Ugrás a tartalomhoz


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Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 509 dye
    • 130 water
    • 9 nine (baseball team, baseball)
    • 195 tree (wood, wooden pole, pole)


  • 4077 U67d3 B75 G6 S9 F837 N2240 V2636 H2572 DK1640 L509 K1161 O968 DO974 MN14621 MP6.0263 E917 IN779 DH928 DT889 DJ908 DG1058 P2-5-4 I4a5.35 Q3490.4 DR364 Yran3 Wyeom セン そ.める -ぞ.め -ぞめ そ.まる し.みる -じ.みる し.み -し.める T1 そめ {dye} {color} {paint} {stain} {print}

EDICT Entries

  • [おせん] / (n) pollution / contamination / (P) /
  • [かんせん] / (n,vs) infection / contagion / (P) /
  • [かんせんしょう] / (n) infectious disease / infection / (P) /
  • まる [そまる] / (v5r) to dye / (P) /
  • み [しみ] / (n) stain / spot / (P) /
  • みる [しみる] / (v1) (1) to pierce / to permeate / (2) to be infected (with vice) / to be steeped (with prejudice) / (P) /
  • め [そめ] / (n) dyeing / printing / (P) /
  • める [そめる] / (v1) to dye / to colour / to color / (P) /
  • [せんしょく] / (n,vs) staining / stain / dyeing / (P) /
  • [せんしょくたい] / (n) chromosome / (P) /
  • [でんせん] / (n) contagion / (P) /
  • [でんせんびょう] / (n) infectious disease / contagious disease / epidemic / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 1141 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. ran3 - to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add colour washes to a painting

Pronunciation Clues

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency