Rat: “And why did you take my underwear!?”
Caroline: “Oh that? Ah, just for a bit of insurance and they’re panties, by the way.” :la:
Rat: “Insurance? What the hell youse talkin’ about?”
Caroline: “Well you can keep going on with this….or I have you tied and bound and left in a questionable alleyway naked by my hired peeps. Your call.” :la:
Rat: “U-um on second thought, Little Miss Princess would like to have more tea. ” ^^;
Caroline: “Shame. All that money down the drain, but much better, princess.” :la:
Rat: *mumbles* I’ll show you “much better” little b***h..“
Caroline: "What was that, princess?” D:<
Rat: N-NOTHING, nothing! Please don’t strip me!“
Caroline: "I’ll think about it.” *sips tea*
Awww they’re getting along just fine. :D
Caroline Soulfire and Rat Label © HowSplendid