EF Education First

The proven way to learn a language!

Clear and comprehensive. Teaching every skill you need.


500,000 App Reviews

Best Education App & Editor’s Choice
Personal Growth App of the Year
Rich topics

Rich topics

Choose from many topics covering everything from daily life to business!

Learn through dialog

Learn through dialog

Learn step-by-step and feel motivated with innovative methods of learning.

Excellent courses

Excellent courses

Easy-to-understand courses based on real life. Useful for both work and personal life.

Supercharged learning

A study by the University of Cambridge found it takes only 8 hours in EF Hello to master the material of a typical semester of college.

University of Cambridge
X. Chen, PhD, 2020
World-class content

Learn what you want or let us guide you

Pick exactly what you want to learn from a rich selection of topics. Or you can study a pre-built collection of courses curated by experienced EF teachers.

Go Hello Pro for unlimited learning!
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Personalized review
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7-day free trial
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First 7 days free then billed every 12 months. Cancel anytime 24hrs before renewal.

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In case you missed anything

EF Hello is a language learning app where you can learn all the skills you need to have conversations in real life. EF Hello offers courses covering a huge range of topics in English, French, and Spanish.

You can download EF Hello to your mobile here 📱: iOS | Android

Coming soon! We are working to bring our learning experience on the web so you can study on your desktop 💻 Exciting!

In the meantime keep up your study habits in the EF Hello app.

Absolutely! EF Hello covers the full range of proficiencies and difficulty levels from the very basics all the way through to the most advanced topics and levels. No matter your ability, EF Hello has courses to match you 💪

Yes 🙌 ! You can now learn English, French and Spanish with EF Hello.

If you are based in a native English-speaking region then you will have access to learn French and Spanish. If you’re based in a non-native English-speaking region then you will have access to learn English. But stay tuned as we work to get more languages to you soon 🌍

Let’s start learning!