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Very nice game for the whole family, thank you so much ! :-)

(1 edit) ( 1)

The game is ready. Three levels have been added (more did not fit on the disc). One of them is a boss fight. I still have to fix a few small bugs (thanks to Rafalnir and tempus01 for testing) and then the game will be uploaded completely.

Thanks also for all those who have left a small donation. 

New project is already in the works ;)

A really good Amiga game is coming, supported. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from August 2024" video along with all the other recently released Amiga games.

Thanks for showing and playing on your YouTube channel. The final version will be coming soon. :)

The next update is more likely to be the release of the game. If anyone wants to test the game, please contact me. 

It will take some time until the release, but I'm getting to the end of the game and there will be a lot more to come. So far I am finished with level 19 and 20 .... more will come. 

I have also made a optional payment. If you want you can support me with this or other projects for the Amiga 500

i want test Your game:-))

Write me on my Instagram account. 


Deleted 11 days ago

I wrote a message on Instagram:-))

In level 10, there is still a closed door with a shot and energy to recover (see image), but the door at the end of the level is already open.

Thank you very much. There was one battery too many in the level. I have deleted it. 

I have re-uploaded version 6

Thanks for bringing this nice game to us. I like graphics stile very much and that it uses full PAL screen. Works fine on real A1200 030 50Mhz. HD version needs a quit to Workbench so that resetting the machine is not necessary. Why a Lvl code for Lvl1? Looking forward to see next versions!

Many thanks for the information. I will take your wishes into account for the next version.

Found it appropriate to put a level code in level 1 so that you can recognize what it should be. You can get to the code relatively easily and even get a life and the appropriate explanation. 

Thanks for the hotfix update, the bug with the ladder and the fire button is gone, now I'm stuck in a level, I redid it several times, but the doors don't open (see images)
<img src="">
<img src="">

What level is this? Would fix it quickly. 

Found it Level 10, two doors should open at the button. Update coming in 5 min. Thanks for playing and reporting the bugs. :)

I urgently need a game tester ;)

Dr_Dangerous V5_hotfix_2 online

  • Level 10 Bug Fix (Now all doors open)
  • small edits

Thank you for your responsiveness, one door opens well, but the bottom one does not open completely, even by jumping it is not possible to pass through the door (see image)

Oh. Ok, I must have mixed up the coordinates. I'll change it tonight. 🥴


I tried Your v5 HotFix version on my real A500 (512k 512k) with a Gotek drive.

For me all seems to works correctly

Thanks for testing. I hope my Gotek drive arrives next week. :)

This is a really fun game and looks cool too! Reminds me a bit of all 4 games: Rick Dangerous, Megaman, Power Glove and Captain Dynamo.

BTW, I created a configuration on AmigaLive so for anyone not familiar with configuring emulation options to be able to play or even stream their gameplay..
Just need to come here on this website and grab the ADF disk image and drop it in the emulator path under AmigaLive\FS-UAE\Floppies

Enjoy playing!

PS. Updated configuration to look for Dr. Dangerous V5_hotfix.adf now and will be updating it with every new release

Thanks for the info. I didn't realize that you can also use it online. 

I tested the game on my psVita today and it works great on the Winue (psVita) emulator. 

I can say for sure that v4 works on a real Amiga 1200 with PiStorm32-lite. I'll try the v5 hotfix on Tuesday (27 August) and reply here.

Thanks for the info. I can only test it again on my old amiga when I have my Gotek drive. I'll be glad when I get some feedback. :)

Very nice game... but again towards the end of the video - see - I don't know why the game is over? Why did I die?

(1 edit)

I have already uploaded an update. 

Update 24.08.2024 v5_hotfix

  • Ladder bug fixed (you can no longer go through the walls)
  • If you stand on the ladder you no longer die when you press the fire button
  • Level 8 a few changes
  • If you enter the level code and then complete a level and die, you stay in the level and don't have to repeat the previous level (it worked during testing)
  • Layers deleted in some levels

I'm playing on A500 and Winuae Emulator, here's a little feedback:

On a real Amiga 500, it's frustrating to start the same level over and over again, I'll try to explain it to you.

 You complete a level with the code, then you move on to the next level, but when you lose all your lives, you have to start the level you already completed, so most of the time you have to redo the previous level.

Otherwise, I found a bug, (see the image below), when you are on the ladder you go to the left and you press the shoot button the character dies for no reason.

I also found a place quite difficult because the crates were too far away (I often had to start again).

Thank you for the regular updates, they are very pleasant to test

Many thanks for the information. I have found everything so far and fixed it again. If anything else is found, please feel free to post it here. Update comes as v5_hotfix.I put a box there and now it should be easier  ;)

Hello! Really cool game! However, just tested the last update v5 from 1 hour ago and found 2 problems.

Ladder glitch, wall pass-through while exiting ladder with directional movements.

Ladder death while standing on ladder and just hitting fire button:

Both errors found and fixed. Many thanks for reporting. 

Currently working on level 17 and 18.  :)

I do not fully understand how to start a level by a code. It took a while to figure out how to enter numbers in the first place, not very intuitive. Nevertheless after entering a code it always starts with first level here. Can you explain? Moreover I would like to be able to enter the code by the number keys and pressing return to start, at least optionally.

You have to go to Level Code and then the level starts with code. I'm looking at how to change the input so that it's easier to see where to press 

I liked it, it's a good game, it's well balanced, a big thank you to the creator, otherwise, I just noticed a small bug, if you press the P key at level 6 it restarts the Amiga .

I play on A500 with memory expansion.

Thank you very much. So far I had only been able to test it on an emulator and it ran without any problems. Next week I'll get my Amiga back and see if I have the same problems and how to solve them 

(2 edits)

Small update 

Level 15 and 16 finished so far. Still need to test and balance. 

If you find any bugs in the level please let me know and I will change it. 

Saberman. I changed the platform on level 5 ;) Will be in the next update

My views on V3, really looking forward to full release!  

I am working hard on a final version, but I will also keep uploading new versions. :)

Great game - as usual :). But I couldn't jump on the platform at the end of the game...

Hmm. While testing the level I came across it. I'll change the platform so it's easy to get there. Will upload it as a fix. 

New update is online. 

If you find any bugs in the levels you can write them here or find bugs like this. I will fix the bugs as soon as possible. 

Servus und wann denkst Du ist mit der neuen Version zu rechnen ?  Sorry aber ich kanns kaum erwarten weiter zu spielen ;-) Das Game ist wie ich schon mal geschrieben habe echt klasse und genau mein Ding also lass Dir ruhig Zeit denn nichts ist nerviger wenn ein Game heraus kommt und es voller Bugs ist.Viel Erfolg noch beim Programieren und LG ...Marco

(3 edits) ( 2)

Moin Moin. Eigentlich hatte ich vor eine neue Version so schnell es geht bereitzustellen. Leider sind mir dabei einige Hürden (zu wenig Speicherplatz ...etc) im Weg gewesen, die ich beseitigen wollte. Bisher mache ich hier aber gute Fortschritte und eine InGame Musik ist auch in Arbeit. 

Am Samstag werde ich auf einer Veranstaltung in Herne (NRW, Deutschland) sein, wo ich das Spiel präsentieren werde. Es werden 14 spielbare Level verfügbar sein. Es ist auch möglich, dass ich an diesem Wochenende die dazugehörige Version hochladen werde. ;)

Servus und danke erstmal für deine ausführliche Antwort.Es freut mich zu lesen das Du gute Fortschritte machst und ich hoffe das die 14 Level Version bald auch hier zum Download gibt 🙂 Leider ist mir NRW zu weit entfernt (lebe im Frankenland) aber ich bin sicher das dein Gane dort sehr gut ankommen wird.

Dann wünsche ich Dir weiterhin gutes Gelingen und alles gute.

LG Marco

(1 edit)

Very cool game with nice graphics and good playability. Only the level codes don't seem to work yet. We're excited about the final version. Our German-language preview can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:06:40. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

( 1)

Thank you for the video. I watched it in full. :) 

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to deliver an update at the weekend. I still need a little longer, as I've done a lot of customization and am currently struggling with the boss fight. We are also still working on the music. There will also be background music in the game. So unfortunately you'll have to be patient a little longer. The update will be all the bigger for it.

There will be a somewhat larger update this weekend. So let us surprise you. New photos have already been uploaded. A story has also been added to the game. :)

Can't wait to see the new update. The game is really fantastic! GG!

Btw, if you need a new challenge after completing Dr. Dangerous. What about converting this game to 8-bit computers, like C64 and the likes?

(1 edit)

The game is not finished yet. It is only a test version. There will be more to come.  Next update come this week. 


This is coming to be excellent game, thank you. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from July 2024" video.

Thanks for showing. :)

Wow! Great game! :)

It would be nice if a second fire button would be optionally supported for jumping!

The game should be more like it used to be. So jump with the joystick up. I'll see if I can change it as a second option. 

yes,  optionally would be nice! 🥳

So far runs fine on my Amiga 1200 with Vampire V2... needs an exit option so we can return to Workbench...

I may include it in the next update. 


With Your latest demo version, the demo seems to works perfectly on my real A500 rev 6A (512k 512k). 

The ADF file mounted in my Gotek Drive.

Great Works and many thanks for this updated version.

Thanks for the info. :) NP 

another update will come :)

Is that Darth Vader from Planet Vulcan? Haha. I realy like the optic of the game. Guess it would need some cool music on top of the sfx. I would also wish me an hd-version not "just" and adf. But thats not the important points. I realy like the game very much so far. Keep up the great work!

I am your father ... haha ... There will be an update and also an HD version. The sound is currently being reworked by a good friend who has also made a lot of music for my other games.

muy bonito y graficamente muy potente y suavidad en los movimientos,fantastico juego

Muchas gracias. El juego aún no está terminado y habrá más cosas por venir. Actualmente un buen amigo está trabajando en un nuevo sonido y posiblemente nuevos sfx. :)

Hi there! How does it cost? Is it free??? If yes, how can we pay something to you?

It's for free. :)

(2 edits)

Wow, what an awesome game! Could well compete with one of those Bitmap Brothers games in the end! What bothers me a little bit, is the sound when you collect battery or ammunition. I always shiver ;) Anyway, keep up this awesome work! I nominate Dr. Dangerous for the best 2024 game, if not for the last decades!

Thank you very much for the kind words. 

The Bitmap Bros. were and still are the top player manufacturers. I still enjoy playing God's, magic pockets and their other games to this day. I was happy when I finally found the opportunity to make a game for the amiga with the Scorpion engine. It was only supposed to be used a little for fun and now it will probably become a game after all. :)

Sound updates will come. ;)

Great news!

V3 loads ok in zipped format in WinUAE emulator. How many levels will the final release of the game have? It looks and plays so cool!

( 1)

I'm not sure how many levels I'm going to do. Usually the games I have developed have between 20 and 80 levels. Somewhere in between ;) 

( 1)

Awesome game!

Thanks for the great video. :)


Nice game... But,

On real A500 ECS, the game start correctly and I can play it but suddently the game crash on the first level with a reboot and a GURU....
I tried it on a REAL A500 REV.6A (512 512) and on another A500 rev.6A with an ACA500PLUS in mode A500 1MB CHIP KS 1.3

Best regards,


Thanks for the information. I haven't had a chance to test it on a real Amiga yet. So far I've only been able to test it on an emulator and it ran smoothly. 

Looks fantastic. A friend of mine played it ... 🕹️💾😊

Thanks for the rating. I hope he liked it. :)

We both like it a lot.

Update will coming soon. :)

The code is currently being revised and the color palette is being adapted. There are also many changes and some new levels. A small intro may also be included. 

Okay. I am excited ... ;)

(1 edit)

The game looks superb! Thanks for sharing. Although when trying to load it on WinUAE I get the error message "System Request - Volume Dr. is writ protected" with the options 'Retry/Cancel'. I click on Retry but nothing happens... It's the first time I get that error on WinUAE emulator.

Try to start Winue as administrator. It should then work. 

Deleted 54 days ago

I think I found the problem. I always load .adf files in zipped archives so I tried to load the .adf file instead and it worked!

Ok. So first unpack and then play ;) Have fun with the test version. 

( 1)

Nice :)

Sehr schönes Spiel genau so stelle ich mir das vor,Codes und der Schwierigkeitsgrad steigt langsam dazu noch hübsche Grafik und was zum knobbeln :-) Glückwunsch dazu wann ist denn mit den Release zu rechnen ? LG Marco

(1 edit)

Danke für deine Bewertung. Ich mag Spiele die immer schwerer werden. Damals war ich ein großer Fan von Rick Dangerous. Es gab hier und da ein Nervenzusammenbruch, aber das Spiel war der Hammer. Einige meiner Spiel für Android sind vom guten alten Amiga geprägt.

Kompletter release wird noch ein wenig dauern. :)

oh ja ich liebe Rick Dangerous auch und hätte auch ab und zu mal ausflippen können aber war nie unfair und gerade das macht ja ein gutes Spiel aus 😆 Schade das es noch mit den Release dauert aber ich denke die Wartezeit lohnt sich,was denkst Du wie viele Level das Endgame hat ? 😉

Keinen Ahnung wie viel ich machen werde. Bisher sind 8 Level spielbar mit der Version und es sollen mehr werden. Meine bisherigen Spiele für Android haben zwischen 24 und 80 Level. Ich es nicht gewohnt so wenig Speicherplatz zu haben. Das Spiel soll auf einer Disk passen und auf einem Amiga 500 lauffähig sein. Bisher passt alles. ;)

Es ist auch mein erstes Projekt für die Plattform. Wenn alles gut läuft kommen noch mehr Spiele für den Amiga.  Das Spiel sollte eigentlich zum testen genutzt werden. Irgendwie ist mehr draus geworden. :)

Servus und cool das es dein erstes Projekt für den Amiga ist und ich hoffe es kommen noch mehr dazu denn dieses Spiel gefällt mir schon jetzt sehr gut.Die 8 Level hab ich schon durch und würde mich freuen wenn es 30 40 50 oder mehr werden :-) Bin ja ein Kind der Amiga Zeit und freue mich immer wenn neue gute Games für meinen Amiga erscheinen.Eine letzte Frage wird es auch eine Boxversion geben ?  LG Marco

(1 edit)

Mal schauen wie das Spiel wird. Dann schauen ob's eine boxed Version wird. 

Wenn du ein Android Handy hast kannst du dich gerne an meinen anderen Spiele ausprobieren. 

HooGames Android Spiele

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