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You run miette? You run her code like the software? Oh. Oh! Error code for coder! Error code for One Thousand Lines!


miette is a diagnostic library for Rust. It includes a series of traits/protocols that allow you to hook into its error reporting facilities, and even write your own error reports! It lets you define error types that can print out like this (or in any format you like!):

Hi! miette also includes a screen-reader-oriented diagnostic printer that's enabled in various situations, such as when you use NO_COLOR or CLICOLOR settings, or on CI. This behavior is also fully configurable and customizable. For example, this is what this particular diagnostic will look like when the narrated printer is enabled:
Error: Received some bad JSON from the source. Unable to parse.
Caused by: missing field `foo` at line 1 column 1700
Begin snippet for starting
at line 1, column 1659
snippet line 1: gs":["json"],"title":"","version":"1.0.0"},"packageContent":"https://api.nuget.o
highlight starting at line 1, column 1699: last parsing location
diagnostic help: This is a bug. It might be in ruget, or it might be in the
source you're using, but it's definitely a bug and should be reported.
diagnostic error code: ruget::api::bad_json

NOTE: You must enable the "fancy" crate feature to get fancy report output like in the screenshots above. You should only do this in your toplevel crate, as the fancy feature pulls in a number of dependencies that libraries and such might not want.

Table of Contents


  • Generic Diagnostic protocol, compatible (and dependent on) std::error::Error.
  • Unique error codes on every Diagnostic.
  • Custom links to get more details on error codes.
  • Super handy derive macro for defining diagnostic metadata.
  • Replacements for anyhow/eyre types Result, Report and the miette! macro for the anyhow!/eyre! macros.
  • Generic support for arbitrary SourceCodes for snippet data, with default support for Strings included.

The miette crate also comes bundled with a default ReportHandler with the following features:

  • Fancy graphical diagnostic output, using ANSI/Unicode text
  • single- and multi-line highlighting support
  • Screen reader/braille support, gated on NO_COLOR, and other heuristics.
  • Fully customizable graphical theming (or overriding the printers entirely).
  • Cause chain printing
  • Turns diagnostic codes into links in supported terminals.


$ cargo add miette

If you want to use the fancy printer in all these screenshots:

$ cargo add miette --features fancy


You can derive a `Diagnostic` from any `std::error::Error` type.

`thiserror` is a great way to define them, and plays nicely with `miette`!
use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Debug, Diagnostic)]
    help("try doing it better next time?")
struct MyBad {
    // The Source that we're gonna be printing snippets out of.
    // This can be a String if you don't have or care about file names.
    src: NamedSource<String>,
    // Snippets and highlights can be included in the diagnostic!
    #[label("This bit here")]
    bad_bit: SourceSpan,

Now let's define a function!

Use this `Result` type (or its expanded version) as the return type
throughout your app (but NOT your libraries! Those should always return
concrete types!).
use miette::{NamedSource, Result};
fn this_fails() -> Result<()> {
    // You can use plain strings as a `Source`, or anything that implements
    // the one-method `Source` trait.
    let src = "source\n  text\n    here".to_string();

    Err(MyBad {
        src: NamedSource::new("", src),
        bad_bit: (9, 4).into(),


Now to get everything printed nicely, just return a `Result<()>`
and you're all set!

Note: You can swap out the default reporter for a custom one using
fn pretend_this_is_main() -> Result<()> {
    // kaboom~


And this is the output you'll get if you run this program:

Narratable printout:
diagnostic error code: oops::my::bad (link)
Error: oops!
Begin snippet for starting
at line 2, column 3
snippet line 1: source
snippet line 2:  text
highlight starting at line 1, column 3: This bit here
snippet line 3: here
diagnostic help: try doing it better next time?


... in libraries

miette is fully compatible with library usage. Consumers who don't know about, or don't want, miette features can safely use its error types as regular std::error::Error.

We highly recommend using something like thiserror to define unique error types and error wrappers for your library.

While miette integrates smoothly with thiserror, it is not required. If you don't want to use the Diagnostic derive macro, you can implement the trait directly, just like with std::error::Error.

// lib/
use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
pub enum MyLibError {
    IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),

    #[error("Oops it blew up")]

    // Use `#[diagnostic(transparent)]` to wrap another [`Diagnostic`]. You won't see labels otherwise
    AnotherError(#[from] AnotherError),

#[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
#[error("another error")]
pub struct AnotherError {
   pub at: SourceSpan

Then, return this error type from all your fallible public APIs. It's a best practice to wrap any "external" error types in your error enum instead of using something like Report in a library.

... in application code

Application code tends to work a little differently than libraries. You don't always need or care to define dedicated error wrappers for errors coming from external libraries and tools.

For this situation, miette includes two tools: Report and IntoDiagnostic. They work in tandem to make it easy to convert regular std::error::Errors into Diagnostics. Additionally, there's a Result type alias that you can use to be more terse.

When dealing with non-Diagnostic types, you'll want to .into_diagnostic() them:

// my_app/lib/
use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
use semver::Version;

pub fn some_tool() -> Result<Version> {

miette also includes an anyhow/eyre-style Context/WrapErr traits that you can import to add ad-hoc context messages to your Diagnostics, as well, though you'll still need to use .into_diagnostic() to make use of it:

// my_app/lib/
use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result, WrapErr};
use semver::Version;

pub fn some_tool() -> Result<Version> {
        .wrap_err("Parsing this tool's semver version failed.")

To construct your own simple adhoc error use the [miette!] macro:

// my_app/lib/
use miette::{miette, Result};
use semver::Version;

pub fn some_tool() -> Result<Version> {
    let version = "1.2.x";
        .map_err(|_| miette!("Invalid version {}", version))

There are also similar [bail!] and [ensure!] macros.

... in main()

main() is just like any other part of your application-internal code. Use Result as your return value, and it will pretty-print your diagnostics automatically.

NOTE: You must enable the "fancy" crate feature to get fancy report output like in the screenshots here.** You should only do this in your toplevel crate, as the fancy feature pulls in a number of dependencies that libraries and such might not want.

use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
use semver::Version;

fn pretend_this_is_main() -> Result<()> {
    let version: Version = "1.2.x".parse().into_diagnostic()?;
    println!("{}", version);

Please note: in order to get fancy diagnostic rendering with all the pretty colors and arrows, you should install miette with the fancy feature enabled:

miette = { version = "X.Y.Z", features = ["fancy"] }

Another way to display a diagnostic is by printing them using the debug formatter. This is, in fact, what returning diagnostics from main ends up doing. To do it yourself, you can write the following:

use miette::{IntoDiagnostic, Result};
use semver::Version;

fn just_a_random_function() {
    let version_result: Result<Version> = "1.2.x".parse().into_diagnostic();
    match version_result {
        Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),
        Ok(version) => println!("{}", version),

... diagnostic code URLs

miette supports providing a URL for individual diagnostics. This URL will be displayed as an actual link in supported terminals, like so:

 Example showing the graphical report printer for miette
pretty-printing an error code. The code is underlined and followed by text
saying to 'click here'. A hover tooltip shows a full-fledged URL that can be
Ctrl Clicked to open in a browser.
This feature is also available in the narratable printer. It will add a line
after printing the error code showing a plain URL that you can visit.

To use this, you can add a url() sub-param to your #[diagnostic] attribute:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
    // You can do formatting!
    url("{}", self.code().unwrap())
struct MyErr;

Additionally, if you're developing a library and your error type is exported from your crate's top level, you can use a special url( option instead of manually constructing the URL. This will automatically create a link to this diagnostic on, so folks can just go straight to your (very high quality and detailed!) documentation on this diagnostic:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Error, Diagnostic, Debug)]
    // Will link users to
struct MyErr;

... snippets

Along with its general error handling and reporting features, miette also includes facilities for adding error spans/annotations/labels to your output. This can be very useful when an error is syntax-related, but you can even use it to print out sections of your own source code!

To achieve this, miette defines its own lightweight SourceSpan type. This is a basic byte-offset and length into an associated SourceCode and, along with the latter, gives miette all the information it needs to pretty-print some snippets! You can also use your own Into<SourceSpan> types as label spans.

The easiest way to define errors like this is to use the derive(Diagnostic) macro:

use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
pub struct MyErrorType {
    // The `Source` that miette will use.
    src: String,

    // This will underline/mark the specific code inside the larger
    // snippet context.
    #[label = "This is the highlight"]
    err_span: SourceSpan,

    // You can add as many labels as you want.
    // They'll be rendered sequentially.
    #[label("This is bad")]
    snip2: (usize, usize), // `(usize, usize)` is `Into<SourceSpan>`!

    // Snippets can be optional, by using Option:
    #[label("some text")]
    snip3: Option<SourceSpan>,

    // with or without label text
    snip4: Option<SourceSpan>,

... help text

miette provides two facilities for supplying help text for your errors:

The first is the #[help()] format attribute that applies to structs or enum variants:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
#[diagnostic(help("try doing this instead"))]
struct Foo;

The other is by programmatically supplying the help text as a field to your diagnostic:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct Foo {
    advice: Option<String>, // Can also just be `String`

let err = Foo {
    advice: Some("try doing this instead".to_string()),

... severity level

miette provides a way to set the severity level of a diagnostic.

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct Foo;

... multiple related errors

miette supports collecting multiple errors into a single diagnostic, and printing them all together nicely.

To do so, use the #[related] tag on any IntoIter field in your Diagnostic type:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Error, Diagnostic)]
struct MyError {
    others: Vec<MyError>,

... delayed source code

Sometimes it makes sense to add source code to the error message later. One option is to use with_source_code() method for that:

use miette::{Diagnostic, SourceSpan};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
pub struct MyErrorType {
    // Note: label but no source code
    err_span: SourceSpan,

fn do_something() -> miette::Result<()> {
    // This function emits actual error with label
    return Err(MyErrorType {
        err_span: (7..11).into(),

fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
    do_something().map_err(|error| {
        // And this code provides the source code for inner error
        error.with_source_code(String::from("source code"))

Also source code can be provided by a wrapper type. This is especially useful in combination with related, when multiple errors should be emitted at the same time:

use miette::{Diagnostic, Report, SourceSpan};
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
pub struct InnerError {
    // Note: label but no source code
    err_span: SourceSpan,

#[derive(Diagnostic, Debug, Error)]
#[error("oops: multiple errors")]
pub struct MultiError {
    // Note source code by no labels
    source_code: String,
    // The source code above is used for these errors
    related: Vec<InnerError>,

fn do_something() -> Result<(), Vec<InnerError>> {
        InnerError {
            err_span: (0..6).into(),
        InnerError {
            err_span: (7..11).into(),

fn main() -> miette::Result<()> {
    do_something().map_err(|err_list| MultiError {
        source_code: "source code".into(),
        related: err_list,

... Diagnostic-based error sources.

When one uses the #[source] attribute on a field, that usually comes from thiserror, and implements a method for [std::error::Error::source]. This works in many cases, but it's lossy: if the source of the diagnostic is a diagnostic itself, the source will simply be treated as an std::error::Error.

While this has no effect on the existing reporters, since they don't use that information right now, APIs who might want this information will have no access to it.

If it's important for you for this information to be available to users, you can use #[diagnostic_source] alongside #[source]. Not that you will likely want to use both:

use miette::Diagnostic;
use thiserror::Error;

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct MyError {
    the_cause: OtherError,

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct OtherError;

... handler options

MietteHandler is the default handler, and is very customizable. In most cases, you can simply use MietteHandlerOpts to tweak its behavior instead of falling back to your own custom handler.

Usage is like so:

miette::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {

See the docs for MietteHandlerOpts for more details on what you can customize!

... dynamic diagnostics

If you...

  • ...don't know all the possible errors upfront
  • ...need to serialize/deserialize errors then you may want to use miette!, diagnostic! macros or MietteDiagnostic directly to create diagnostic on the fly.
let source = "2   2 * 2 = 8".to_string();
let report = miette!(
  labels = vec![
      LabeledSpan::at(12..13, "this should be 6"),
  help = "'*' has greater precedence than ' '",
  "Wrong answer"
println!("{:?}", report)

... syntax highlighting

miette can be configured to highlight syntax in source code snippets.

To use the built-in highlighting functionality, you must enable the syntect-highlighter crate feature. When this feature is enabled, miette will automatically use the [syntect] crate to highlight the #[source_code] field of your Diagnostic.

Syntax detection with [syntect] is handled by checking 2 methods on the [SpanContents] trait, in order:

  • language() - Provides the name of the language as a string. For example "Rust" will indicate Rust syntax highlighting. You can set the language of the [SpanContents] produced by a [NamedSource] via the with_language method.
  • name() - In the absence of an explicitly set language, the name is assumed to contain a file name or file path. The highlighter will check for a file extension at the end of the name and try to guess the syntax from that.

If you want to use a custom highlighter, you can provide a custom implementation of the Highlighter trait to MietteHandlerOpts by calling the with_syntax_highlighting method. See the [highlighters] module docs for more details.

... collection of labels

When the number of labels is unknown, you can use a collection of SourceSpan (or any type convertible into SourceSpan). For this, add the collection parameter to label and use any type than can be iterated over for the field.

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct MyError {
    #[label("main issue")]
    primary_span: SourceSpan,

    #[label(collection, "related to this")]
    other_spans: Vec<Range<usize>>,

let report: miette::Report = MyError {
    primary_span: (6, 9).into(),
    other_spans: vec![19..26, 30..41],

println!("{:?}", report.with_source_code("About something or another or yet another ...".to_string()));

A collection can also be of LabeledSpan if you want to have different text for different labels. Labels with no text will use the one from the label attribute

#[derive(Debug, Diagnostic, Error)]
struct MyError {
    #[label("main issue")]
    primary_span: SourceSpan,

    #[label(collection, "related to this")]
    other_spans: Vec<LabeledSpan>, // LabeledSpan

let report: miette::Report = MyError {
    primary_span: (6, 9).into(),
    other_spans: vec![
        LabeledSpan::new(None, 19, 7), // Use default text `related to this`
        LabeledSpan::new(Some("and also this".to_string()), 30, 11), // Use specific text

println!("{:?}", report.with_source_code("About something or another or yet another ...".to_string()));


This crate requires rustc 1.70.0 or later.


miette was not developed in a void. It owes enormous credit to various other projects and their authors:

  • anyhow and color-eyre: these two enormously influential error handling libraries have pushed forward the experience of application-level error handling and error reporting. miette's Report type is an attempt at a very very rough version of their Report types.
  • thiserror for setting the standard for library-level error definitions, and for being the inspiration behind miette's derive macro.
  • rustc and @estebank for their state-of-the-art work in compiler diagnostics.
  • ariadne for pushing forward how pretty these diagnostics can really look!


miette is released to the Rust community under the Apache license 2.0.

It also includes code taken from eyre, and some from thiserror, also under the Apache License. Some code is taken from ariadne, which is MIT licensed.