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i love that he calls us 'honeybee' because that's what my real name means😭😭 SO CUTE!!!

I wasn't expecting to spend the entire game pinned under him but it was an intriguing experience. (From the voiced lines to the writing to the art and to the background music~) You've charmed me and left me wanting for more </3 At least I can take comfort in him deciding to sit down and talk instead of leaving a 2nd time ;w;

I realy like this game
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bro i cant stop cumming...

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i egde to this my screen blocked now because of somethign cant see

and also this is supposed to be eroge have you even played the game


whats wrong with you omg keep that to yourself....

AHHHHH wish there was so much more~  the concept is super interesting. boy better be spilling all his guts to mc rn or else he's getting the πŸ‘’

super cute concept, story, voice acting and art. ty for the game! <3

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i think id just cry tbh

This is just perfect even tho its short. This man is just too hot guys I cant. He better had  a good reason for leaving us. And his voice is just some piece of art. In love with the story <3

It was pretty short, but I still loved it a lot! The artstyle, story, and the voice was just so perfect!! 

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The ending is killing me!!! Like, seriously, the moment it returned to the title, I'm like: "NOooooooo!!!" How I wish it's longer, ahh ahh ahh!!! So sad... How I wish for an extended complete version... QAQ

Btw, weirdly, 1 dialogue is not voiced?? - "So I thought, my brilliant little..."

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damn he's hot ^////^

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why did he leave us behind though??

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This game made me audibly chuckle and also had me fanning myself at points πŸ˜‚

The aesthetic is IMPECCABLE, with the clean, red/white/black minimalism and the kind of jazzy piano track in the background for the title screen. The logo, in particular, is very clever! The text box is really attractive and readable, with the slightly rounded edge and the design, which looks like a blood-splattered folder. The main BGM was actually surprisingly more sentimental/soft than I expected, but it actually fit the vibes of the game perfectly. The sprite is GORGEOUS and I loved Zach's design, with the white/black minimalism of his outfit matching the overall aesthetic, and the overall composition, with him looming over you as the camera zooms around, really fit the sensual vibe. 

The premise is, of course, a hit - the idea of two hitmen/assassin exes fighting as they struggle to navigate their relationship is such a fun idea. The banter is so playful and very natural, you really get sucked into the dialogue as you play. I really like the use of the stylistic, glitching red for the MC's more "romantic" thoughts/the thoughts that they want to push away. The VA did a fantastic job with the seductive and slightly husky sound, while still sounding playful and teasing. 


The banter was, as I mentioned before, really, REALLY good. I AUDIBLY LAUGHED when he said "what if we need to use it later" - the ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF THIS GUY, but I couldn't help but love it πŸ˜‚ At the same time, the game was SURPRISINGLY heartfelt. I honestly haven't really read something that managed to combine this kind of sensual flirtation with heartfelt yearning/emotion, at least not in a long time, and I thought it was very well done - you can tell how much the two care for each other and miss each other's company, while the MC tries to push Zach away and Zach tries to brush it off by joking/flirting. It's clear how much the MC used to trust Zach and how betrayed they felt. The writing really made you invested in the relationship as the game progressed, and I was SO curious to see why Zach did the things he did really wanted to see the two work it out.

Overall, the aesthetic was on point, the writing was SO fun, and the relationship between the leads was very intriguing and well-written! Fantastic work! 

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what does the code mean!? 😭

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Is there gunna be more of well everything?

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Just like I thought this game ate up!

AA! Thank you for playing! 

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I can totally understand why one would want to punch him, hahaha

Oh absolutely haha! Thank you for playing!

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Excellent man and excellent game. So to summarize... excellent. :D <3

Thank you so much! Absolutely ADORED your entry! The atmosphere, story, art and VA were fantastic!

Aww thank you! :) <3

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Very thirsty kind of game! But my audience loved it and would do anything to be with him LOL. I played a bunch of O2A2 entries and this was definitely the spiciest? of them all LOL good job!

Thank you so much haha! I'm so glad they loved him! He's definitely irritating but I also... want him.

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i was promised a man i'd want to punch in the face really badly and you guys sure delivered!

Thank you! I'm very glad! I wanted to make someone IRRITATING haha

( 3)

Omfg guys this is absolutely incredible. Between the writing, the VA, the CG/Sprite, the GUI and the... idk what this is but I need more of it. It's so effortlessly sexy and painful and it all just feels RIGHT and yes I'd take his sorry arse back in a heartbeat. I love me a good salty exes to lovers in any way shape of form and you guys managed to somehow masterfully make it fit in 1000 words, which is wild to me. AND it's spicy.  

I know that getting the 'oh I wish it was longer' comment can be a double-edged sword for o2a2. In this case I DEFINITELY wish there was more of it, but it's perfect as is - the stuff that fanfiction/fanart is born from. I wanna drop everything right this instant and go draw some rn jfc πŸ˜‚ Again, this level of polish in so little time is staggering, everything is just πŸ‘Œ

Oh thank you so much for the kind words! It was such a struggle writing for 1k words and I was very worried it was too sudden or I wouldn't be able to do the plot justice. 

But I'm very very glad that you enjoyed it and am absolutely grateful for the very lovely praise! 

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Hi, I shouted "BANGER" the moment I got on the main menu.

When the game started, I was like "Oh no, he's hot" and then "Oh no, he's a JERK!!!!"

And then, more seriously, it was a very interesting game, like a sneak peek at something bigger. Admittedly, Zach is far from being an ideal guy, and the game masterfully painted the ambiguity in this relationship, and it made me doubt about Zach's sincerity and true intentions... Just like MC! This was really great!

As I said, Zach is hot and his in-game sprite was GORGEOUS!! The GUI was amazing too, very naturally implemented. The voice acting was also great!! The music track was lovely and fitted the game very well.

Congrats to the team, it was a great entry!!

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Ima need more from the story because BayBeeee!!!! 1000/10 
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Thank you for playing !!


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that's all?!that's all??? i really luv ur game!!!!Zac is so hot and sexy (screaming) and i wanna know the reason he betrayed us...Anyway thx for giving me such a wonderful experience!!!

Sadly that's all for now! The 1000 word limit was so hard to stick to! Thank you for playing!

it worth!! >33 luv u and looking forward to more amazing games!

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I really like it! I am curious to hear him out. I love the character design and the VA's voice totally suits him! I like how the title screen is interactive, and being able to see the hidden blood splatters really do hook you into playing! I would love to see this story continue, however if not it's still good! His character design is also perfect.

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Thank you so much! Cres popped off with the character design too! 
I hope we have time one day! But for now we are working on something else!

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ngl one kick in the balls is not enough fpr him i need like five more, like the audacity this man has???????????? excuse you sir????????????? do u think that just because u have pretty voice and say pretty words i will overlook what u did??????? i obviously will but u are still getting ur balls kicked again batter up boy >:c

the story was fun i wished it was longer!! my best wishes to the team!!<3

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Just repeat the kick function as well haha! 
Also huge shoutout to our programmer Buku because all the little shakes are horizontal but the kick in the boots is vertical xD

But no he definitely thinks he has the right and that makes him so annoying!

betrays as in cheating or ....

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The reason is revealed in the game and there is no cheating whatsoever!

ohh thanks for responding if it was cheating i did not want to play this game but now i can play with peace of mind

Understandable! I'm not a fan of cheating either!

I think it's because he left us behind