Sending Files to Rockerbox

This documentation is specifically for work that has been agreed upon as a part of our onboarding scope or as a part of our new vendor integration process.

Rockerbox does not accept ad hoc batch files outside of the above.

Rockerbox supports ingesting batch files—that is, files delivered to an endpoint Rockerbox sets up—in order to fulfill many needs:

In order to set this up, we need to:

  1. Setup transmission method
  2. Send sample files
  3. Setup automated processing

There are three methods to send reports (i.e. historical order files, returns, TV post logs, direct mail logs) to Rockerbox:

  1. S3 (preferred)
  2. SFTP
  3. Email
If you want to send data via S3, you will need your AWS Identity and Access Management) (IAM) to complete setup. This value will contain iam and will look something like: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/my-user-for-sending-files-to-rockerbox
Email Attachments
If you are sending reports to Rockerbox via Email, then it must be sent as an attachment. You cannot send a link to download a file.


You can configure your S3 Bucket in the Rockerbox platform. You’ll first need your Amazon IAM. A sample IAM looks like: arn:aws:iam::123456789:user/my-user-for-sending-files-to-rockerbox

Do not use a `root` ARN
Create a separate user for dropping off data to reduce the exposure to your root user. Your root user will look something like: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:root Do not use this user for delivering files via S3.
Do not use a `role` ARN
We do not support S3 deliveries from a role, where the ARN will look something like: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role
  1. Go to Settings (wrench icon) > Batch
  2. Click the Inbox button on the left-hand side
  3. Select Inbox Type = S3 and fill in the remaining fields
  • Name is a friendly name for you to distinguish this inbox from others
  • Enter your User ARN
  • Enter your desired folder path
  1. Click Create
  2. Make a note of the S3 instructions and make the appropriate changes. You can always return here for the details. Notably, you will need to update the IAM policy for that user

For reference, here’s what a sample policy might look like:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "RockerboxClientNameS3",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
  1. You’re now ready to send your files to the S3 bucket. Make sure that you add a bucket-owner-full-control ACL header when uploading your file.
ACL Headers when uploading file to S3
Please make sure that every time you upload a file, you add the following header: x-amz-acl : bucket-owner-full-control For more details on S3 ACL Headers, please refer to the AWS Documentation.

If a file is visible in the Rockerbox S3 bucket, but we cannot access the file, then it’s most likely due to this issue.

S3 uploads cannot be configured via Rockerbox Attribution Platform’s UI. Please reach out to us to get this going (either through your account’s alias or the chat bot on this page).

If you’re interested in learning more about Amazon Simple Storage Service, check out Amazon’s S3 page here.

Not Seeing a File?
If you uploaded a file to the S3 bucket but you are not able to see the file in the inbox, it’s most commonly due to one of three reasons:


You can configure your SFTP folder in the UI directly. Once you do, you’ll need to contact your Rockerbox Account Manager to receive your password to access the SFTP folder.

  1. Go to Settings (wrench icon) > Batch.
  2. Click the Inbox button on the left-hand side.
  3. Select Inbox Type = SFTP and fill in the remaining fields.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Make a note of the SFTP instructions. You can always return here for the details.
  6. Contact your Account Manager for the password to the SFTP folder.

Your SFTP endpoint is now ready for use. You should first send a sample file to Rockerbox to complete the configuration before using the endpoint.


Files must be smaller than 25 megabytes
Email delivery is limited to files smaller than 25mb; larger files will not deliver successfully.

If you have a file larger than 25mb, then you need to either zip the file and verify it’s smaller than 25mb, or send it through a different method.
Fles must be sent as attachments
Links to download, and files sent in the body of the email, are not acceptable.
Include ONLY the Email destination in the To: field
If you include other email addresses in the To: field, we will not properly process the file.

You can send your files directly to an Email address. You can configure the endpoint in the UI directly.

  1. Go to Settings > Batch.
  2. Click the Inbox button on the left-hand side.
  3. Select Inbox Type = Email and fill in the remaining fields.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Make a note of the Email destination. You can always return here for the details.

Your Email endpoint is now ready for use. You should first send a sample file to Rockerbox to complete the configuration before using the endpoint.

Resending Files to Email Endpoints
NOTE: Create a new email thread for each file attachment sent via email. Do not send attachments as responses or forwards as part of an existing email thread. Our inbox will not recognize files after the first attachment.

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