Warehousing: Schemas Overview

The Rockerbox Data Warehouse integration includes multiple types of datasets. This includes:

1. Platform Performance: reporting as seen in each ad platform (ex Facebook reported performance)

2. Rockerbox datasets: leverage 1st party tracked data for attribution and user level analysis.

  • All Rockerbox datasets are unique to a specific conversion event tracked in Rockerbox. For example, if you're tracking an email signup conversion event and purchase conversion event, there will be separate tables for each.

Dataset Summary

The below guide is meant to provide a high level summary of what you can expected to find in each dataset, and a sample of associated use cases. Schemas are also linked in the Table Name column.

Table Name

Description of Contents

Sample of Included Columns

Sample Use Cases

Platform Performance

Platform-reported performance pulled and standardized for ease of use

Supported Platforms: Google, Bing, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, Pinterest, Linkedin

- Spend

- Impressions

- Clicks

- Platform-Reported Conversions

- Generate reports with platform-specific metrics (ex Youtube video completes)

- Joining platform impression click data to 1st party conversion data from Buckets Breakdown

Log Level MTA

All marketing touchpoints on each individual user's path to conversion

- Tiers 1-5

- Attributed conversions revenue (all attribution types)

- Conversion_key

- Timestamp of marketing events conversion event

- Full URL string (with UTMs / landing page)

- platform_join_key (to join against platform reported data)

- Joining attributed conversion data to order level or user level data (product-level analysis, LTV)

- Calculating CPA / ROAS by data of marketing touchpoints

- Custom Credit Allocations

Buckets Breakdown (MTA Tiers)

Granular marketing performance reporting including spend, attributed conversions, and revenue

- Spend

- Total conversions and revenue (all attribution types)

- Tiers 1-5 (attributed conversions)

- platform_join_key (to join against platform reported data)

- CPA / ROAS at all levels of granularity

- New vs Repeat customer dashboards

- Spend pacing across channels

- Custom dashboards with specific placements / spend included / excluded

Conversion Data

Order level data passed to Rockerbox on the conversion pixel or Shopify data

- Order_id

- Revenue

- Product level data

- Any other variables passed to Rockerbox on the order level

- Joining product purchased data to attributed conversion data (to customers who saw X creatives buy X)

MTA Tiers Changelog

The changelog table provides context about the changes to conversions and spend in each update to your Buckets Breakdown (MTA Tiers) datasets. This table is updated with one new record whenever Rockerbox syncs a new version of any Buckets Breakdown dataset to your data warehouse.

- Change conversions

- Total conversions

- Changed spend

- Total spend

- Evaluating when updates are pushed to your shared datasets

- Evaluating the "completeness" of spend before triggering downstream data pipelines

- Analyzing the magnitude of an update to your aggregated datasets before triggering downstream data pipelines

This changelog table is being rolled out to existing customers over the first half of March 2024. Rockerbox support will reach out directly when this feature is available in your account.
Schemas Differ between Warehousing and Standard Reports
Note that the Warehouse schemas include some variation between the Standard Reports. Be sure to view the appropriate schemas.
Redshift Schema Limitation

Redshift schema do not support the following columns:

* Advertiser
* Report
* Type
* Platform

These columns are static for a given report.

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