Ross Wightman


AI & ML interests

Computer vision, transfer learning, semi/self supervised learning, robotics.



Posts 7

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A 'small' MobileNet-V4 update, I just pushed weights for the smallest model I've trained in the series, a 0.5 width multiplier version of the MobileNet-V4 Conv Small.

Now you may look at this and say hey, why is this impressive? 64.8% top-1 and 2.2M params? MobileNetV3-Small 0.75, and MobileNet-V2 0.5 are both fewer params (at ~2M) and over 65% top-1, what gives? Well this is where MobileNet-V4 differs from the previous versions of the model family, it trades off (gives up) a little parameter efficiency for some computational efficiency.

So, let's look at the speed. On a 4090 w/ torchcompile
* 98K img/sec - timm/mobilenetv4_conv_small_050.e3000_r224_in1k
* 58K img/sec - timm/mobilenetv3_small_075.lamb_in1k
* 37K img/sec - timm/mobilenetv2_050.lamb_in1k

And there you go, if you have a need for speed, MNV4 is the better option.
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The timm leaderboard timm/leaderboard has been updated with the ability to select different hardware benchmark sets: RTX4090, RTX3090, two different CPUs along with some NCHW / NHWC layout and torch.compile (dynamo) variations.

Also worth pointing out, there are three rather newish 'test' models that you'll see at the top of any samples/sec comparison:
* test_vit ( timm/test_vit.r160_in1k)
* test_efficientnet ( timm/test_efficientnet.r160_in1k)
* test_byobnet ( timm/test_byobnet.r160_in1k, a mix of resnet, darknet, effnet/regnet like blocks)

They are < 0.5M params, insanely fast and originally intended for unit testing w/ real weights. They have awful ImageNet top-1, it's rare to have anyone bother to train a model this small on ImageNet (the classifier is roughly 30-70% of the param count!). However, they are FAST on very limited hadware and you can fine-tune them well on small data. Could be the model you're looking for?