Shared library based on wgrib2 executable to read/write GRIB2 files.
For the official distribution of wgrib2, see
This repository is used to build conda package. Original source code (as of 2020-10-27) is not modified.
The difference between the NCEP distribution and library build by conda is external libraries. NCEP distribution contains libaec, jasper, libpng, and optionally libnetcdf which are linked statically. libwgrib2 relies on libraries provided by conda environment.
libwgrib2 is available for Linux and MacOS.
The easiest way to install libwgrib2 and its dependencies is via conda:
$ conda install -c yt87 libwgrib2
To build from source, the top-level makefile should be modified to eliminate static linking of libpng, libjasper and libaec because source for those libraries is not included. It is easier to use the NCEP distibution instead.