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ntHash is a recursive hash function for hashing all possible k-mers in a DNA/RNA sequence.


Support for fast spaced seed hashing has been added to ntHash2. To try it out, check out the README on the development branch. ntHash2 will soon replace ntHash on the master branch.

Build the test suite

$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

To install nttest in a specified directory:

$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/ntHash/
$ make
$ make install

The nttest suite has the options for runtime and uniformity tests.

Runtime test

For the runtime test the program has the following options:

nttest [OPTIONS] ... [FILE]


  • -k, --kmer=SIZE: the length of k-mer used for runtime test hashing [50]
  • -h, --hash=SIZE: the number of generated hashes for each k-mer [1]
  • FILE: is the input fasta or fastq file

For example to evaluate the runtime of different hash methods on the test file reads.fa in DATA/ folder for k-mer length 50, run:

$ nttest -k50 reads.fa 

Uniformity test

For the uniformity test using the Bloom filter data structure the program has the following options:

nttest --uniformity [OPTIONS] ... [REF_FILE] [QUERY_FILE]


  • -q, --qnum=SIZE: number of queries in query file
  • -l, --qlen=SIZE: length of reads in query file
  • -t, --tnum=SIZE: number of sequences in reference file
  • -g, --tlen=SIZE: length of reference sequence
  • -i, --input: generate random query and reference files
  • -j, threads=SIZE: number of threads to run uniformity test [1]
  • REF_FILE: the reference file name
  • QUERY_FILE: the query file name

For example, to evaluate the uniformity of different hash methods using the Bloom filter data structure on randomly generated data sets with following options:

  • 100 genes of length 5,000,000bp as reference in file genes.fa
  • 4,000,000 reads of length 250bp as query in file reads.fa
  • 12 threads


$ nttest --uniformity --input -q4000000 -l250 -t100 -g5000000 -j12 genes.fa reads.fa 

Code samples

To hash all k-mers of length k in a given sequence seq:

    string kmer = seq.substr(0, k);
    uint64_t hVal=0;
    hVal = NTF64(kmer.c_str(), k); // initial hash value
    for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.length() - k; i  ) 
        hVal = NTF64(hVal, seq[i], seq[i k], k); // consecutive hash values

To canonical hash all k-mers of length k in a given sequence seq:

    string kmer = seq.substr(0, k);
    uint64_t hVal, fhVal=0, rhVal=0; // canonical, forward, and reverse-strand hash values
    hVal = NTC64(kmer.c_str(), k, fhVal, rhVal); // initial hash value
    for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.length() - k; i  ) 
        hVal = NTC64(seq[i], seq[i k], k, fhVal, rhVal); // consecutive hash values

To multi-hash with h hash values all k-mers of length k in a given sequence seq:

    string kmer = seq.substr(0, k);
    uint64_t hVec[h];
    NTM64(kmer.c_str(), k, h, hVec); // initial hash vector
    for (size_t i = 0; i < seq.length() - k; i  ) 
        NTM64(seq[i], seq[i k], k, h, hVec); // consecutive hash vectors


Enables ntHash on sequences

To hash all k-mers of length k in a given sequence seq with h hash values using ntHashIterator:

ntHashIterator itr(seq, h, k);			
while (itr != itr.end()) 
 ... use *itr ...

Usage example (C )

Outputing hash values of all k-mers in a sequence

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "ntHashIterator.hpp"

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
	/* test sequence */
	/* k is the k-mer length */
	unsigned k = 70;
	/* h is the number of hashes for each k-mer */
	unsigned h = 1;

	/* init ntHash state and compute hash values for first k-mer */
	ntHashIterator itr(seq, h, k);
	while (itr != itr.end()) {
		std::cout << (*itr)[0] << std::endl;

	return 0;


Hamid Mohamadi, Justin Chu, Benjamin P Vandervalk, and Inanc Birol. ntHash: recursive nucleotide hashing. Bioinformatics (2016) 32 (22): 3492-3494. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw397


This projects uses:

  • CATCH unit test framework for C/C


No packages published


  • C 76.2%
  • C 22.1%
  • M4 1.2%
  • Other 0.5%