Projects with this topic
Customized Docker image for Nextcloud, designed to provide superior performance, resource efficiency, and ease of deployment. We have implemented a range of enhancements to optimize the containerized deployment of Nextcloud, offering key improvements over the official Docker image.
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menu based Nginx auto installer (GPLv3 licensed)
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A small application which transforms nginx access logs into premetheus metrics
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zest radio"s front website.
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This project will guide you through the deployment of a LEMP stack (Linux, Ngnix, MariaDB and PHP-Wordpress) using Docker.
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Authentication server for nginx that supports TOTP (Time-based one-time password)
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Serve es una herramienta php-cli diseñada para simplificar la gestión de entornos locales de desarrollo utilizando Nginx y múltiples versiones de PHP. Su propósito es permitir la configuración rápida y eficiente de servidores locales para múltiples sitios web, con soporte para certificados SSL, ideal para entornos de desarrollo que lo requieran (Ej. PWA).
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Grabs current CF IP ranges and converts them to gitlab.rb compatible "trusted proxies" settings.
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Fork of to keep it updated
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Lightweight container with latest NGINX & PHP-FPM based on Alpine Linux
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This is me learning Nginx from
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Docker of the NGINX web server based on Alpine Linux with PHP and a few modules
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NGINX Configuration grammar for tree-sitter.