सामग्री पर जाएँ

श्रेणी:छुपाई हुई श्रेणियाँ

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

  • Hidden categories are those that have been tagged with the magic word: __HIDDENCAT__ or the template: {{hiddencat}}.
  • In accordance with विकिपीडिया:Categorization, the categories that should appear here are the maintenance categories, that is, categories reflecting the present status of the encyclopedia article, rather than classifying the article subject.
  • Hidden categories do not appear listed on articles. If you are wondering why the category you have added to an article has not appeared, check to see if the category is hidden. Previewing a page will list hidden categories at the bottom of the page, below the list of templates used.
  • Hidden categories are not hidden on category pages. You can view hidden categories on all pages by adding the following code to your monobook.css (or whatever skin you use):[email protected]
    .catlinks-allhidden, .mw-hidden-cats-hidden { display: block; }


इस श्रेणी में निम्नलिखित 200 उपश्रेणियाँ हैं, कुल उपश्रेणियाँ 1,069

(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)



(पिछला पृष्ठ) (अगला पृष्ठ)