
Setup Instructions

  1. Authenticate your TikTok account(s) here. This will allow Rockerbox to ingest daily spend and apply our TikTok tracking parameters to your ads. All UTMs and other custom parameters will remain in place.
After authenticating your account, your ads will go into a brief re-learning period as Rockerbox begins to apply our Auto Params. If the ads already have Rockerbox tracking parameters applied, they will remain active.
  1. Reach out to [email protected] letting them know the channel, the launch date, and the tier structure you'd like applied for this type of marketing activity.
  • If you'd like to set up view-based tracking for TikTok, please let [email protected] know that you opt-in to TikTok sharing view-based conversion data with Rockerbox. The data share from TikTok will be set up within a few days.
  1. A day after launch, confirm that tracking is applied to all your ads using the Advertising Platforms page. More info on QAing your tracking can be found here.
  2. If you see that tracking is not applied to specific placements, review the requirements and constraints below and edit your settings as needed. If ads are still missing tracking, take next steps to manually append tracking.

Requirements and Constraints for Automatic Tracking Parameters

  1. Auto Params are not supported for ACO ads. If you are running any ACO ads, please manually apply tracking to those ads using these instructions.
  2. Auto Params are not supported if you are running TikTok through a third-party ad server. Please reach out to your Rockerbox representative if this is applicable, and Rockerbox can disable the feature for your account.
  3. Auto Params are blocked from ads with improper URL structure. Please ensure all URLs follow the proper URL structure outlined here.
Rockerbox makes updates to TikTok ads once per day.

TikTok View-Based Tracking

Rockerbox has an exclusive direct partnership with TikTok through which TikTok provides view and engagement based user-level touchpoints to Rockerbox for attribution.

If this feature is enabled in your account, you will see view, engagement, and click-based reporting against TikTok in all UI views that leverage first-party Rockerbox data. TikTok touchpoints will be reported for your primary conversion event only in the same tier-structure as your click-based conversions.

How the Integration Works
  • TikTok sends to Rockerbox a daily, log-level feed of ad impressions (views)
  • Rockerbox matches TikTok views to users by matching the phone number or email address associated with a conversion, within a 7 day click / 1 day view lookback window.
  • If a user with a TikTok view based touchpoint converts, then TikTok will be credited as a touchpoint on that user's path to conversion.
Requirements for View-Based Tracking
  • Your conversion data in Rockerbox must include a phone number OR email address. Those identifiers must be un-hashed OR hashed using SHA-256 hashing algorithm, detailed here. TikTok views cannot be reported on for any events that do not pass one of these identifiers
  • You agree to allow Rockerbox to send a daily performance report (Buckets Breakdown) to TikTok, filtered to TikTok touchpoints.
  • The partnership only supports a view-based tracking for a single TikTok account per Rockerbox account.
Non-US customers: TikTok does not currently support report delivery for non-US advertisers. This currently blocks view-based tracking.

TikTok Platform-Reported Performance

Rockerbox collects and reports on TikTok's own reported performance in addition to tracking 1st party marketing touchpoints (in your Rockerbox dataset).

TikTok reporting may be more variant than Rockerbox-reported TikTok performance for some advertisers due to the below:

  • "Conversions" and "Results" in TikTok's reporting recognize a conversion as having occurred on the day of the ad impression, rather than on the day of the conversion. Definitions of each can be found in TikTok's documentation here.
  • The TikTok Conversions and Results set in the TikTok platform may not be aligned to the same event Rockerbox is reporting on view-based activity for. For example:
    • Rockerbox reports on TikTok views against your primary conversion event (the default when you open the Cross-Channel Report)
    • TikTok reports on conversions based on the objective and setting you set in the TikTok Ads Manager, which may be upper funnel (ex Landing Page Visits) or a sum of multiple conversion objectives.

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