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Disposable abstract class

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As a decorator

import { disposable } from 'disposable-class';

interface DbConnection {
    close(): void;

class Repository {
    private _conn: DbConnection;

    constructor(conn: DbConnection) {
        this._conn = conn;

    public dispose(): void {
        // with decorator you do not have to call super.dispose();
        // the decorator does it automatically


As a class

import { Disposable } from 'disposable-class';

interface DbConnection {
    close(): void;

class Repository extends Disposable {
    private _conn: DbConnection;

    constructor(conn: DbConnection) {

        this._conn = conn;

    public dispose(): void {
        if (!this.isDisposed()) {
            // important to call in order to mark the class as disposed


Freeing resources

Plain values

import { disposable, free } from 'disposable-class';

class Repository {
    private _data: []; // the property will be dereferenced

    constructor() {
        this._conn = [];


import { disposable, free } from 'disposable-class';

class ResourceA {
    private _data: []; // the property will be dereferenced

    constructor() {
        this._conn = [];

class ResourceB {
    private _data: ResourceA; // 'dispose' will be invoked and the property will be dereferenced

    constructor() {
        this._conn = new ResourceA();

Custom objects

import { disposable, free } from 'disposable-class';

interface DbConnection {
    close(): void;

class Repository {
    // "free" decorator allows you to create an alias for a property
    // by adding information what method must be called to free underlying resource.
    // Optionally, 'check' param can be passed in order to do a check whether the resource needs to be freed.
    // For example, "@free({ call: 'close', check: 'isClosed' })".
    @free({ call: 'close' })
    private _conn: { close: Function };

    constructor(conn: DbConnection) {
        this._conn = conn;

Custom objects 2

import { disposable, free } from 'disposable-class';

interface DbConnection {
    close(): void;
    isClosed(): boolean;

class Repository {
    // You can go wild
        call: (conn: DbConnection) => conn.close(),
        check: (conn: DbConnection) => conn.isClosed(),
    private _conn: DbConnection;

    constructor(conn: DbConnection) {
        this._conn = conn;

Methods protection

import { disposable, free, protect } from 'disposable-class';

class List<T> {
    private _items: T[];

    constructor() {
        this._items = [];

    // Onсe the instance gets disposed
    // All further function calls will be ignored and DisposedError will be thrown
    public add(item: T): void {
        // It's very important to protect methods that use properties that marked as freeable
        // In order to avoid runtime error, because the properties will be derefferenced

Async methods

import { disposable, protect } from 'disposable-class';

class Repository {
    private _conn: DbConnection;

    constructor(conn: DbConnection) {
        this._conn = conn;

    // Once the instance gets disposed
    // All further function calls will return rejected Promise
    @protect({ async: true })
    public async findOne(query: any): void {
        return this._conn.findOne(query);