[email protected]
4.0.0 (2020-09-30)
Bug Fixes
errors: Turn off require-atomic-updates, it is very buggy (abb2346 )
jest: Turn off TypeScript no-invalid-void-type rule in tests (91fb3ba )
react: Turn off react/prop-types until upstream bug is fixed (3ba39d5 )
rules: Turn off default-param-last until it is configurable (c05d872 )
plugin: Target .ts(x) files for Jest & Mocha, too (c676979 )
plugin: Turn off react/prop-types in test files (b18789b )
plugin: Ensure rendered configs do not contain context-dependent paths (12a9f40 )
typescript: Enable auto-fix for ban-types 'object' case (bb70eb9 )
typescript: Extend no-shadow allow list to accommodate common patterns (5e4013e )
typescript: Flesh out no-empty-function allow list (1d9438a )
typescript: Turn off explicit-module-boundary-types, too much noise (25ac226 )
typescript: Turn off no-implicit-any-catch, too much noise (4e1ac62 )
typescript: Turn off react/prop-types in TSX files (6249318 )
typescript: Turn off prefer-readonly-parameter-types, too many bugs for too little benefit (da2306e )
engines: Drop support for Node v8.x (0121df0 )
deps: Upgrade eslint-plugin-jest to ^24.0.2 (dd3462b )
deps: Upgrade eslint-plugin-mocha to ^8.0.0 (127d636 )
deps: Upgrade eslint-plugin-react-hooks to ^4.1.2 (016257b )
deps: eslint-plugin-react@^7.21.2 (b998ea9 )
deps: Remove TypeScript 3 from dependency version range (bd97258 )
deps: Upgrade typescript-eslint dependencies to ^4.2.0 (eaf9bf0 )
peer: Drop support for prettier@1 (64ed709 )
plugin: Migrate deprecated CLIEngine -> ESLint constructor (e8c14e3 )
plugin: Switch typescript target to eslint-config-zillow-typescript (7d18652 )
rules: Enable no-restricted-exports (b9845de )
peer: Support eslint v7 (6f3e765 )
peer: eslint >= 7.4.0 (828ce5a )
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