EXPERIMENTAL: This library should not be used yet. It is broken in a number of ways and serves mainly as a proof-of-concept.
Here's how you can try this out:
Clone this repo and add
to your list of dependencies as a path dependency:def deps do [ {:lib_elixir, path: "path/to/lib_elixir", runtime: false} ] end
config and compiler to your project:def project do [ ..., compilers: [:lib_elixir] Mix.compilers(), lib_elixir: [ namespace: My.Project.LibElixir, ref: "v1.17.2", modules: [Macro, Macro.Env] ] ] end
Use Elixir modules available under the chosen namespace:
alias My.Project.LibElixir.Macro, as: Macro struct(Macro.Env, Map.from_struct(__ENV__)) #=> %My.Project.LibElixir.Macro.Env{...}