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Olivia Newton-John

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Olivia Newton-John
Sexo feminin
Nascentia 1948-09-26 (Cambridge)
Decesso 2022-08-08 (Santa Ynez Valley)
Causa de decesso cancere mammari[*]
Loco de reposo Santa Ynez[*]
Supernomine Lovely Livvy
Citatania Australia, Regno Unite
Educate in University High School[*]
Occupation cantator[*], actor de film[*], recording artist[*], Autor-compositor-interprete, actor[*], compositor
Obras notabile Xanadu[*], Twist of Fate[*], Physical[*], If You Love Me (Let Me Know)[*]
Conjuge Matt Lattanzi[*], John Easterling[*]
Infantes Chloe Rose Lattanzi[*]
Parentes matre Irene Helen Käthe Born[*] patre Brinley Newton-John[*]
Fratres/sorores Rona Newton-John[*]
Premios Officer of the Order of the British Empire[*], Officer of the Order of Australia[*], Daytime Emmy Award[*], Australian National Living Treasure[*], Companion of the Order of Australia[*], Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire[*], star on Hollywood Walk of Fame[*], Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance[*], Grammy Award for Record of the Year[*], Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance[*], Grammy Award for Video of the Year[*], Country Music Association Award for Female Vocalist of the Year[*], American Music Award for Favorite Country Album[*], American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Song[*], American Music Award for Favorite Pop/Rock Album[*], Australian Recording Industry Association[*], National Trust of Australia[*], Music Victoria Awards of 2015[*], Doctor of Letters[*], Australian Women in Music Awards[*], American Music Award for Favorite Country Female Artist[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000114505120
VIAF 85449059
IMDB nm0000556
Commons Olivia Newton-John

Olivia Newton-John, (Cambridge, Anglaterra, 26 de septembre 1948 — California, 8 de augusto 2022) era un cantatrice, compositor de cantos, e actrice australian. Illa era le granfilia del physico quantic e ganiator del Premio Nobel pro Physica Max Born.

Newton-John ganiava le Premio Grammy quatro vices, habeva cinque Numero 1 e dece altere Top Ten Billboard Hot 100 singules,[1] e duo Numero 1 Billboard 200 solo albumes. Undece de su singules (includente duo platino) e 14 de su albumes (includente duo platino e quatro duple platino) era certificate auro per le RIAA. Su musica habeva essite un successo in multiple generes includente pop, country, e adulte contemporari e ha vendite un estimate 100 million discos.[2]

Illa e John Travolta representava le protagonists in le film (adoptate del ludo musical de Broadway) Grease, que habeva un del plus succedite albumes del musica del film in le historia de Hollywood.

Newton-John era un activista pro causas environmental e pro le derectos de animales. Desde superviver cancere del pectore in 1992,[3] illa deveniva un advocato pro conscientia re sanitate e deveniva involvite con varie organisationes de caritate, productos pro salubritate, e effortios pro collectas caritabile. Su interesses commercial includeva le lancear de plure lineas de productos pro Koala Blue e le co-posseder del Gaia Retreat & Spa in Australia.

Newton-John maritava duo vices e habeva un filia, Chloe Rose Lattanzi, con su prime sposo, le actor Matt Lattanzi.


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  • a: Publicate con un lista differente de cantos in America del Nord. Alsi publicate in certe territorios como Music Makes My Day.
  • b: Version publicate in America del Nord de Long Live Love, con cantos previemente publicate e le nove canto titular.


[modificar fonte]
  1. Erlewine, Michael (1997). All Music Guide to Country. San Francisco: Miller Freeman Books, 334. ISBN 978-0-87930-475-1. Recuperate le 13 August 2010. 
  2. Pearce, Garth (5 December 2011). "Olivia Newton-John: Why I got married in secret at 60", Daily Express. Recuperate le 18 February 2013. 
  3. 1001 Australians You Should Know. Google Books. Recuperate le 13 August 2010. 