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jPack is a vanilla javascript library of components, classes, plugin wrappers, and utilities designed to make building custom websites and web applications simpler.

But why?

Many plugins and libraries are too generic, verbose, bulky, lacking, or have a lot of dependencies. Much of what is included here is stuff that I’ve written several times, in several different ways, using jQuery in the past (or wrapping other jQuery plugins). The goal of this library is to allow me (and you, now that it’s open source) to integrate slim, mostly dependency-free, components as-needed with more specific use-cases than what is currently offered elsewhere.

…where else can you get a component to grab a form from another page and stick it on the current one with XHR and XHR submission in 4 lines of custom JS?

Build Status


What's Included

Component Demo Data Type What it does
navigation   object Grabs HTML from a URL and replaces content on the current page. Handles browser history, meta title swaps, and offers several callbacks
XHRForm   class Adds an on-submit listener and sends the form values using XHR with callbacks for success/failure
FormFromURL (extends XHRForm)   class Grabs a form from a URL and places it on the current page (examples/FormModalFromURL shows how to put the form in a modal) and then uses an XHR request to submit the form
request demo object Provides a wrapper for window.location and easy querystring interaction
Site demo class A generic website class with properties for id, name, and config - useful for multi-tenant applications where you need to know which site is being viewed
User demo class A generic user class with properties for id, name, email, phone, etc - also allows for front-end permission checks
strings demo object Contains methods for semi-common string manipulation like creating a getter from a string (‘hi’ = ‘getHi’)
type_checks demo object Validate the value of a variable with higher specificity than built-in functions. For instance, you can validate an object contains specific keys and throw errors if not, or if it contains keys that you didn’t define
dom demo object Has methods for converting just about anything into a native DOM Element or array of them (you can provide a string selector, jQuery object, native DOM object, etc). Also has some shortcuts for common DOM checks/manipulation (like removing an element, verifying an element exists in the DOM, or replacing an element with HTML)
events demo object Includes methods for attaching event handlers including shorthand methods which create handlers that prevent the browser’s default action (onclick, onsubmit)
ToggleOnMobile demo class Toggle an element’s visibility when you click a button. By default, the element is visible, but if the button is visible, the element will be hidden until the button is clicked. If the element is visible and the user clicks outside of it, the element is hidden. If the window is resized, the element will be shown or hidden based on visibility of the button.


Standard Global

Download the latest release, unzip and move it into your website’s public folder, then include it in your HTML.

Use either jpack.min.js or jpack.bundled.min.js, BUT NOT BOTH. The bundled file includes the dependencies and you don’t need them if you already have them in your project.

<script href="/@htmlguyllc/jpack/dist/jpack.bundled.min.js">
<!-- <script href="/@htmlguyllc/jpack/dist/jpack.min.js"> -->

//wait for the page to finish loading so we know jpack is ready
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    //now you can take advantage of the jpack library
    jpack.strings.ucfirst('bob'); //Bob
    //if you want to change the namespace
    //if you want to make all global without a namespace - do so at your own risk! Things may conflict!

With NPM or Yarn:

npm i @htmlguyllc/jpack;
yarn add @htmlguyllc/jpack;

ES6 (Babel)

//a single component from it's own file
import {strings} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/strings';

//or multiple components from jpack
import {strings, dom} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack';

//or a namespaced object containing all components
import * as j from '@htmlguyllc/jpack';

CommonJS (Browserify)

var jpack = require('@htmlguyllc/jpack');

//now use it


Name Required by Link
url-search-params-polyfill request
axios navigation
formdata-polyfill XHRForm (and anything that extends it)


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Grabs HTML from a URL and replaces content on the current page. Handles browser history, meta and page title swaps, and offers several callbacks

Properties Default Notes
pushState true enables pushing the new URL to the browser’s history each time .load() is called
loaderEnabled true enables a loader if the the .load() request takes too long
trackHistory false stores the URL and route in an array each time .load() is called to track history
Primary Methods Params (name:type) Return Notes
setConfig config:object self sets multiple configuration options at once (see examples below for more info)
initHistoryHandlers   self sets event listeners to handle back/forward navigation in the user’s browser (only use if pushState is true)
setIncomingElement el:string self a selector string for the element being retrieved from another page which contains the HTML you want put on the current page
setReplaceElement el:string self a selector string for the element on the current page you want the new HTML to replace
load url:string, data:object, onload:function/null, options:object{incomingElement:string, replaceElement:string, pushState:bool} self pulls content from the provided URL and puts it on the current page - also swaps out the page title, metas, and much more - all parameters passed to this method only pertain to this specific load. They do not persist on the navigation object.
showLoader   self shows the loader after the delay
hideLoader   self clears the loader timeout and hides it
reload callback:function self reloads the current page using .load()
fullReload   void performs a full browser refresh of the current page
redirect url:string void redirects the user to a new page (no XHR request)
showLoader   self sets a timeout (using the loaderDelay) with a callback to show the loader
hideLoader   self cancels the timeout if it hasn’t shown yet and hides the loader
resetConfig   self resets config options back to their defaults
Event Methods Params (name:type) Return Callback Params (name:type) Notes
onBeforeRequest callback:function self el:Element, data:object, config:{ selector:string, replacedSelector:string, route:string/null} adds a callback to run prior to the request, if the callback returns false, the request will not be made
removeOnBeforeRequest callback:function self   removes an onbeforerequest callback (must provide the original function)
onload callback:function self el:Element, data:object, config:{ selector:string, replacedSelector:string, route:string/null} add an onload callback
removeOnload callback:function self   removes an onload callback (must provide the original function)
onUnload callback:function self el:Element, data:object, {selector:string, route:string/null} add an unload callback
removeOnunload callback:function self   removes an unload callback (must provide the original function)
onFail callback:function self error:string, url:string, data:object, axios_error:object/null add a callback when the load() request fails - receives 2 params (error:string, axios_error:object)
removeOnFail callback:function self   removes a failure callback (must provide the original function)
Setters/Getters Params (name:type) Return Notes
getConfig   object returns the config options as an object
getIncomingElement   string  
getReplaceElement   string  
setData data:object self sets a data object that is automatically passed to every .onload(), .onUnload(), and .onFail() callback
getData   object  
setDataItem key:string, val:mixed self sets a single data value
getDataItem key:string self returns null if it doesn’t exist
clearData   self clears all data
setLoaderDelay delay:int self set how long a request should take in ms before the loader displays
getLoaderDelay   self  
getHistory   array returns an array of objects containing “url” and “route” starting with the first URL passed to .load() and ending with the latest
getLastHistoryRecord   object returns an object containing “url” and “route” for the last page grabbed by .load()
To use:
import {navigation} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/navigation';

* Shown with defaults, you don't need to provide all of these, just what you want to modify
* If the defaults are fine, you don't need to call setConfig()
     trackHistory:false, //keep track of URLs loaded in an array (see setters/getters above for how to retrieve records)
     pushState:true, //push new URLs to the browser's history
     loaderEnabled:true, //show a loader during the request process
     loaderDelay:300, //how long the request needs to take before the loader is shown
     incomingElementSelector:'body', //what element in the content from the URL should be grabbed
     replaceElementSelector:'body', //what element on the page should be replaced with the incoming one
     loaderClasses:'progress page-navigation-loader', //the loader consists of two divs (outer/inner) and uses Bootstrap 4's progress-bar classes (no styling is included so you should either add Bootstrap, change these classes and add your own styling, or just disable the loader)
     loaderInnerDivClasses:'progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated',

//attaches event handlers to automatically use XHR to reload pages when the user pushes the back and forward buttons in their browser (will not work if pushState is false)

* Add as many onBeforeRequest callbacks as you'd like to run every time a page is loaded
* el is the element about to be replaced
* data the data object you set when you called .load() or using setData/setDataItem (see above method details) - the two objects are merged and passed
* config is an object {selector, replacedSelector, route}
*    selector is the "replaceSelector" used to grab the current element (to be replaced)
*    incomingSelector is the selector that will be used to grab the new element
*    route is the current page's route
navigation.onBeforeRequest(function(el, data, config){ 
   // a custom loader? validate data?
   return true; //if you return false from ANY of your onBeforeRequest callbacks, the request will be prevented!

* Add as many onload callbacks as you'd like to run every time a page is loaded
* el is the new element on the page
* data the data object you set when you call .load() or using setData/setDataItem (see above method details)
* config is an object {selector, replacedSelector, route}
*    selector is the "incomingSelector" used to grab the new element
*    replacedSelector is the selector used to find the element that was replaced
*    route is the new page's route (if set in JSON or HTML response)
navigation.onload(function(el, data, config){
    //some things you might want to run every time a page loads:
   //if gtag is set (google analytics), push a page view
   if( typeof gtag !== 'undefined' ) {
       gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', {
           page_path: request.getURIWithQueryString()
   //if trackHistory is true, you can grab the last history record (or all - see getters/setters above)
   var last_history = navigation.getLastHistoryRecord();
   if( last_history ){
       const last_url = last_history.url;
       const last_route = last_history.route;
   //scroll to the top of the page
   window.scrollTo(0, 0);
   //.. do init tooltip plugins

* Add as many unload callbacks as you'd like to run every time a page is loaded (just before the new HTML is replaced with the old)
* Params are the same as onload except config doesn't have replacedSelector
* Keep in mind this is the element that will be removed shortly (and config.selector is the selector used to retrieve that element) 
navigation.onUnload(function(el, data, config){
   //.. do remove event handlers or destroy plugins 

* Adds as many failure callbacks you'd like to run every time a page fails to load
* error is the string message
* url is the requested URL that failed
* data is the data you provided to be passed onto that page
* axios_error is an error object set by axios that will be available if that's where the error occurred
navigation.onFail(function(error, url, data, axios_error){
    //.. do show an error popup for the user or log the issue

* Now load pages!
* It might look strange to you that you're passing values that are already in-scope for your callback. 
*    This is done for 2 reasons. 
*       1) It protects the data you passed from modification (your object is cloned inside .load())
*       2) It passes that object to all the global onload() callbacks as well
let data = {pass_this:'hi!'};
navigation.load('/my-url', data, function(el, data, config){ 
    const passed = data.pass_this; //passed = 'hi!'

* One of the easiest ways to use this plugin is to tie an event handler to onClick of any link containing a class or attribute
* In this example, all you have to do is add data-href in your link (like this: <a href="" data-href>Link</a>)
import {events} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/events';

events.onClick('[data-href]', function(){

* Want to pass a value to all onload callbacks? It's easy!
    scrollToTop: true
navigation.setDataItem('scrollToTop', true);

* Now load a page and use it!
navigation.load('/my-url', {}, function(el, data){
    if( data.scrollToTop ){

* You can override global data per-request when you provide it to the .load() method
navigation.load('/my-url', {
    scrollToTop: false
}, function(el, data){
    if( data.scrollToTop ){
        //won't be called


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Adds an on-submit listener and sends the form values using XHR with callbacks for success/failure. Automatically prevents the user from submitting the form several times at once. It must finish processing before it can be submitted again.

Primary Methods Params (name:type) Return Notes
constructor form:Element,options:object self  
attachSubmitHandler form:mixed self attaches the event listener to on submit of the passed form
validate form:Element bool passes the form to the validate callback and returns the response
submitForm form:Element self gets URL and method, checks form validity using .validate(), gets values, submits, and kicks off callbacks
Event Methods Params (name:type) Return Callback Params (name:type) Notes
onSuccess callback:function self response:mixed, form:Element adds an onSuccess callback (you can add as many as you’d like)
clearOnSuccessCallbacks   self    
onError callback:function self error:string, response:mixed, form:Element adds an onError callback (you can add as many as you’d like)
clearOnErrorCallbacks   self    
setPreSubmitCallback callback:function self form:Element, form_values:string, url:string, method:string pass a function you want to run right before the server request is sent - return false to prevent submission, return an object with form_values, url, or method if you want to override them
setValidateCallback callback:function is_valid:bool form:Element pass a function to validate the form and return true if it’s valid, false if it’s not. False prevents form submission so you must display errors for the user within here. The default callback uses Bootstrap 4’s “was-validated” class to show errors and HTML5’s :invalid attribute to validate
Setters/Getters Params (name:type) Return Notes
setXHRSubmit enabled:bool self enable/disable the XHR submission of the form
setSubmitURL url:mixed self pass null to use the form’s action, function to dynamically generate the URL ( the form as a param), or string
getSubmitURL   url:string returns whatever was set in the constructor or using setSubmitURL, not the final URL
getFinalSubmitURL form:Element url:string returns the URL the form will be submitted to after running the function (if it is one) and using all fallbacks
setSubmitMethod method:string self override the form and provide a method (GET, POST, PATCH)
getSubmitMethod   method:string  
getFormValues form:Element self returns data from the form to be submitted - override this if you want to manipulate it first
To use:
import {XHRForm} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/forms'; 

//shown with defaults
var remote_form = new XHRForm('form[name="my_form"]', {
        xhrSubmit: true, //wouldn't make a whole lotta sense to use this if this were false lol, but it's here for extending classes and incase you want to toggle it for whatever reason
        submitURL:null, //when null, the form's action will be used (if explicitly defined), otherwise it falls back to the URL the form was retrieved from
        submitMethod:null, //when null, the form's method will be used (if explicitly defined), otherwise it falls back to POST
        onPreSubmit: function(form, form_values, url, method){ //called right before the request to the server
            //return false; //you can return false to stop submission
            return {form_values:form_values, url:url, method:method}; //you can return these if you want to override them (optional)
        onError: function(error, response, form){ alert(error); }, //although you can add more, you can only pass 1 to start with in the constructor
        onSuccess: function(response, form){ //although you can add more, you can only pass 1 to start with in the constructor 
            if(typeof response.success === "string"){ alert(response.success); }
            else{ alert("Your submission has been received"); }
        //validate the form, display any errors and return false to block submission
        validateForm: function(form){
            //add .was-validated for bootstrap to show errors
            //if there are any :invalid elements, the form is not valid
            const is_valid = !form.querySelector(':invalid');
            //if it's valid, clear the validation indicators
            if( is_valid ) form.classList.remove('was-validated');
            return is_valid;

//attach the submission handler


FormFromURL extends XHRForm

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Grabs a form from a URL and places it on the current page (examples/FormModalFromURL shows how to put the form in a modal) and then uses an XHR request to submit the form

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
constructor url:string, options:object self  
setURL url:string self set the URL to pull the form from
getURL   url:string  
setIncomingElementSelector selector:string self set a selector for the form element or it’s parent that is returned by the URL
getIncomingElementSelector   selector:string  
setInsertIntoElement element:mixed self set the element that the form should be inserted into
getInsertIntoElement   element:mixed  
getForm   void pulls the form from the URL and runs the insertForm method
insertForm parsed_content:object, response:mixed, form:Element/null el:Element inserts the form into the parent element, attaches the submit handler, triggers onload, and returns the parent element
onload callback:function self adds a callback function to be run when the form is loaded on the page
clearOnloadCallbacks   self removes all onload callbacks

There are several methods and properties inherited from XHRForm that are not listed here. See XHRForm above for those details

To use:
import {FormFromURL} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/forms'; 

//shown with defaults
var remote_form = new FormFromURL('/my-form', {
        incomingElementSelector: null, //when null, it assumes the entire response is the form's HTML
        insertIntoElement: null, //error on null, must provide this
        onload: function(form){ return this; }, //although you can add more, you can only pass 1 to start with in the constructor
        xhrSubmit: true, 
        submitURL:null, //when null, the form's action will be used (if explicitly defined), otherwise it falls back to the URL the form was retrieved from
        submitMethod:null, //when null, the form's method will be used (if explicitly defined), otherwise it falls back to POST        
        onPreSubmit: function(form, form_values, url, method){ //called right before the request to the server
            //return false; //you can return false to stop submission
            return {form_values:form_values, url:url, method:method}; //you can return these if you want to override them (optional)
        onError: function(error, response, form){ alert(error); }, //although you can add more, you can only pass 1 to start with in the constructor
        onSuccess: function(response, form){ //although you can add more, you can only pass 1 to start with in the constructor 
            if(typeof response.success === "string"){ alert(response.success); }
            else{ alert("Your submission has been received"); }
        //validate the form, display any errors and return false to block submission
        validateForm: function(form){
            //add .was-validated for bootstrap to show errors
            //if there are any :invalid elements, the form is not valid
            const is_valid = !form.querySelector(':invalid');
            //if it's valid, clear the validation indicators
            if( is_valid ) form.classList.remove('was-validated');
            return is_valid;

//grab the form and insert in into the "insertIntoElement"

How to get and submit a form in 4 lines of javascript:

Your javascript

import {FormFromURL} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/forms'; 
new FormFromURL('/email-form', {
    insertIntoElement: '.form-container',


<div class="form-container"></div>

Server response when retrieving /email-form (or, just the HTML without the JSON wrapper)

 "html": "<form><input name='email' required='required'><input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>"

Server response when submitting to /email-form (success)

{ "success": "Thank you for submitting, your email has been provided to spammers everywhere" }

Server response when submitting to /email-form (error)

{ "error": "Your email is required/Your email is invalid" }


FormFromURL extends XHRForm and either can be extended as you need.

See examples/FormModalFromURL for an example


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Provides a wrapper for window.location and easy querystring interaction

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
query n/a URLSearchParams see
isHttps   bool  
getDomain   string  
getDomainWithProtocol   string  
getURI   string also known as the path - does not include querystring
getURIWithQueryString   string full URL after the domain
getFullURL   string  
appendSlash string:string string adds a slash (if there isn’t already one) to the end of a string.
To use:
import {request} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/request'; 

//get product_id from the querystring
var product_id = request.query.get('product_id');

var current_full_url = request.getFullURL();

var full_blog_url = request.appendSlash(request.getDomainWithProtocol()) 'blog'; //


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A generic website class with properties for id, name, and config - useful for multi-tenant applications where you need to know which site is being viewed

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
getId   string/int  
setId id:string/int this  
getName   string this
setName name:string this  
getConfig   object this
setConfig config:object this overwrites all config
getConfigItem   mixed returns an individual item from config
setConfigItem key:string,val:mixed this sets the value of an individual item in config
populate data:object this sets provided values all at once (id,name,config)
Instantiation with current site data:

The easy way:

Create an object named $site with values from your server (prior to including jpack)

    $site = []; //get site from database/API
const $site = {
    id: <?php echo $site['id']; ?>,
    name: "<?php echo $site['name']; ?>",
    config: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode($site['config']); ?>"),

Then instantiate the Site class in your JS file somewhere

const cur_site = new Site($site);

@see: /examples/CurrentSiteSingleton for a method of instantiating the current site once and using everywhere Note: Even though that creates a singleton which is available anywhere, it’s still highly recommended that you pass that object to functions and methods where it is used (dependency injection)

The harder way:

Perform an XHR request to grab site details via a JSON API, then run the populate method on the site object.

import {Site} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/site';
//this example uses jQuery's shorthand AJAX call, you can use axios or any request you want
$.get('/my-site-info-endpoint.php', function(data){
    //don't forget error handling!
    const cur_site = new Site(JSON.parse(data));

Of course you can use this class for any site, not just the current one, but this is the intended usage.


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A generic user class with properties for id, name, email, phone, etc - also allows for front-end permission checks

Method/Property Params Return Notes
constructor data:object self  
getId   string/int  
setId id:string/int this  
getIsGuest   bool if your site has users who don’t login but still interact and have a user record (like guest checkout)
setIsGuest is_guest:bool this  
setIsAdmin   bool if your site has users who have ultimate permissions and you want to do something based on that
setIsGuest is_admin:bool this  
getUsername   string  
setUsername username:string this  
getFname   string  
setFname fname:string this  
getLname   string  
setLname lname:string this  
getName   string returns fname and lname concatenated with a space
getEmail   string  
setEmail email:string this  
getPhone   string  
setPhone phone:string this  
getPermissions   array  
setPermissions permissions:array this  
addPermission permission:string/int this  
removePermission permission:string/int this  
hasPermission permission:string/int bool  
getAdditionalData   object set any additional data about this user that doesn’t fit the default getters and setters here (a better idea would be to extend this object with your custom properties/methods)
setAdditionalData data:object this  
getDataItem key:string mixed returns a single value from the additional data object/array
setDataItem key:string, val:mixed sets a single value in the additional data array/object  
populate data:object this sets provided values all at once (id, isGuest, isAdmin, etc)
Instantiation with current user data:

The easy way:

Create an object named $user with values from your server

const $user = {
    id: <?php echo $user['id']; ?>,
    fname: "<?php echo $user['fname']; ?>",
    permissions: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode($user['permissions']); ?>"),
    additionalData: JSON.parse("<?php echo json_encode([
        //whatever else you might want to pass
    ]); ?>"),

Then instantiate the User class in your JS file somewhere

const cur_user = new User($user);

@see: /examples/CurrentUserSingleton for a method of instantiating the current user once and using everywhere Note: Even though that creates a singleton which is available anywhere, it’s still highly recommended that you pass that object to functions and methods where it is used (dependency injection)

The harder way:

Perform an XHR request to grab site details via a JSON API, then run the populate method on the site object.

import {User} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/user';
$.get('/my-user-info-endpoint.php', function(data){
    //don't forget error handling!
    const cur_user = new User(JSON.parse(data));

Of course you can use this class for any User not just the current one, but that’s the intended usage.


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Contains methods for semi-common string manipulation like creating a getter from a string (‘hi’ = ‘getHi’)

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
ucfirst string:string string capitalizes the first letter of a string like ucfirst in PHP
getter string:string string creates a getter method name from a string
setter string:string string creates a setter method name from a string
To Use:
import {strings} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/strings';

strings.ucfirst('bob'); //returns 'Bob'
strings.getter('name'); //returns 'getName';
strings.setter('name'); //returns 'setName';


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Has methods for converting just about anything into a native DOM Element or array of them (you can provide a string selector, jQuery object, native DOM object, etc). Also has some shortcuts for common DOM checks/manipulation (like removing an element, verifying an element exists in the DOM, or replacing an element with HTML)

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
getElement el:mixed, error_on_none:bool, error_on_multiple:bool Element/HTMLDocument/null returns a native DOM element for whatever you provide (selector string, array of elements, single element, jQuery wrapped DOM element, etc)
getElements el:mixed, error_on_none:bool array same as getElement, except it returns all matches
remove el:mixed, error_if_not_found:bool this removes elements from the DOM - uses .getElements()
replaceElWithHTML el:mixed, html:string, error_if_not_found:bool Element replaces an element in the DOM with HTML and returns a reference to the new Element
exists el:mixed bool checks to see if it exists in the DOM
multipleExist el:mixed bool checks to see if more than 1 instance exists in the DOM
isVisible el:mixed, error_if_not_found:bool, error_on_multiple:bool bool checks to see if the provided element is visible
To Use:
import {dom} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/dom';

//Dont do this. Most of these are dumb examples.
dom.getElement('.my-fav-button', true, true); //will throw an error if it doesn't find it, or if it finds more than 1
dom.getElements('.links', true); //will throw an error if none are found
dom.getElement('.my-button'); //returns the button, or null (if multiple, it returns the first)
dom.getElements('.links'); //returns an array of any matches for .links
dom.getElement($('a')); //returns the native DOM element for the link and removes the jQuery wrapper
dom.getElement(document.querySelectorAll('a')); //returns the first anchor

dom.exists('a'); //returns true if there is an anchor on the page
dom.multipleExist('a'); //returns true if more than 1 anchor on the page

Type Checks

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Validate the value of a variable with higher specificity than built-in functions. For instance, you can validate an object contains specific keys and throw errors if not, or if it contains keys that you didn’t define

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
isDataObject value:object, keys:array, require_all_keys:bool, block_other_keys:bool, throw_error:bool bool validates that an object contains data and not a dom element, array, null or anything else that would normally return true when you call typeof
To Use:
import {type_checks} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/type_checks';

var my_obj = {id:null, name:'John Doe', email:'[email protected]'};

//make sure my_obj contains the keys: 'id', 'name', 'email'
//force all keys to exist
//block any keys that aren't in that list
//throw an error if the object fails any checks
type_checks.isDataObject(my_obj, ['id', 'name', 'email'], true, true, true);


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Includes methods for attaching event handlers including shorthand methods which create handlers that prevent the browser’s default action (onclick, onsubmit)

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
setGlobal namespace:string/null self adds each of the following functions to the global scope, a namespace is optional, but recommended. Use at your own risk! These may cause conflicts!
onClick el:mixed, callback:function handler:function prevents the browser’s default so you can handle link clicks and form submissions with less code - returns an updated handler in case you need to remove it later
onSubmit el:mixed, callback:function handler:function same as .onClick() but for submit - returns an updated handler in case you need to remove it later
onEventPreventDefault el:mixed, event:string, callback:function callback:function generates and attaches a handler which prevents the default action - returns the updated handler in case you need to remove it later
on el:mixed, event:string, callback:function array attaches an event listener
off el:mixed, event:string, callback:function array removes an event listener
trigger el:mixed, event:string, event_options:mixed array triggers an event on an element/elements - uses .getElements()
To Use:
import {events} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/events';

var preventedHandler = events.onClick('', function(){
   //do something without the page redirecting to the href 
//now remove that handler'', 'click', preventedHandler);

var handler = events.onSubmit('', function(){
   //do something and submit the form using XHR 

//trigger submit on a form and pass an object as additional data in the event
events.trigger('.my-form', 'submit', {id:1});
Setting with a custom namespace (or no namespace):
import {events} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/events';


onClick('a', function(){
   //do something - href is prevented! 


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Toggle an element’s visibility when you click a button. By default, the element is visible, but if the button is visible, the element will be hidden until the button is clicked. If the element is visible and the user clicks outside of it, the element is hidden. If the window is resized, the element will be shown or hidden based on visibility of the button.

Method/Property Params (name:type) Return Notes
constructor btn:mixed, toggle_el:mixed, toggle_class:string, hide_on_outside_click:bool self  
init   self attaches event handlers and immediately adjusts the visibility
destroy   self removes event handlers - does not change the class
To Use:
import {ToggleOnMobile} from '@htmlguyllc/jpack/es/toggle';

const toggle = new ToggleOnMobile('.toggle-sidebar-btn', '.sidebar', 'visible', true);


//and later if you want to, toggle.destroy();