Google Ads (Manual Tracking)

Updated by Emily Shreero

Rockerbox requires Rockerbox-specific tracking parameters to be applied to all Google Ads.

In many cases, Rockerbox is able to automatically append URL tracking parameters to all Google ads.

If ads do not meet certain conditions outlined here, tracking may need to be applied manually. Instructions for applying tracking manually are below.

To confirm if tracking has been applied to all your or identify where tracking may need to be applied manually, visit the Advertising Platforms page in the Rockerbox UI

Adding Non-Video Tracking in Google Ads (Campaign Level)

If you have completed the steps above to add account-level tracking parameters, do not complete these steps.

  1. In the Google Ads Console, select a campaign
  2. Click Settings in the left sidebar
  3. Choose the dropdown for Additional Settings. For Shopping campaigns, this is below the Shopping Campaign Settings section.
  4. Expand the section for Campaign URL Options
  5. For each campaign, append the correct tracking parameters below to any existing parameters in the Final URL Suffix. Replace CAMPAIGN_NAME with the name of your campaign. Use underscores in place of spaces in the campaign name. Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your account ID.
Search/Display Campaigns

Discovery Campaigns

Shopping campaigns (including Smart Shopping)

Adding Video Tracking in Google Ads (Ad Group Level)

  1. After selecting a video campaign, modify the columns shown in your ad set view by selecting Columns and then Modify Columns.
  2. Select the dropdown for Attributes and then check the box for Final URL Suffix
  3. When you return to the ad set view, you can scroll to the far right to see the final URL suffix for each ad set. Hover and select the pencil icon to modify this for each ad set.
  4. Append the parameters below to any existing parameters in your final URL suffix for each ad set.
  5. Replace CAMPAIGN_NAME with your campaign's name, replacing any spaces with .
  6. Replace ACCOUNT_ID with your account's ID, including any hyphens.

A note on unmapped events: Google's API does not report on spend from Discovery ads with the subtype "Product Feed". Because of this, conversions from these ad types may fall into an "Unmapped Events" category.

Contact Rockerbox for assistance resolving this if it significantly impacts your reporting.

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