Fight - Loot - Craft - Repeat

Fight your way through the sewers of Last Light. Craft potions to defend yourself from mutants and monsters in a semi-procedurally generated dungeon. Collect resources to upgrade your potions and try to find the exit guarded by the largest and meanest mutant of them all. Should you loose all of your "Light", start again armed with more knowledge and ingredients in a new environment.



(currently not in the game, but we made some plans with an intro level and a playable story)

The city “Last Light” was a city ruled by an oligarchy of master alchemists. At first glance, the city was an utopia and was driven by the pursuit of progress and new technologies, but underneath the beautiful surface, the ruling class of alchemists conducted sinister experiments. They kidnapped unsuspecting civilians and used the source of their alchemical power, the “Light” which is somewhat unresearched but seemed to be the “spirit” of the city and its inhabitants, to create abhorrent abominations. In a series of failed experiments, they created a mutant plague that spread rapidly and wiped out almost everyone in the city, civilians and alchemists alike. Very few actually knew what the master alchemists were up to, so everyone with enough skill tried to climb the ranks of society to one day become an apprentice to one of the master alchemists.

The player was one of those aspirants and prepared for one of the yearly alchemist contests, before the plague overran the city. They put on their robes, packed their tools and rushed to the event. Unfortunately the player forgot to polish their hat. So, to not embarrass themselves, the player started to mix some concoctions, but misread the instructions on the recipe. Instead of spreading the mixture on the hat, they drank the potion. The next thing the player remembered is waking up in a dark dungeon. They feel their “Light” fading slowly, can’t feel their limbs and realize that something really bad happened. The player is now a sentient hat that tries to reverse the effects of their transmutation and the cities descend into darkness.



WASD / Arrow Keysmove the player character
Left MB
throw potion / menu interaction
Scroll Wheel / Rchange potion slot for throwing or brewing
Shiftroll forwards
Tabtoggle side inventory
Btoggle brewing menu



  • brew potions (looting and crafting) with different ingredients to create unique potion with scalings based on the ingredients used
  • potion color changes dynamically depending on what ingredients you mix
  • semi-procedural dungeon generation. dungeons are generated from a set of 3 prebuild rooms a spawn and a boss room
  • enemy scaling is based on the room number, later rooms = more enemies, more health more damage
  • boss fight with unique behaviour instructions and 2 phases
  • light is player health so the more damage you take the harder it will be for you, as there is currently no way to heal in a run
  • dodge roll to avoid some attacks or gain distance
  • throw potions at your mouse position (there is still a slight offset which would need some fixing)
  • self damage from your own potions if your are too close
  • simple sound effects for ambience and fighting
  • tweaks for the prototype, higher drop rates, less enemy health and damage


Things we had planned, but couldn't implement or fix in time

  • phase 3 for the boss fight with environmental effects
  • special elemental strengths and weaknesses
  • special potion effects like lingering fields, multi explosions, damage over time, etc.
  • tutorial / intro sequence
  • more rooms
  • more sound effects
  • pause menu
  • game saves and loading
  • destructable and lootable objects
  • full controller support (some aspects may work but its not really playable with just controller)
  • ui scaling for different resolutions in WebGL (full screen should work fine)
  • some visual clipping issues
  • crafting is available everywhere with the B key instead of just on death. hm...lets say its a feature for the prototype :)
  • ui elements that tell the player how many of each element is in a potion during and after crafting and what its stats are exactly (currently scaling stats are throwing range, aoe radius, attack speed and damage)



Game Design Document


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Cute! It's hard to gage what ingredients to use to get a good potion going, even with the brewing being available at all times, but it makes for an interesting base to build upon.