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Version SPM Xcode 11.0 iOS 11.0 Swift 4.2 Swift 5.0





1.在 Podfile 中添加 pod ‘SwiftShow’

2.执行 pod install 或 pod update

3.导入 import SwiftShow

Swift Package Manager

从 Xcode 11 开始,集成了 Swift Package Manager,使用起来非常方便。SwiftShow 也支持通过 Swift Package Manager 集成。

在 Xcode 的菜单栏中选择 File > Swift Packages > Add Pacakage Dependency,然后在搜索栏输入,即可完成集成


SwiftShow 也支持手动集成,只需把Sources文件夹中的SwiftShow文件夹拖进需要集成的项目即可



  1. Toast

    public class ShowToastConfig {
        ///执行动画时间 默认0.5
        public var animateDuration = 0.5
        ///Toast最大宽度  默认200
        public var maxWidth : Float = 200
        ///Toast最大高度 默认500
        public var maxHeight : Float = 500
        ///Toast默认停留时间 默认2秒
        public var showTime : Double = 2.0
        ///Toast圆角 默认5
        public var cornerRadius : CGFloat = 5
        ///Toast图文间距  默认0
        public var space : Float = 0
        ///Toast字体  默认15
        public var textFont : UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
        ///Toast背景颜色 默认黑色
        public var bgColor : UIColor = UIColor.blackBGColor
        ///阴影颜色 默认clearcolor
        public var shadowColor : CGColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
        ///阴影Opacity 默认0.5
        public var shadowOpacity : Float = 0.5
        ///阴影Radius 默认5
        public var shadowRadius : CGFloat = 5
        /// Toast文字字体颜色 默认白色
        public var textColor : UIColor = .white
        ///Toast图文混排样式 默认图片在左
        public var imageType : ImageButtonType = .imageButtonTypeLeft
        ///Toast背景与内容之间的内边距 默认10
        public var padding : Float = 10
        ///Toast 在屏幕的位置(左右居中调节上下)默认100
        public var offSet : Float = 100
        ///Toast 在屏幕的位置 默认中间
        public var offSetType : ToastOffset = .center
        /// 展示toast
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - text: 文本
        ///   - image: 图片 (可选参数)
        ///   - config: toast适配器,不传为默认样式
        public class func showToast(_ text: String, image: UIImage? = nil, config : ConfigToast? = nil)
  2. Loading

    默认样式 可图文 可添加阴影,遮罩
    public class ShowLoadingConfig {
        /// 是否背景透传点击 默认false
        public var enableEvent: Bool = false
        ///背景蒙版 毛玻璃
        public var effectStyle = UIBlurEffect.Style.light
        ///loading最大宽度 默认130
        public var maxWidth : Float = 130
        ///loading最大高度 默认130
        public var maxHeight : Float = 130
        ///圆角大小 默认5
        public var cornerRadius : CGFloat = 5
        ///加载框主体颜色 默认黑色
        public var tintColor : UIColor = UIColor.blackBGColor
        ///文字字体大小 默认系统字体15
        public var textFont : UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
        ///文字字体颜色 默认白色
        public var textColor : UIColor = .white
        ///背景颜色 默认clear
        public var bgColor : UIColor = .clear
        ///默认蒙版类型 背景色
        public var maskType : MaskType = .color
        ///阴影颜色 默认clearcolor
        public var shadowColor : CGColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
        ///阴影Opacity 默认0.5
        public var shadowOpacity : Float = 0.5
        ///阴影Radius 默认5
        public var shadowRadius : CGFloat = 5
        ///图片动画类型 所需要的图片数组
        public var imagesArray : [UIImage]?
        ///菊花颜色 不传递图片数组的时候默认使用菊花
        public var activityColor : UIColor = .white
        ///图片动画时间 默认1.0
        public var animationTime : Double = 1.0
        ///loading图文混排样式  默认图片在上
        public var imageType : ImageButtonType = .imageButtonTypeTop
        ///loading背景与内容之间的上下边距 默认20
        public var verticalPadding : Float = 20
        ///loading背景与内容之间的左右边距 默认20
        public var horizontalPadding : Float = 20
        ///loading文字与图片之间的距 默认0
        public var space : Float = 0
        /// 在当前VC中展示loading
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - text: 文本
        ///   - config: loading适配器
        public class func showLoading(_ text : String? = nil, config : ConfigLoading? = nil) 
        /// 隐藏上层VC中的loading
        public class func hiddenLoading() 
        /// 在window中展示loading
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - text: 文本
        ///   - config: 配置
        public class func showLoadingOnWindow(_ text : String? = nil, config : ConfigLoading? = nil)
        /// 隐藏window中loading
        public class func hiddenLoadingOnWindow() 
        /// 在指定view中添加loading
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - onView: view
        ///   - text: 文本
        ///   - config: 配置
        public class func showLoadingOnView(_ onView: UIView, text : String? = nil, config : ConfigLoading? = nil)
        /// 隐藏指定view中loading
        /// - Parameter onView: view
        public class func hiddenLoadingOnView(_ onView: UIView)
  3. Alert

    默认弹窗 可修改弹窗遮罩、阴影 可使用富文本
    public class ShowAlertConfig {
        ///背景蒙版 毛玻璃
        public var effectStyle = UIBlurEffect.Style.light
        public var animateDuration = 0.5
        public var width : Float = 280
        public var maxHeight : Float = 500
        public var buttonHeight : Float = 50
        public var cornerRadius : CGFloat = 5
        public var imageType : ImageButtonType = .imageButtonTypeTop
        public var space : Float = 0
        public var titleFont : UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 21)
        /// alert标题字体颜色
        public var titleColor : UIColor = UIColor.textColor
        public var textFont : UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
        /// alert信息字体颜色
        public var textColor : UIColor = UIColor.textColor
        public var buttonFont : UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
        /// alert按钮字体颜色
        public var leftColor : UIColor = UIColor.textColor
        public var rightColor : UIColor = UIColor.textColor
        ///alert主体颜色 默认
        public var tintColor : UIColor = UIColor.whiteBGColor
        public var bgColor : UIColor =
        public var lineColor : UIColor = .lightGray
        public var maskType : MaskType = .color
        public var shadowColor : CGColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
        public var shadowOpacity : Float = 0.5
        public var shadowRadius : CGFloat = 5
        /// 默认样式Alert
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - title: 标题
        ///   - message: 信息
        ///   - leftBtnTitle: 左侧按钮标题
        ///   - rightBtnTitle: 右侧按钮标题
        ///   - leftBlock: 左侧按钮回调
        ///   - rightBlock: 右侧按钮回调
        public class func showAlert(title: String? = nil,
                                    message: String?  = nil,
                                    leftBtnTitle: String? = nil,
                                    rightBtnTitle: String? = nil,
                                    leftBlock: LeftCallBack? = nil,
                                    rightBlock: RightCallback? = nil) 
        /// 富文本样式Alert
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - attributedTitle: 富文本标题
        ///   - attributedMessage: 富文本信息
        ///   - leftBtnAttributedTitle: 富文本左侧按钮标题
        ///   - rightBtnAttributedTitle: 富文本右侧按钮标题
        ///   - leftBlock: 左侧按钮回调
        ///   - rightBlock: 右侧按钮回调
        public class func showAttributedAlert(attributedTitle : NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                              attributedMessage : NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                              leftBtnAttributedTitle: NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                              rightBtnAttributedTitle: NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                              leftBlock: LeftCallBack? = nil,
                                              rightBlock: RightCallback? = nil)
                                                  /// 自定义Alert
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - title: 标题
        ///   - attributedTitle: 富文本标题
        ///   - titleImage: 顶图
        ///   - message: 信息
        ///   - attributedMessage: 富文本信息
        ///   - leftBtnTitle: 左侧按钮标题
        ///   - leftBtnAttributedTitle: 富文本左侧按钮标题
        ///   - rightBtnTitle: 右侧按钮标题
        ///   - rightBtnAttributedTitle: 富文本右侧按钮标题
        ///   - leftBlock:  左侧按钮回调
        ///   - rightBlock: 右侧按钮回调
        ///   - config: Alert适配器,不传为默认样式
        public class func showCustomAlert(title: String? = nil,
                                          attributedTitle : NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                          titleImage: UIImage? = nil,
                                          message: String?  = nil,
                                          attributedMessage : NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                          leftBtnTitle: String? = nil,
                                          leftBtnAttributedTitle: NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                          rightBtnTitle: String? = nil,
                                          rightBtnAttributedTitle: NSAttributedString? = nil,
                                          leftBlock: LeftCallBack? = nil,
                                          rightBlock: RightCallback? = nil,
                                          config : ConfigAlert? = nil)
  4. pop

    public class ShowPopViewConfig {
        ///背景蒙版 毛玻璃
        public var effectStyle = UIBlurEffect.Style.light
        ///点击其他地方是否消失 默认yes
        public var clickOutHidden = true
        public var maskType : MaskType = .color
        ///背景颜色 默认蒙版
        public var bgColor : UIColor =
        public var animateDuration = 0.3
        public var animateDamping = true
        public var isAnimate = true
        /// 弹出视图样式位置
        public var showAnimateType : PopViewShowType? = .center
        /// 弹出view
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - contentView: 被弹出的View
        ///   - config: popview适配器
        ///   - showClosure: 弹出回调
        ///   - hideClosure: 收起回调
        public class func showPopView(contentView: UIView,
                                      config : ConfigPop? = nil,
                                      showClosure: CallBack? = nil,
                                      hideClosure: CallBack? = nil)
        /// 收起popview
        /// - Parameter complete: 完成回调
        public class func hidenPopView(_ complete : (() -> Void)? = nil )
  5. DropDown

    public class ShowDropDownConfig {
        ///背景蒙版 毛玻璃
        public var effectStyle = UIBlurEffect.Style.light
        ///点击其他地方是否消失 默认yes
        public var clickOutHidden = true
        public var maskType : MaskType = .color
        ///背景颜色 默认蒙版
        public var bgColor : UIColor =
        public var animateDuration = 0.3
        public var animateDamping = true
        public var isAnimate = true
        /// 弹出视图位置
        public var fromY : CGFloat = 88
        /// 从NavBar或VC的view中弹出下拉视图,可以盖住Tabbar,但不遮挡NavBar
        /// - Parameters:
        ///   - contentView: 被弹出的view
        ///   - config: 适配器回调
        ///   - showClosure: 展示回调
        ///   - hideClosure: 隐藏回调
        ///   - willShowClosure: 即将展示回调
        ///   - willHideClosure: 即将收起回调
        public class func showCoverTabbarView(contentView: UIView,
                                              config: ((_ config : ShowDropDownConfig) -> Void)? = nil,
                                              showClosure: CallBack? = nil,
                                              hideClosure: CallBack? = nil,
                                              willShowClosure: CallBack? = nil,
                                              willHideClosure: CallBack? = nil) 
        /// 当前是否正在展示DropDown
        /// - Returns: true/false
        public class func isHaveCoverTabbarView() -> Bool
        /// 手动隐藏DropDown
        /// - Parameter complete: 完成回调
        public class func hidenCoverTabbarView(_ complete : (() -> Void)? = nil )
  6. 通用工具

    		/// 获取顶层VC
        public class func currentViewController() -> UIViewController?


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