Haxe for Desktop Apps

With Haxe you can use the language, libraries and concepts you are familiar with to create full-featured desktop apps.

When aiming for apps with a native look, you can use HaxeUI library, which uses several ways to build native UI for each platform. There is support for WxWidgets when targetting C , which provides real native look that lets developers create applications for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.

If your strength is with HTML5, you may appreciate the Electron, React Native or NW.js approach, which lets you build a HTML5 web-app. Haxe gives you full access to the JavaScript/Node APIs.

More flexible interfaces can be crafted with NME or OpenFL.

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  • CastleDB

    A structured static database for easing collaboration on game projects. Built with and for Haxe, using node-webkit.

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Popular Libraries

  • NW.js

    NW.js lets you run a Webkit shell on the desktop, meaning you can use Haxe and HTML5 / JS technologies to build your app. It provides full access to the Haxe/NodeJS APIs so your app can integrate with the system.

  • Electron

    The Electron framework lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS based on Node.js and Chromium.

  • React Native

    A framework for building native apps using Haxe/React.

UI Libraries

  • HaxeUI

    UI Component Library to create user experiences for mobile, web and desktop on a wide range of Haxe platforms. HaxeUI integrates with a number different frameworks.

  • OpenFL

    OpenFL enables creative expression for the desktop, mobile and web. Enterprise applications and best-selling games are made with OpenFL, publishing native, Flash and HTML5 applications using one seamless toolset.

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