Author - [email protected]
- A simple client server model which performs a key exchange using a simplistic Diffie Hellman and then by using the key it performs shift cipher on remaining communication.
- Key is temporary to all sessions.
- Code is written in Python
Multithreaded server which provides login, register and file download features.
$ ./
Client which provides login, register and file download features. It runs a main loop to take user input and provides a mini shell to list and download files on server.
$ ./ [ IP address of server ]
- password.db - Will hold user credentials for backup and loading.
- client.log - maintains a log session for client operations.
- server.log - maintains a log session for server operations.
- crypto.log - maintains a log for all calls to sendSecure and recvSecure
- and - main code.
- uploads/ - This is the directory it creates or checks which will be used to server files.
Performs operations related to all shift operations and provides wrapper for securely send() and write()
- code - automatically detects the type of input and returns code or decoded value.
- ROT - takes k, s, delim which is key, string to shift and delimiter to skip.
- UNROT - takes k, s, delim which is key, string to unshift and delimiter to skip.
- sendSecure - takes a socket, key to call ROT, plaintext and delimiter. Sends encrypted text over this passed socket.
- recvSecure - takes a socket, key to call UNROT, ciphertext and delimiter. Receives encrypted text over this passed socket and returns plaintext.
Takes care of initial key change and appropriate calls to prime module
- randomPrime - returns a random prime
- generateAlpha - takes a prime and returns it primitive root
- genPrivateKey - generates a private key from prime and primitive root.
- genKeyDerivation - derives the session key after parameter exchange.
- initKeyExchg - takes a socket and inits key exchange over it.
- performKeyExchg - takes a socket and performs key exchange over it.
provides utility function for file directory viewing.
- directoryList - returns list of files in serving directory
all forms of packet creation is done via this module
- createLoginRequest - Packet for User registration
- createLoginReply - Packet for User registration
- createAuthRequest - Packet for User Authentication
- createAuthReply- Packet for User Authentication
- createServiceRequest - Packet for Service Request
- createServiceDone - Packet for Service Completion
- packMessage - Trivial serialization
- unpackMessage - Trivial unserialization
provides extremely basic logging capabilities
- minilogger.writer - append or fresh log file operations
interface to password.db file and in memory structure
- isUserExist - test if user already registered.
- adduserpasswordDB - add user to system
- testauthpasswordDB - during authentication perform hash check
- loadPasswordDB - on start of server loads password.db file in memory
- dumpPasswordDB - flushed passwords on to password.db file on each new entry
module to perform all prime number calculcations
- is_prime - test if prime or not
- generate_prime_number - returns a prime number
- generate_prime_candidate - limits the bound for prime number
- prim_root - calculates primitive root of the prime number provided