north on 18th towards the castle-looking building (that’s the Union Station) and turn left at Market Street. The lobby entrance is 1820 Market St.

The only airport nearby is STL. The ORD airport in Chicago has significantly better connections, but is a 5 or 6 hour drive away (depending on traffic in the Chicago area).